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« May 2008 »

Global IMC Network

May 13 13:57

'Freedom To Protest' Demonstration, 18th May

A peaceful demonstration is planned to assert our right to freely protest without fear. It will be held at 12pm on the 18th of May at Parliament Square, as a response to the campaign of harassment and intimidation which Lothian and Borders Police is directing at peaceful protsters in Edinburgh. Such repression violates human rights and, if it continues, it will stifle popular participation in civil society. The demonstration is also in solidarity with the dozens of working class people who are oppressed by the Edinburgh 'justice' system every day.


[Clown Army Arrested | 2 ]  [Scotland Against Criminalising Communities]

May 09 09:36

Barbaric Dawn Raids Continue in Glasgow

A South African woman and her six year old son, Zodwa Ethel Mbali and Ameldo, were detained in their home yesterday morning in Linkwood Avenue in Drumchapel.
May 07 17:43

St Andrews: Students Ditch Houses for Tents

Protesters assemble in St Mary'sq Quad

MAY 2ND: Students from the University of St Andrews have been camping in tents to promote a demonstration in which around 150 students from the University of St. Andrews gathered to protest the closure of Fife Park, one of the University's two budget halls.

May 03 16:38

Glasgow May Day

This year's illegal street party was enjoyable: there was food, dancing, groovy tunes, and the police were not as heavy or annoying as last year. Members of the public got involved, in a very entertaining and inclusive event. After a few hours of fun, there was a march through town to Kelvingrove Park. There were stalls from Glasgow's new anarchist group, Industrial Workers of the World and the Unity Centre.

Photos: 1 | 23 | 4 | Quicktime video (5MB)

Articles: The full 2008 Report | Announcement | May Day 2007 | Post-May Day Meeting

Links: Glasgow Anarchists | Unity Centre | IWW Scotland

Apr 29 00:35

Grangemouth Workers Strike

Sunday saw the start of strike action by workers at the Grangemouth oil refinery in response to a bosses' assault on pensions. Ineos, owners of the plant, have also been pressuring the Union to abandon the NAECI pay agreement, in a general attack on pay and conditions.

[ Grangemouth Workers Strike | Analysis: Grangemouth Billionare holds UK to Ransom ]

May 04 14:47

Get involved in Indymedia Scotland!

Indymedia Scotland has a participatory structure, and would love your involvement!

If you have any suggestions, criticism or ideas for the improvement of the website or the newspaper you are very welcome to come to the regular monthly meetings, or join our discussion list.

Apr 28 13:28

Grangemouth Billionaire Holds UK to Ransom

The strike action at Grangemouth has prompted lots of stories about "fuel panic" and shortages. A look at the company who own the refinery makes it clear that they know what they are doing. The economics of Grangemouth are sound: they want to break the union.

Feb 21 18:57

Preliminary Interview with Anti-G8 Japanese Infotour

This is a preliminary interview with the Japanese radicals on the 2008 anti-G8 infotour. It hopes to elucidate why they are coming to Edinburgh and the relationship between the 2005 in Scotland and 2008 G8 protest in Japan.

Info-tour visits Edinburgh 25th Feb


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