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Santa Cruz Indymedia - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area
Mission Street \ Two experienced cyclists have been killed on Mission Street in Santa Cruz in the last year. According to People Power, Santa Cruz County's advocate for human-powered transportation, both of these deaths could have been avoided had the City designed the street six years ago with bike lanes. People Power also asserts that both deaths could have been avoided if the cyclists had felt safe riding in the middle of the right hand lane.

According to California Vehicle Code Section 21202, cyclists may use the full right lane when the lane "is too narrow for a bicycle to safely ride to the side of a motor vehicle." Two deaths occurred while cyclists were riding along the curb.

On Tuesday, May 13th, bicyclists will converge at the Santa Cruz Clock Tower at 6pm for a group ride taking up the right lane of Mission Street, and eventually ending at the City Council meeting to ask that "BIKE MAY USE FULL LANE" signs be posted on Mission Street. Read More

Santa Cruz Bicyclist Christopher Rock Killed at Intersection of Bay and Mission (4/8/08) || Cyclist killed by truck at Mission and Bay in Santa Cruz (8/7/07)

Cyclists Allowed (Use of Full Lane) || 21st Annual Santa Cruz County Bike Week: May 10 – 17 || The Ride of Silence on May 21
60 Year Old Homeless Woman Says Police Broke Her Arm Robert Norse writes, "Donna Deiss called in last night to report that yesterday (May 9th) around 5pm, Officer La Moss (Badge #114) assaulted her, broke her arm, and then put her in handcuffs when he attempted to question her at "Three Tree Lot" near Lighthouse Field. Deiss was taken to the Watsonville hospital, where she waited hours for x-rays, which confirmed her arm was broken. Deiss reported the following to me in a phone message last night and an e-mail this morning:

"She was talking with friends yesterday on Westcliffe Drive near her RV. An undercover police officer, whom she later identified as Officer La Moss, arrived in a black unmarked car and said he wanted to talk to her and others in the group. She read La Moss a statement from the ACLU about the rights of community members vis a vis the police and walked to her RV.

"The cop followed her. She got in and tried to close the door. Le Moss, not saying she was under arrest or detained, reached in and grabbed her right arm, pinching the skin as he twisted it behind her back, breaking it. She screamed her arm was broken, but his response was to call for backup. 4 more police cars arrived. She continued screaming for 911 and finally paramedics showed up." Read More

see related stories: Harassment of Homeless in RVs, a Letter from Donna Deiss || Superintendant Hammack Stonewalls on RV Ban in Coastal Parking Lots || Coastal Access Denied to Motorhomes and Trailers in Santa Cruz || Struggling on the Street
Indynewswire: 5.9.08 Kathy Redmond on the De Anza Rape Case danielsan writes, "This news show airs weekly on Freak Radio, Friday mornings 10-12 noon, broadcasting news and opinion from independent media worldwide, focused on indymedia sites but also drawing from other websites. On the 5.9.08 indynewswire:

"An interview with Katherine Redmond of the National Coalition Against Violent Athletes (NCAVA) on the De Anza Rape Case, closed last week by the CA attorney General Jerry Brown's office, citing lack of evidence. An extremely disturbing case, and an even more disturbing response from the Santa Clara County DA and the state AG. More than a year later, Katherine Redmond discusses this and other cases nationwide.

"Lakeside Organics: yes, local and organic, but labor exploitative. Detention Centers are the new Indian Schools. Eric McDavid was sentenced to nearly 20 years. A look at the calendar: today is John Brown's 208th Birthday! Celebrate with a weekend of direct action." imc_audio.gifRead More and Listen to Audio
Unconventional Action Santa Cruz to Host Direct Action Training on May 10 Unconventional Action Santa Cruz writes, "Continued wars, housing foreclosures and ecological crises have proven that neither docile street marches nor electoral campaigns will solve the problems plaguing our daily lives. We can only have leverage over our rulers by showing our own power, and we must back our demands by demonstrating that we can interfere with their business as effectively as they interfere with our lives.

"Santa Cruz! People are gathering at Zami Co-op on Saturday, May 10th for an exciting chance to develop skills and social bonds for direct action of all kinds. This will be an opportunity for people to deepen their local connections and strategize for a variety of campaigns, including this summer’s Democratic and Republican National Conventions.

"Workshops include: Medic Training, Affinity Groups, Self-Defense, Knowing your Rights, and Tricks n Tools of Direct Action. We will also be practicing our new found skills on Sunday, location TBA." imc_pdf.gifGet the Flyer

Unconventional Action | DNC Disruption 08 | RNC Welcoming Committee
Tree-Sit 6 Month Anniversary Celebration on May 7th May 7th marks the 6th month anniversary of the tree-sit on Science Hill at UC Santa Cruz, and of the two-month ground occupation which was born in torn fencing and broken police lines. The tree-sit has been a continuous act of resistance against the University's expansion plans, including a Biomedical Sciences Facility at the site of the tree-sit and the development of over 120 acres of Upper Campus' redwood and chaparral.

Supporters of the tree-sit say, "May 7th will be just another day of routine, unless you act on your own initiative to make something happen. If you consider the tree-sit worthy of celebration, do something to celebrate--other people can't celebrate for you. Any time during the day is good to stop by, say hi, send food up."

There will be a gathering at 8pm underneath the tree-sit for an open-ended collective celebration. People are encouraged to bring food to share, candles for lighting, games to play, music, ideas... imc_photo.gifRead More and View Photos

previous coverage: Standoff with Police as Activists Occupy Redwoods to Oppose UCSC Expansion (11/7/07) || Santa Cruz Community Supports Tree-sitters (11/16/07) || Winter Break at the UCSC Tree-sit (12/19/07) || Police Attack Cop Watcher at Science Hill Tree-sit (1/10/08) || Judge Rules that University Violated First Amendment Rights (3/10/08) || Interview with Owl, a Tree-Sitter at the Science Hill Tree-Sit (3/20/08)
Oaxacan Perspectives on the Binational Struggles of Mexican Indigenous Migrant Communities On April 24th and 25th, Centolia Maldonado Vasquez and Bernardo Ramirez Bautista, Oaxaca-based members of the Binational Front of Indigenous Organizations, gave presentations in Greenfield and at UC Santa Cruz on indigenous Mexican migration to the U.S. and its impact in the communities of origin, the current political situation in Oaxaca, the role of women in the movement for social justice in Oaxaca, and current challenges of indigenous governing community institutions in Oaxaca.

The mission of the Binational Front of Indigenous Organizations (FIOB - Frente Indigena de Organizaciones Binacionales) is to contribute in the development and self-determination of migrant and non-migrant indigenous communities, as well as to struggle for the defense of human rights with justice and gender equity at the binational level. imc_audio.gifimc_photo.gifRead More with Audio and Photos
Santa Cruz Film Festival VII: The BIG Picture The Santa Cruz Film Festival welcomes independent filmmakers, musicians, and artists to Santa Cruz for a 9-day celebration of film and culture May 9-17. The Santa Cruz Film Festival is a growing international festival that fosters cross cultural exchange by screening independent films and producing multi-disciplined art events throughout the year.

This year's films stir the soul and contemplate the BIG picture, from war and oil to the meaning of life. The Festival kicks-off May 9th at the Del Mar Theatre with "One Fast Move or I'm Gone: Jack Kerouac's Big Sur." The film explores Kerouac's final and critically praised book Big Sur with the family of fellow beat-ster Neal Cassady. Other films in this year's festival include Les Paul--Chasing Sound, Programming the Nation?, Ripple Effect, Fields of Fuel and 140 other films that consider The BIG Picture. Read More
Animals Confiscated from Watsonville Slaughterhouse Find Refuge at California Sanctuaries Farm Sanctuary, which operates the largest rescue and refuge network for farm animals in North America, and Animal Place, a nonprofit sanctuary for abused and discarded farmed animals, have responded to a call from Santa Cruz Animal Services and are coming to the aid of 14 neglected animals confiscated from a Watsonville slaughterhouse on May 1st.

The rescued animals—12 goats, one cow and one sheep—were discovered at the Lee Road slaughter facility on May 1st by Todd Stosuy of Santa Cruz Animal Services, when he noticed a cow with a bloody horn from the road and initiated an investigation. Stosuy said that in addition to the injured cow, he found 12 very ill, malnourished goats with overgrown, rotted hoofs, as well as several other animals who would have perished if he had not intervened. Upon returning to the facility on May 3rd, Stosuy seized eight more goats and another sheep whose health had deteriorated since his last visit; the sanctuaries and Animal Services are arranging placement of these animals. According to Stosuy, all of the rescued animals were either acquired by the owner at auction or raised on the property and were to be hand-picked by and slaughtered for local customers. Read More

Farm Sanctuary | Animal Place | Californians for Humane Farms |
Thirty-eight years ago, on May 4, 2008, at Ohio’s Kent State University, the National Guard opened fire on students protesting the US war in Vietnam. The students were shot from distances of 275 to 400 feet, giving lie to claims that the students posed a threat to the Guardsmen. Four students were murdered and nine were injured. Nobody ever did time for those murders.

Before May 4, 1970, an anti-war movement had been building in the United States. The American people were increasingly impatient with the war, and an active anti-war movement helped build that kind of consciousness. People wanted an end to the war and Nixon kept promising a “light at the end of the tunnel.” On April 30, 1970, Nixon announced the invasion of Cambodia. This was the opposite of what people wanted to hear. Protests erupted on campuses that had not had them in the past, like Kent State. For many, the cold blooded murder of students at Kent State and murders of students soon after at Jackson State, were the final straw. Read More
May Day 2008 Actions in Santa Cruz and Watsonville The Movement for Immigrant Rights Alliance (M.I.R.A.) is a coalition of UC Santa Cruz students, community members, and diverse organizations working together to build a unified voice for people with migrant backgrounds, particularly those labeled undocumented. M.I.R.A. aims to raise public awareness about the rights and living conditions of immigrants who are continuously attacked and dehumanized by corporate media and public policy. Through dialogue, action, and reflection, M.I.R.A. strives to create a movement for human rights that transcends man-made borders.

M.I.R.A. called for a rally at UCSC and march to Santa Cruz on May 1st, May Day, to demand the DREAM Act be passed in the U.S., a stop to ICE raids, the construction of a day laborer center in Santa Cruz, a fair contract for AFSCME workers and an end to the militarization of borders. imc_photo.gifPhotos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | imc_video.gifVideo

Hundreds of families, students and workers participated in May Day activities in Watsonville which included free legal consultations, a rally in the plaza with speakers, musicians, face painting and a brinkolin (jump house) for kids. Homemade signs stated, human rights start with immigrants, legalization now, end the war, we are not criminals, fuck Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), let's help people!, yes we can, and asked the fundamental question, "Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?" imc_photo.gifPhotos: 1 | 2

see also: May Day attack on santa cruz McDonald's | May Day, 420, & the Election - An Editorial | ATMs Attacked In Solidarity With Olympia Rioters
Mon Apr 21 2008 (Updated 05/05/08) 7th Annual Reel Work May Day Labor Film Festival
\ The 7th Annual Reel Work May Day Labor Film Festival features events running from April 25 through May 11 in Santa Cruz, Monterey, Watsonville, and Santa Clara County. This year’s Reel Work is celebrating International Workers’ Day (May 1) with music, films, dramatic performances, slam poetry, and conversations with documentary film makers, immigrant activists and union organizers about the past, present, and future of the labor movement. Reel Work is using the 7th annual festival to encourage Central Coast residents to learn about the origins of May Day and to participate in the immigrant rights movement.

Reel Work brings together award-winning documentary film producers/workers/activists/students and the public to discuss economic and global justice issues and to bring alive the history and culture of the labor movement in the US and abroad. Reel Work inspires participants to join in the struggle for worker rights locally, nationally and globally and to promote social justice activism and international solidarity. Read More

Schedule | Update | imc_audio.gifInterview about the Festival | imc_audio.gifJill Friedberg update on Oaxaca | 4/25: A Little Bit of So Much Truth | 4/26: Made in LA | 4/28: 911: Dust and Deceit | 4/29: 5 Factories | imc_photo.gif5/3: Reel Work for the Environment
All Charges dropped against Jason Paschal On July 15th, 2007, a man on a bicycle came up to street artist, Jason Paschal's protest table near O'Neill's Surf Shop on Pacific Avenue, said “O'Neill's been here longer than you have. Get the fuck out of Santa Cruz, Nigger!” and spat in his face. Paschal briefly pursued the man on foot, before placing a 911 call to report the assault. Police arrived and arrested Paschal instead. Nine months later, in Commissioner Stephen Siegel's court, all charges against Paschal were dropped. Read More

Jason Paschal comments, "Indymedia is doing this community a public service by publishing that a local judge was removed from my case for making an illegal ruling that violates California law. Do you think it should be kept quiet? Do you think that it should be swept under the rug that a Superior Court Judge, Tom Kelly, was sanctioned and had my case removed from his docket for making an unconstitutional decision?" Read More
UCSC Reunion Luncheon Interrupted to Demand Fair Wages for Campus Workers The All-Alumni Reunion Luncheon held in the College 9/10 multipurpose room at UC Santa Cruz on April 26th was interrupted when students marched in demanding fair contracts for UCSC's underpaid service workers. The luncheon was part of the annual UCSC Reunion Weekend where alumni were invited back to campus to "learn how innovation is going global, sip wine, tour new facilities on campus, explore the "unnatural" history of UCSC, and more..." The brief interruption was widely supported by alumni who clapped, smiled, listened, and took souvenir photos as students passed out flyers, chanted and spoke on stage to inform alumni about the contract campaign for UC service workers.

Since August the UC and the service workers' union, AFSCME Local 3299, have been negotiating a new three-year contract. These negotiations present an important opportunity for workers to receive more recognition for their hard work. While George Blumenthal and other UC executives have declared their support for labor, little has been done to meet the demands of the workers. imc_photo.gifRead More and View Photos | More Photos

David Sackman comments, "I opened the door. I was the alumnus who opened the door, letting in the protestors supporting the University workers. To answer a previous post: No, it was not planned that way. I have no idea how the organizers of the protest planned it. I just know that I found myself on the wrong side of a picket line. To someone who has been involved in the labor movement since I attended UCSC myself, this was intolerable. So I opened the door, and invited my guests in." Read More

previous actions: Student and Worker Solidarity Kicks Off School Year at UCSC (September 27th, 2007) || UC Workers and Students Picket in Support of AFSCME's Contract Fight (December 6th, 2007) || UCSC Workers Offer New Year Resolutions To Shape Up UC (January 31st, 2008) || Students and Workers Block Road at UCSC to Protest Poverty Wages (February 28th, 2008) || Prospective Students of Color Visit UCSC and Demand a Fair Contract for Workers (April 11th, 2008)
iCal feed From the Calendar:
6:30AM Thursday May 15 Santa Cruz Bike to Work/School Day
9AM Saturday May 17 4th Annual Rail and Trail Day
11AM Saturday May 17 River Arts Festival
7PM Wednesday May 21 The Ride Of Silence
7:30PM Friday May 23 Earthlings Film Screening
8PM Friday May 30 Earthlings Film Screening
8PM Saturday May 31 The Story of Rachel Corrie
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Free Food and Music at the River Arts Festival (5/18) Santa Cruz Trash Orchestra
Monday May 12th 9:42 PM
Santa Cruz Tree-Sit, Call for Upstairs Guests SC Ground Support
Monday May 12th 7:45 PM
60 Year Old Homeless Wolman Says Police Broke Her Arm Robert Norse (20 comments)
Saturday May 10th 9:50 AM
No Spray Forces Converge In SF For Town Hall Meeting Michael Steinberg (1 comment)
Friday May 9th 2:48 PM
21st Annual Santa Cruz County Bike Week: May 10 – 17, 2008 biker (1 comment)
Thursday May 8th 9:05 PM
Cyclists Allowed (Use of Full Lane) via People Power (8 comments)
Thursday May 8th 7:58 PM
Speak up for student privacy rights, AB 2994 limits military access to student records Monterey Youth Rights Project
Wednesday May 7th 2:38 PM
Support PVUSD Schools, Teachers and Students pupil
Wednesday May 7th 1:35 PM
ATMs Attacked In Solidarity With Olympia Rioters Everybody. (4 comments)
Tuesday May 6th 5:58 PM
Tree-Sit 6 Month Anniversary on May 7th Douglas Fir (11 comments)
Tuesday May 6th 5:41 PM
May Day March from UCSC to San Lorenzo/Beach Flats David (1 comment)
Monday May 5th 7:28 PM
May Day Rally at UCSC David
Monday May 5th 7:00 PM
First Alarm cheats workers! & County Cheated Employees (3 comments)
Monday May 5th 3:48 PM
Animals Confiscated from Slaughterhouse Find Refuge at California Sanctuaries Farm Sanctuary/Animal Place (2 comments)
Monday May 5th 2:35 PM
Fish Swim In Water, Not Promises! Dan Bacher
Monday May 5th 9:31 AM
More Local News...
Portland City Hall Homeless Protest pdx-imc repost (tolstoy)
Monday May 12th 2:38 PM
Take Hold! University at UCLA May 12 - 16 Take Hold!
Friday May 9th 6:15 PM
Remembering John Brown on His 208th Birthday ntuit
Friday May 9th 12:56 AM
Olympic Games Burma in chains - All parts
Wednesday May 7th 2:45 PM
The day the music died dive into mark (repost)
Wednesday May 7th 2:32 PM
On This Anniversary of the Kent State Massacre STEVEN ARGUE (3 comments)
Monday May 5th 6:24 PM
April 15th, 2008 Prison Dispatch from Jeffrey Free Luers Jeffrey Free Luers
Wednesday Apr 30th 1:35 PM
Tuesday Apr 29th 2:46 AM
Shouted out Loud and Painted on the Ground Amig@s de Mumia, MX (2 comments)
Monday Apr 21st 7:30 PM
Entre pintas y gritos: ¡Libertad Libertad para Mumia Abu-Jamal! Amig@s de Mumia, Mx
Monday Apr 21st 7:26 PM
Mayor Villaraigosa admits he failed Los Angeles' animals Not An Animal Activist (4 comments)
Monday Apr 21st 5:25 PM
Sunday Apr 20th 1:56 PM
Free to be freed (sooner than later) Daniel (repost)
Sunday Apr 20th 11:35 AM
April 2008 Newsletter from nazca
Thursday Apr 17th 11:25 AM
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Tuesday May 13th 2:21 AM
Grateful Dead Archives Given to UCSC Ginny Steel (ucsc repost) (1 comment)
Thursday Apr 24th 10:01 AM
Sentinel Article-Bicyclist killed at intersection of Mission and Bay Sentinel Staff (1 comment)
Tuesday Apr 8th 2:22 PM
The Work of Byron Katie at Gateways Books and Gifts, May 2008 Carol L. Skolnick
Monday Apr 7th 10:06 PM
The carnage continues Antipathy
Monday Apr 7th 4:42 PM
PoP dEFECT RADIO: Racism Vol1 Skidmark Bob (1 comment)
Sunday Apr 6th 11:35 AM
Stranger Than Science Fiction Drew Lewis (1 comment)
Saturday Mar 29th 8:48 PM
Probe into Santa Cruz animal rights attack stalls; UCSC officials hope for arrests san jose mercury news (2 comments)
Wednesday Mar 26th 6:24 PM
PARAGUAY. Escalada de violencia machista Luis Agüero Wagner
Wednesday Mar 26th 1:41 AM
4,000 Dead US Troops in Iraq Jade Bunny
Sunday Mar 23rd 8:39 PM
A Native American's Last Testament: Opera NATIVOBSERVER.ORG
Saturday Mar 22nd 6:13 PM
Monning wins key endorsement Scott Kennedy (2 comments)
Saturday Mar 22nd 4:08 PM
Friday Mar 21st 12:04 PM
PoP dEFECT RADIO: Western World Blues Skidmarkbob
Tuesday Mar 11th 7:56 AM
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