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Strategic Workshops - Shaping future EU-NSF collaborations in Information Technologies

Workshops | Background Info | Steering Committe | Strategic Review Committee Document Repository
(restricted access)
Topics suggested by the scientific community | EU-NSF collaborations suported by the EC

Workshop Date  Report
Unconventional Programming Paradigms 15-17 September 2004, Mont Saint-Michel, France Cover UPP Final report in pdf
Software-Intensive Systems 22 - 23 May 2004, Edinburg, Scotland Cover SIS Final report in pdf
The Disappearing Computer 23-24 April 2004,
Vienna, Austria
Cover The Disappearing Computer Final report in pdf

FET - Proactive Initiative The Disappearing Computer II

Interdependencies 23-24 September 2002, Washington, USA Interdep-Cover Final report in pdf
Digital Human Ontologies 25-26 July 2002,
Bethesda, USA
MMS-Cover Final report in pdf

Slides presented at the workshop

for Mobile Systems
1-2 July 2002,
Vienna, Austria
MMS-Cover Final report in pdf
To order a paper copy,
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R&D Strategy for a Dependable Information Society

1-2 December 2001 DIS-Cover Final report in pdf.
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Semantic Web 3-5 October 2001 Semantic Web Cover Final report in pdf.
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Slides presented at the workshop

Future Information Processing Technologies 3-6 September 2001 IWFIPT Cover Final report in pdf.
To order a paper copy,
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Bionics - Bio-inspired information technologies 19-21. June 2001 Cover Bionics Final report in pdf.
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The European Commission (Programme IST-FET) and the US National Science Foundation (CISE-NSF division) have initiated a series of strategic research workshops to identify key research challenges and opportunities in Information Technology. On the European side, ERCIM solicited ideas for high-level workshops from the European IT scientific community. Based on the over 350 suggested topics, the Strategic Workshop Review Committee selected the areas for joint research initiatives according to the following criteria:

For further information, please contact:
Rémi Ronchaud, ERCIM office
Tel: +33 4 92 38 50 12