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Third Interlink-Workshop on Ambient Computing and Communication Environments
Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
18-20 June 2008

Mita Campus Organizers:

  • Dr. Dr. Norbert Streitz
    (Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany)
  • Dr. Reiner Wichert
    (Fraunhofer IGD, Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Adrian Cheok
    (Keio University, Japan)

Description of Thematic Area:

The InterLink Working Group 2 “Ambient Computing and Communication Environments” is concerned with identifying new challenges, developing a research agenda for future work and facilitating international collaboration in the thematic area briefly characterized as follows.
The evolution towards a future information and knowledge society is characterized by the development of personalized individual, as well as collective, services that exploit new qualities of infrastructures situated in smart environments and based on a range of ubiquitous and pervasive communication networks providing ambient computing at multiple levels.

Description of Workshop Content and Goals

The goal of the third workshop is to bring together experts in order to create a “white paper” identifying deficits and proposing a research agenda for future work. This workshop is a follow-up to two previous workshops held in 2007 in France and Germany. In these workshops, it was agreed by the invited experts that especially the following two areas need special attention:

  • The concept of socially aware ambient intelligence and means for its realization
  • The conflict of data provision vs. control and human attention involving the resulting issues of privacy, trust, identity, etc.

The goal of the third workshop is now to develop a “white paper” starting with these main issues. They determine the focus but the discussion will be open to include other relevant issues that need special attention. The purpose of the “white paper” is to be used as input to funding agencies, e.g., the European Commission, when defining their next research programs. Furthermore, it is planned to create a journal version of it to be published in a scientific journal.
