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Defend Aamer Anwar

Aamer Anwar wins court battle

Three judges sitting at Edinburgh High Court ruled on 1 July that human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar DID NOT commit contempt of court in statements he made following the conviction of his client, Mohammed Atif Siddique, on "terrorism" charges last September.

SACC welcomes Anwar judgement - SACC welcomes Aamer Anwar's victory in his contempt of court case and accuses Lord Carloway - the judge in the Siddique trial - of misusing the law of contempt. (SACC Press Release, 1 July)

Judicial Sour Grapes? - "these judicial comments sound very much like sour grapes." - Editorial in The Scotsman, 2 July

Statement from Aamer Anwar read outside the High Court in Edinburgh after the judgement.

Lawyers, public figures, community leaders and concerned citizens have put their names to an open letter supporting Aamer Anwar, published as an advertisement (pdf) in The Sunday Herald on 27 April 2008.

View the signatures to the Open Letter

Defend Aamer Anwar- campaign news

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riot police on Whitehall

Police attack Stop the War Demo

The ban on the demonstration down Whitehall to protest the visit of war criminal George Bush (15 June) was enforced with violence by the Metropolitan police. Two protestors were hospitalised by baton wielding police. Prominent supporters of Stop the War Coalition condemned police violence.

"Our civil liberties are becoming another casualty of the 'war on terror'. I was born in a dictatorship and look with great concern at recent erosions of our liberties. At the demonstration today all I wanted to do with others was to peacefully deliver my letter to the Prime Minister. I was prevented from doing so and instead witnessed brutality towards the demonstrators."
Bianca Jagger

Anti-Bush protesters hospitalised

42 days - Still fighting back

Gordon Brown has brought the Labour Party and the British Parliament into disrepute by using of bribery and threats to win a hairsbreadth majority for the extension to 42 days detention without charge for terrorist suspects - a measure that almost nobody sincerely supports.

42 day detention is likely to be rejected by the House of Lords and sent back to the Commons for MPs to think again. Please tell your MP that you expect them to vote against it when they next get a chance. The absurdity of the measure - which not even the police want - is now exposed for all to see. There is no reason for any MP to support the plan. There is only one way for Brown to get out of this. He should withdraw the Counter Terrorism Bill.

Sign the e-petition to the Prime Minister calling on him to abandon the Counter-Terrorism Bill

How did your MP vote?

Civil Liberties high on the Agenda after Davis's byelection victory

rendition plane

Keep Torture Flights Out of Scotland

The CIA acknowledged recently that the rendition programme will continue. According to the most recent official figures, the United States is currently holding 27,000 secret prisoners around the world. Many prisoners are being held in Iraq and, according to lawyer Clive Stafford Smith, the the US is bringing people into Iraq from elsewhere to hold them there.

Scottish airports are still wide open to flights providing illegal support for secret detention and torture. In the past they have provided crucial support for illegal renditions. SACC has evidence (eg Rendition plane lands at Glasgow ) that several aircraft suspected of links to the CIA's rendition programme have landed in Scotland in the past year. The Scottish Parliament must take action to make keep torturers and their accomplices out of Scotland.

It was presented to Bill Wilson MSP at a meeting in the Scottish Parliament on 25 June and will be passed to Kenny MacAskill, the Cabinet Secretary for Justice in the Scottish Government
View the petition to keep torture flights out of Scotland

Know Your Rights

Do YOU know YOUR rights?

Rights Briefing from SACC

Interview with a detainee

Hussain Al-Samamra is a Paletinian from Jordan who came to Britain as an asylum-seeker. Now the British government wants to deport him as a "threat to national security." Although he has not been charged with any crime, he is being held pending deportation in Long Lartin Prison, Worcestershire. He says:

Britain's system of Justice is worse than Jordan's because at least in Jordan they don't hide their injustice behind farcical court proceedings and difficult vocabulary. At least the Jordanians are not snakes.
Read the interview

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Background and Comment

Judicial Sour Grapes?

by The Scotsman, 02 July 2008
Yesterday, the High Court in Edinburgh rightly cleared Mr Anwar of contempt. However, the judges were not content to vindicate Mr Anwar's right to free...

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30 June 2008
Turkey's judges are being asked to ban the country's ruling party and its leading politicians. If they want to save democracy they will refuse....

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by Mohammad Naveen Asif, 19 June 2008
One hundred and six British lives lost in Afghanistan - a grim milestone that will lead many in Britain to ask: is the mission worth...

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Creating Suspects

The "War on Terror" promotes a racist culture of suspicion towards migrant and Muslim communities. It generates and manipulates public fears to justify a perpetual state of war. It started long before the 11th September attacks

Ordinary criminal law provides more than adequate powers for the police to protect the public, but that law is not adequate for the anti-democratic 'war on terror'.

We are meant to distrust others and to accept new state powers as our benign protector. Attacks on civil liberties are not simply a means but also a fundamental purpose of this 'war on terror'...
Creating Suspects

About SACC

SACC - Scotland Against Criminalising Communities - is a grassroots group that campaigns against Britain's anti-terrorism acts and offers solidarity to the communities most affected by them. SACC is affiliated to the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities, to the Stop the War Coalition and to the UK's National Guantanamo Coalition.

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Repeal the terrorism Acts! Defend our civil liberties
Stand up for Human Rights