Website & Corporate Logo Mashups

posted by Scott Beale on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008



Streeter Seidell and Amir Blumenfeld recently created a series amusing Truth In Website Logos for College Humor.



Mario Amaya created some interesting corporate logo mashups “Just For Fun”.

images via College Humor & Mario Amaya

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filed under: General

The Walking Beast, A Giant Robot Spider

posted by Scott Beale on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

MoltenSteelMan created “The Walking Beast”, an amazing giant robot spider that walks around on eight legs. Here’s a video of it in action at Burning Man 2007.

The machine is powered by a 454 cubic inch chevy V-8 married to a modified TH400 trans coupled to two klune extreme under drive planetary gear boxes, uses a rockwell 2 1/2 ton military axle to supply power to the leg crank shafts, The final drive ratio is 125:1. The legs are supported on a 4 link system and uses 56 pivot points and 114 bearings. I am currently working on the hydraulics for the elevator. the elevator is used to get passengers to the top of the machine and doubles as a cornering device, it will have a pivot pad on the bottom that will lift one side of the machine to allow it to walk in a circle.

See Also: Mondo Spider, An Amazing 8 Leg Robotic Walking Machine

via SuicideBots

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filed under: Robots, Video

World of Warcraft Video of The Beatles’ “I’m Only Sleeping”

posted by Scott Beale on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Olibith created a really cool music video of The Beatles’ song “I’m Only Sleeping” using machinima from World of Warcraft.

via Nick Douglas

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filed under: Games, Music, Video

The Making of the Logo For Phil Bronstein’s New Blog

posted by Scott Beale on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Don Asmussen, who draws the “Bad Reporter” comic for the San Francisco Chronicle, explains in great detail his process for creating a blog logo for “Bronstein At Large”, the new blog of the Chronicle’s former editor Phil Bronstein. Here’s the final product:

Bronstein At Large

illustration by Don Asmussen

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filed under: Humor, San Francisco, Video

Comic Book & Cartoon Characters as Senior Citizens

posted by Scott Beale on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008


Donald Soffritti has a great series of illustrations showing what some superheroes and supervillains might look like in their old age.

Looking Good

Along these same lines, Spirit Magazine, the inflight magazine for Southwest Airlines, recently published an article on Nickelodeon which includes a wonderful illustration of some popular cartoon and comics characters as senior citizens.

via Neatorama & Cartoon Brew

illustration by Donald Soffritti & unknown

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filed under: Art, Comics, General

Stephen Colbert Makes Fun of Bill O’Reilly Outburst

posted by Scott Beale on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

A video of a younger Bill O’Reilly freaking out off camera on Inside Edition in the early 1990’s has been making its way around the internets this week.

Last night on The Colbert Report, Stephen had a hilarious tribute to Bill’s outburst.

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filed under: Humor, Video

San Francisco Proposal For George W Bush Sewage Plant

posted by Scott Beale on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

George W Bush Sewage Plant

The Presidential Memorial Commission is a group of San Francisco citizens, including ex-mayoral candidate Chicken John, who are submitting an ordinance initiative for the ballot in the November election in San Francisco to change the name of the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant to “George W Bush Sewage Plant”. Chicken is currently leading a signature drive in order to get the 15,000 signatures of registered voters required for the petition to add this to the ballot.

Here’s what Chicken sent to his mailing list yesterday:

OK. So today you get to live in the City of Art and Innovation. And by being a good citizen of San Francisco, I implore you to take action.

We have a ballot initiative that you will be able to vote on come November 2008.

We have put forth the following question to all San Fraciscans:

“Should the city and county of San Francisco reanme the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant the George W. Bush Sewage Plant?

If we’re lucky, it’ll be Proposition H.

Go here:

Presidential Memorial Commission Signature Drive is now in full swing. Like 15,000 signatures are needed to make this happen. That’s 15,000 signatures of San Francisco residents who both live somewhere and are registered to vote AND know the address of where they are registered to vote and can remember how to sign their names because the Election Commission checks each and every signature.


I need all of you (who live somewhere and are registered to vote) to sign. But that’s not enough. I need all of you (that’s ALL of you) to activate. I need a bunch of you to commit to collecting 50 signatures. It’s easy. In the next month you get 50 people you know to sign a ballot initiative form that takes 20 seconds. You know 50 people. Easy. Your work, your roomates, that party you’re going to… in no time at all you’ll be a functioning citizen of the City of Art and Innovation.

Write me an email, I’ll mail you a canvassers button and email you the PDF forms. Easy. But ya hafta do it.

After running for mayor, I can assure you this is a much better way to spend your time activating to local politics. And since we are not collecting a dime, the ethics commission can’t toy with us.

Just write me an email and tell me you wanna help get some signatures together. We’ve got like 1,200 so far. But likely 50% of them will be rejected.

This from the accurate and astute Fox News Network:

Virginia-born activist and ordained minister John Rinaldi, a co-sponsor of the petition who ran unsuccessfully for mayor last year under his nickname “Chicken John,” said the initiative would turn “every toilet in San Francisco into basically a shrine for George W. Bush and all his great achievements in his eight years as our commander in chief.”

Rinaldi — flush with pride about the idea — said renaming the plant is “the highest honor available to us.”

May the shitstorm begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chicken John
San Francisco, California
chickenjohn AT chickenjohn DOT com

More Coverage:

- Fox News
- Jackson West
- Curbed SF
- Huffington Post
- SFist

image via Jackson West

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filed under: San Francisco

ReadAir, A Google Reader Desktop Client Built on Adobe Air

posted by Scott Beale on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008


ReadAir is a really nice Google Reader desktop client for both Mac and Windows built on Adobe Air. Here’s more on ReadAir from dailyApps and Download Squad.

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filed under: Apps, Google

Jeopardy 1999 on Saturday Night Live (1979)

posted by Scott Beale on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

“Jeopardy 1999″, a Saturday Night Live sketch from 1979.

via Paleo-Future

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filed under: Humor, Television, Video

The Day There Was No News

posted by Scott Beale on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

This just in…absolutely nothing. Imagine, if you will, a day without news.

Jason Arber created a thought provoking video of “The Day There Was No News”.

Adam Buxton created a similar “No News” video in early 2007.

Both of these videos do well to illustrate the old saying “no news, is good news”.

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filed under: General, Video

Mallow Pizza & Other Candy Food Made of Marshmallow

posted by Scott Beale on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Mallow Pizza

A few weeks back during Simone’s birthday party, William showed up with a bizarre confection, a giant size Mallow Pizza made by Kandy Kastle, which they advertise as a “Great Tasting Marshmallow Pizza” and an “All American ‘Fun’ Pizza”.

I’m not sure how it tastes, maybe William will provide us with a review.

Mallow Pizza

In fact there is a whole line of “Mallow” food, including a Mallow Hot Dog and Mallow Fries, both of which come with Strawberry Ketchup. There is also a Mallow Burger.

Mallow Fries

Mallow Hot Dog


photos via Scott Beale & Kandy Kastle

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filed under: Food, General

Laughing Squid Circuit Board by Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories

posted by Scott Beale on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Laughing Squid Circuit Board

Our friends at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories presented me with an awesome surprise gift this year at Maker Faire, a prototype of a Laughing Squid logo turned into a printed circuit board. As far as I know, this is the first time that anyone has taken our circuit board inspired logo and made a actual printed circuit board out of it.

EMSL are thinking about producing these with a black background to match the logo and it’s possible they will be for sale in the future, as a drink coaster, etc.

UPDATE: Here’s the EMSL’s write-up on the Laughing Squid PCB. They say if there is enough interest, they will make more and sell them in the Laughing Squid store.

See Also: Laughing Squid Embroidered Patches

photo by Scott Beale

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filed under: Laughing Squid

Beowulf: A Thousand Years of Baggage

posted by Scott Beale on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Beowulf: A Thousand Years of Baggage

Shotgun Players, in collaboration with Banana, Bag and Bodice, present the rock opera “Beowulf: A Thousand Years of Baggage”. The show opens Friday, May 16th, and runs Thursday-Sunday through June 22nd at The Ashby Stage in Berkeley.

Any story that survives the test of time will have a few battle scars. After 1,000 years of telling and retelling, who decides what the facts actually were? What was the story of Beowulf before it was written down and what is it now in the hands of the academics? Flawed heroes, sympathetic monsters and haughty professors collide as one of the most twisted stories in the literary cannon comes to life—with a live musical score!

illustration by R.Black

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filed under: Events, Theater

SuperHappyDevHouse 25

posted by Scott Beale on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

SuperHappyDevHouse 25

SuperHappyDevHouse 25, the silver anniversary of the long-running Bay Area hackathon, takes place this Saturday, May 17th at the Sun Microsystems Executive Briefing Center in Menlo Park.

We have a lot more room than usual, and we want to fill it up! We want to build a pile of shoes that reaches the ceiling. We want an epic stack; a monument to hackerdom. You can help make this the biggest DevHouse ever. If you know someone who hasn’t come to a DevHouse before, get them to come to this one!

Sun will also have a Black Box available for people to check out. If you ever wanted to see a shipping container full of computer hardware, here’s your chance. Sun will also be making quite a bit of hardware available for anyone to play with.

See Previously: SuperHappyDevHouse

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filed under: Events

Man Babies, Swapping Father’s & Baby’s Heads

posted by Scott Beale on Monday, May 12th, 2008

Man Babies

Man Babies is a bizarre blog that collects photos where the father’s and baby’s heads are swapped between their bodies.

via Gawker

photo via Man Babies

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filed under: Photography, Weird

Laughing Squid