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World News

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Death Penalty
Death penalty opponents propose personal declarations against capital punishment
Mary Tallon, -Herald & Review.com

United States
Claims of Sexual Assault at Immigration Facility
Brian Collister , -The Associated Press

Death Penalty
Next Georgia execution scheduled
Bill Rankin, -The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Uranium Poison Gas Dispersal Plants Slated for Widespread Expansion
Cathy Garger, -Axis of Logic exclusive

Latin America
US Navy resurrects Fourth Fleet to police Latin America
Humberto Santana, -WSWS

Latin America
Bolivia, and how a picture paints a thousand words
Auto Rock, -Inca Kola News

Media Critiques
Uruknet and Axis of Logic Cut Off From Google News Again
Vincenzo Viscuso, -URUKNET and Axis of Logic

Workers & Labor
From protest to resistance: 29 West Coast ports shut down on May Day
Clarence Thomas , -Workers World Newspaper

General Petraeus: Zionism’s Military Poodle. From Surge to Purge to Dirge
James Petras, -Axis of Logic

Latin America
New U.S. Military Threat in Latin America
Cheryl LaBash and Deirdre Griswold, -Workers World Newspaper

UN: Humanitarian aid to Gaza to be halted Mon. due to fuel shortage
The Associated Press, -Haaretz

The 2008 Elections
Democratic candidates agree on expanded US military aggression in the Middle East
Patrick Martin, -WSWS

Evo Morales' ‘ten commandments’ to save the planet
Fred Fuentes / Evo's speech at Seventh United Nations Indigenous Forum, -Green Left Weekly

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Empresa Nacional Lácteos Los Andes: Model of Food Sovereignty
Dexy García and Axis of Logic commentary, -Ministry of Communication and Information (MINCI)

Poverty/World Hunger
Insurrection of the Famished – Causes and Possible Remedies of the World Hunger Crisis
Siv O'Neall, -submitted by author

Antiwar Movement
Pine Gap Mind Gap: A Terror Cell that Never Sleeps
Richard Neville, -richardneville.com

The Development Set
Ross Coggins, -Adult Education & Development

Latin America
Latin America: the hidden war on democracy
John Pilger, -Green Left Weekly

Gaza sewage pumped into the sea over past three months
Akiva Eldar, -Haaretz

UPDATED: [english, español, frances] Special programming “Bolivia” May 4 on Radio Venezuela en Vivo
Action Alert, -Radio Venezuela

US payrolls shrank by 20,000 jobs in April. Net job less in 2008 at 260,000
Barry Grey, -WSWS

Latin America
Venezuela Declares Solidarity with Bolivia’s Government in Face of Separatist Effort
Kiraz Janicke, -Venezuela Analysis

Another political show trial in Baghdad: Tariq Aziz charged with genocide
James Cogan, -WSWS

Bush and Uribe nominated for the 2008 Award for Ignominy
Ubaldo Rosales P., -Axis of Logic

The Nobel Peace Prize Goes To. . .
Mankh, -Axis of Logic

Tibi: Carter suggested we tell Americans about discrimination
Sharon Roffe-Ofir , -ynetnews

IDF hasn't begun court-ordered rerouting of fence
Akiva Eldar, -Haaretz

Donor nations: Israel must lift West Bank barriers
Avi Issacharoff and Asaf Uni, -Haaretz

The moment before the respite
Haaretz Editorial, -

All 12 Palestinian factions agree to Gaza cease-fire
Yoav Stern, Barak Ravid, Amos Harel and Jack Khoury, -

Methodists vote overwhelmingly to keep divestment from the occupation as an option
Jewish Voices For Peace , -

Born to Demolish
Jeff Halper, -ICAHD website

PCHR Weekly Report: 9 Palestinians killed, 29 wounded in Israeli attacks
Saed Bannoura , -IMEMC News

British Jews call for boycotting Israel’s independence celebrations
Saed Bannoura , -IMEMC News & Agencies

Behind Israel’s Independence, a Great Injustice
Joharah Baker, -MIFTAH

The 2008 Elections
Affirmative Action: for Capitalism
Frank Scott, -Submitted by the author. (legalienate.blogspot.)

Fantasy or Reality – Is There a Way Back?
Siv O'Neall, -submitted by author

Book Reviews
Another American War – Look Out Earth
Jim Miles, -Palestine Chronicle

Global Empire
The IMF is down for the count; corporate media blames Chavez.
Mark Weisbrot ; , -

Poverty/World Hunger
Food Fights: Predation vs Protection by The Other
The Other Katherine Harris, -Dandelion Salad

Poverty/World Hunger
The World Food Crisis
John Nichols, -The Nation

Poverty/World Hunger
Biofuel: Criminal Path Leads To Global Food Crisis
Press Release: United Nations, -Scoop

The 2008 Elections
Reverend Jeremiah Wright, speaking at the National Press Club
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, -CQ Transcription/ National Press Club

Action & Conferences
Commemorating Lebanon´s ¨Resistance and Liberation Day¨ in London
Brenda Heard, -Friends of Lebanon

Military or Market-Driven Empire Building: 1950-2008
James Petras, -Axis of Logic

Peace or real estate
Gideon Levy , -Haaretz

PM voices 'deep remorse' for Gaza deaths, but says Hamas put victims at risk
Barak Ravid, Yuval Azoulay, Fadi Eyadat and Yoav Stern, -Haaretz

IDF: Gaza blast was caused by militants' explosives
News Agencies , -Haaretz

United States
Israel Might Have Many More Spies Here, Officials Say
Jeff Stein, CQ National Security Editor, -"Homeland Security" - US

United States
The Sorrows of Race and Gender in the 2008 Presidential Election
Robert Jensen, -Zcommunications.org


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