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  1. python

    1. An Open Source App: Rietveld Code Review Tool - Google App Engine - Google Code
    2. learning python » Blog Archive » Elegant XML parsing using the ElementTree Module
    3. Threadpool
  2. inspiration

    1. typeSQL - Typeface Connection Visualization
    2. Bruce Lee’s Top 7 Fundamentals for Getting Your Life in Shape
    3. Web Designer Wall - SEO Guide for Designers
  3. food

    1. Mango Chicken Curry Recipe | Simply Recipes
    2. Perfect Ice for Perfect Drinks
    3. Tastespotting
  4. architecture

    1. Archinect : Features : ShowCase: sculp(IT) Live/Work
    2. joshua tree, hangar prefab | materialicious
    3. deputydog | gephyrophobiacs: look away now
  5. guitar

    1. chordie - search the Internet for guitar chords and tabs
    2. Learn Guitar Free » Blog Archive » Teach Yourself How to Play the Guitar Overnight - Lesson 1
    3. Guitar Lessons for Beginners Archive - Acoustic and Electric Guitar Lessons