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Web Services Description Working Group 2002-02-14 meeting minutes

From: Jonathan Marsh <jmarsh@microsoft.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 11:38:20 -0800
Message-ID: <330564469BFEC046B84E591EB3D4D59C05120E66@red-msg-08.redmond.corp.microsoft.com>
To: <www-ws-desc@w3.org>
                    Web Services Description Working Group
                          2002-02-14 meeting minutes

Full minutes: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/02/14-minutes (members only)

(Note that these are the official minutes, the unapproved version was also sent to the public list.  This version is reposted for completeness.) 

        [1]Working Group home page · [2]Meeting records

      [1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/
      [2] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/#records


   Participants (30):
     * Keith Ballinger, Microsoft Corporation
     * Mike Ballantyne, Electronic Data Systems
     * David Booth, W3C
     * Roberto Chinnici, Sun Microsystems
     * Mike Davoren, W. W. Grainger
     * Youenn Fablet, Canon
     * Dietmar Gaertner, Software AG
     * Mario Jeckle, DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology
     * Tom Jordahl, Macromedia
     * Jacek Kopecky, Systinet
     * Alan Kotok, DISA
     * Sandeep Kumar, Cisco Systems
     * Philippe Le Hégaret, W3C
     * Kevin Canyang Liu, SAP
     * Jonathan Marsh, Microsoft Corporation Chair
     * Mike McHugh, W. W. Grainger
     * Jeff Mischkinsky, Oracle Corporation
     * Dale Moberg, Cyclone Commerce
     * Waqar Sadiq, Electronic Data Systems
     * Rich Salz, Zolera Systems
     * Krishna Sankar, Cisco Systems
     * Jeffrey Schlimmer, Microsoft Corporation
     * Igor Sedukhin, Computer Associates
     * Aaron Skonnard, DevelopMentor
     * Sandra Swearingen, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force
     * William Vambenepe, Hewlett-Packard Company
     * Sanjiva Weerawarana, IBM Corporation
     * Don Wright, Lexmark
     * Prasad Yendluri, webMethods, Inc.
     * Glen Daniels, Macromedia

     * Jean-Jacques Moreau, Canon

     * Michael Champion, Software AG
     * Tim Finin, University of Maryland
     * Martin Gudgin, DevelopMentor
     * Pallavi Malu, Intel Corporation
     * Jochen Ruetschlin, DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology
     * Dave Solo, Citigroup
     * Daniel Schutzer, Citigroup
     * Jerry Thrasher, Lexmark

     * Adinarayana Sakala, IONA

[4]Agenda (members only)

      [4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-desc/2002Feb/0025.html

     * [5]Approval of Minutes
     * [6]Encouragement to use IRC
     * [7]Face-to-Face Meeting Details
     * [8]Editor Appointments
     * [9]Issues List
     * [10]WS-I.ORG Launched
     * [11]Requirements List and User Scenarios

      [5] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/02/minutes
      [6] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/02/irc
      [7] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/02/f2f
      [8] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/02/editors
      [9] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/02/issues
     [10] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/02/wsi
     [11] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/02/requirements

Review of outstanding action items

     * DONE:2002-02-07. Jeffrey&Jean-Jacques: to extract requirements
       from WSDL 1.1 asap.

Agenda items

  Approval of Minutes

     Scribe today: David Booth (because Mike Ballantyne does not yet
     have his IRC working, and Keith Ballinger came on to the call

   Resolution: Last week's minutes approved without comment.

  Encouragement to use IRC

   Participants are encouraged to use IRC during the teleconference
   calls, as IRC speeds up the roll call, straw polls, and other tasks; and
   helps us to make more accurate notes.

  Face-to-Face Meeting Details

   It looks like co-locating with the WS-Architecture Working Group will
   be best.

   Resolution: We will meet the afternoons of April 10, 11 and 12 in San
   Jose. Krishna Sankar, Cisco Systems will be hosting.
   Discussion of whether to take August off, because many people will be
   away for vacations.

   Resolution: We will take the month of August off, for vacations. No
   conference calls during August.

   ACTION: Jonathan Marsh will map the Face-to-Face meetings 6 months in
   advance. Due date: Unspecified.

  Editor Appointments

   Jonathan announced the following editor appointments, and thanked the

   Document Editors
   Requirements document Jeffrey Schlimmer
   Usage scenarios Waqar Sadiq
   Web Services description language specification Sanjiva Weerawarana
   (lead), Jeffrey Schlimmer, Jean-Jacques Moreau, Martin Gudgin, Roberto
   Binding descriptions Jean-Jacques Moreau (lead), Martin Gudgin
   RDF mapping Martin Gudgin (lead), Krishna Sankar, (someone from RDF?)
   Primer Alan Kotok (lead), Krishna Sankar, Kevin Liu
   Test suite TBD

   No disagreements were voiced.

  Issues List

   Jonathan noted that Kevin submitted an [13]issues list, and Keith
   contributed [14]some also. Jonathan noted that the public area should
   reference the issues list, and requested the people continue to submit
   issues that you have with WSDL 1.1.

     [13] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2002Feb/0023.html
     [14] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2002Feb/0024.html

  WS-I.ORG Launched

   Jonathan mentioned that Janet Daly of sent us [15]email containing
   some W3C thoughts on WS-I. Jonathan noted that many organizations are
   a part of both W3C and WS-I, and that WS-I seems to be oriented toward
   comprehensive multi-specification testing. There were no comments, and
   we moved on the next item.

     [15] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-desc/2002Feb/0022.html

  Requirements List and User Scenarios

   Jonathan suggested that we allow a grace period of 1 or 2 weeks to
   collect requirements unedited. After that, we will subject new
   requirements to greater scrutiny. There was discussion of whether to
   initially allow or disallow requirements that are not in WSDL 1.1. The
   general consensus was to allow them to be placed on the list (if only
   to document their disposition), but assign priorities/dispositions
   using the terms "must", "should", "may" and "out of scope", as defined
   in [16]rfc2119.

     [16] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt

   ACTION: Jeffrey Schlimmer will assign initial priorities/dispositions
   to the requirements, and we will then discuss them later. Due date:

   Prasad asked: Are we expecting requirements from the Web Services
   Architecture working group, and should we wait to incorporate those

   Philippe answered: We are not supposed to wait for requirements from
   the architecture group. They may take 3-4mos. Requirements from that
   group will go into WSDL 2.0.

   Jonathan also noted that we may get comments when we publish drafts

   Prasad asked: Could the working group agree on acceptance criteria for
   requirements? Jonathan suggested that this may take as long as
   agreeing on the requirements themselves. Others agreed, and Prasad
   withdrew the motion.

   Waqar requested that the group send user scenarios. People suggested
   that we could talk about web services that would be deployed, and that
   we may be able to lift some from the XML Protocol WG. Don suggested
   that usage scenarios would be helpful in refining requirements. Others
   agreed that user scenarios would be very helpful in refining the

   ACTION: Waqar will jumpstart the creation of user scenarios. Due date:

   Jonathan: Ok, we'll accept unedited requirements until next Tuesday,
   and then we'll get more stringent.

   ACTION: Jeffrey will create a specific list of requirements for
   discussion next week (the top 5 or 10 or whatever he thinks is
   appropriate). Due date: Next teleconference (Feb. 21, 2002).

Summary of new action items

     * 2002.02.14. Jonathan Marsh will map the Face-to-Face meetings 6
       months in advance. Due date: Unspecified.
     * 2002.02.14. Jeffrey Schlimmer will assign initial
       priorities/dispositions to the requirements, and we will then
       discuss them later. Due date: unspecified.
     * 2002.02.14. Waqar will jumpstart the creation of user scenarios.
       Due date: Unspecified.
     * 2002.02.14. Jeffrey will create a specific list of requirements
       for discussion next week (the top 5 or 10 or whatever he thinks is
       appropriate). Due date: Next teleconference (Feb. 21, 2002).


   Scribe: David Booth
Received on Thursday, 21 February 2002 14:47:13 GMT

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