Sonic Software

Featured Analyst Firm - GartnerMultiple ESBs: SOA Reality in a Federated Environment
Listen as Hub Vandervoort, CTO, Progress Software, and an industry expert from Gartner, Inc., discuss how companies that are working in federated environments need to approach the governance of their SOAs in both run-time and design-time contexts. Replay this webcast and gain important insights into how to isolate and manage multiple SOA domains, which aspects of SOA you should control at the edge, the importance of semantic control at the interface between domains, and how event-driven ESBs can ensure loose coupling between SOA stacks.



Sonic ESB
The industry's #1 ESB. Service oriented architecture (SOA) is changing the way enterprises integrate and manage information assets. An SOA infrastructure maximizes flexibility while simplifying management, and the enterprise service bus (ESB) makes this task much easier. Progress® Sonic ESB® eliminates the rigidity and fragility of point-to-point integration with a robust, event-driven architecture that can evolve, scale and extend throughout the enterprise.

More about Sonic ESB >
ESB Resource Center >


The award winning enterprise messaging environment. The importance of enterprise messaging to operational productivity cannot be overstated. Messaging systems ensure that communication and transactions happen accurately and reliably. Progress® SonicMQ® is a standards-based enterprise messaging system that supports complex networking environments by offering unmatched service availability, superior scalability and comprehensive management capabilities.

More about SonicMQ >
Enterprise Messaging
Resource Center >



Best Practices in Designing for Scalability with Sonic ESB
One of SOA's promises is to enable highly scalable, distributed applications. But, how do you make the promise real for your organization? Replay our archived webinar and hear how hundreds of customers have benefited from Sonic ESB's out-of-the-box scalability for their mission-critical SOA projects.

A Playbook for ESBs - Co-Authored by Progress Software and eBizQA Playbook for ESBs
The enterprise service bus (ESB) has emerged as a key enabler for more agile and effective integration across enterprise systems and business processes. The paper, A Playbook for ESBs, introduces four integration patterns for ESBs and the enterprise integration scenarios they help make possible. By combining the advanced capabilities of an ESB with integration patterns you can deliver key benefits to both business and IT.

Sonic Code Share Incentive ProgramCode Share Incentive Program!
With over 1000 customers using Progress Sonic technology – both Sonic ESB and SonicMQ – to integrate and flexibly reuse business applications, we know that there is a lot of great code available for reuse across our customer and partner base. From Jan 7th to May 31, 2008, Progress is sponsoring an incentive program that awards cash prizes to Sonic customers who submit qualified code within our developer network. Participating is easy, so get started today!

Read the eBook - SOA: Socially Oriented ArchitectureSOA: Socially Oriented Architecture
Rethink the centralized, top-down approach to SOA governance and develop a consensual form of governance that supports a socially oriented architecture. Create federated communities among diverse SOA participants for richer, more dynamic user experiences. Read what Hub Vandervoort, CTO, Enterprise Infrastructure Division, Progress Software, has to say in his eBook, SOA: Socially Oriented Architecture. Technical Opportunities, Social Challenges.

SOA Infrastructure Blog

15 Apr 2008 - Web 2.0 and RIAs is Driving SOA Middleware Growth

15 Apr 2008 - A Problem Common to SaaS and SOA

10 Apr 2008 - SOA on ACID

09 Apr 2008 - Extreme Volatility

31 Mar 2008 - A power shift in organizations



17 April 2008
11:00 am (EST)
Join us for, ESB Lessons Learned - an informative, live online event.

Featured SOA PodcastPodcast
Hub Vandervoort, CTO
7 Points of SOA Mediation

Progress Exchange - Disneyland Paris - June 8 - 11, 2008

More industry events >

Featured Webinar

Oppenheimerfunds Learns the Right Way
to Invest in SOA

Listen to our archived webinar and learn why Oppenheimerfunds chose Progress Software as the foundation of their SOA infrastructure.


26 Nov 2007
Progress customer CERN CH named on InfoWorld 100 Best Projects of 2007 List
Congratulations! Progress customer CERN CH named on IDG's InfoWorld 100 Best Projects of 2007 List

05 Nov 2007
Sonic and Cape Clear Blaze the SOA Trail (PDF)

05 Feb 2008 - Progress Software Helps University of Illinois Connect all of their Disparate Systems for Students and Staff

26 Nov 2007 - Progress Software Powers CERN to IDG InfoWorld 100 Recognition

16 Oct 2007 - Progress Software Extends Lead in Distributed SOA

24 Sep 2007 - Progress Software Helps NYMEX Deliver Scalable, Fault Tolerant and High Performance Systems