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FIOE Projects Print E-mail

Projects in the Field of Achieving FIOE Goal :

  1. Upgrading member institutions
  2. Developing female work in member institutions
  3. Preparing and promoting youth leadership at the central level and at the level of the countries
  4. The file of recognizing the Islamic religion
  5. The political file and political participation in the European countries
  6. The European Council for Imams and Spiritual Guides
  7. The project of the school of leaders and educators
  8. The project of the European Union for new Muslims
  9. The European Council for training and educative qualification
  10. Developing financial resources in preparation for achieving self-sufficiency
  11. Establishing departments of training and developing human resources on the level of countries
  12. Establishing a centre for studies and researches
  13. Originating an umbrella for co-operation among Da’wah institutions in Europe
  14. Establishing media institution
  15. The file of the stable Muslim family in the service of the European societies

25ème Rencontre Annuelle des Musulmans de France


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