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Notes from the Mir meeting in Berlin

jaap@squat.net, 23.01.2002 13:26

Some notes from the mir coders meeting on 19-01-2001 in Berlin during the indymedia-europe meeting.

Some notes from the MIR coders meeting ( http://mir.indymedia.de)

Current status
There´s a stable version available. In this version, all the multimedia upload stuff works (this was a problem with the previous version).

Currently, work is being done on some configuration isssues.

Practical experiences with Mir, both in Germany and Netherlands, are good. It works, and it is fairly stable. However, there´s still some features missing that would help if we want to get more countries to switch to using Mir instead
of Active code:

- Multilingual support: structural change in the database structure to allow for two documents to be identified as one - but in another language. Also there should be some code to allow for easy translation.

- Migrating feature: we need to design a method to extract data from the databases as they are used in active/sf-active

- Internationalisation: The help files /Mir system text should be translated in other languages, and language-specific info should not be copied to a "active dir" as it is now, but be dynamically linked in

- Documentation: Both internal documentation (online help) and installation documents lack the latest information and need upgrading and maybe translation.

- Localisation: The local settings (per imc) are supposed to be seperated from the code. This is not always the case.

- Installation scripts: Allthough we all agree that you´ll always need to install Mir manually, it would be nice if we make it a little bit easier by creating some config scripts.

- Print version: It should be possible to create a PDF out of one or more articles.

- Sharing: we want to make it possible to share articles with other imc´s and other servers running Mir or something alike (nadir.org).

More features: Blicero will try to make a list of features that are still missing in Mir, asking for input from others.


- versioning: We need to get this CVS to work both for the Dutch and the German coders again.

- install bugtracking software (should also mail to mir-coders): Mantis

- regular IRC meetings: once a month

Next IRC meeting: 31 januari 23:00

- e-mail:: jaap@squat.net

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