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Cascading Style Sheets
Learning CSS

(This page uses CSS style sheets)


Online resources

CSS Validator

Lists of links


CSS Test Suites

W3C Core Styles

For beginners, Starting with HTML + CSS teaches how to create a style sheet. For a quick introduction to CSS, try chapter 2 of Lie & Bos or Dave Raggett's intro to CSS. Or see examples of styling XML and CSS tips & tricks.

CSS online resources

Some non-English resources:

serdal.com - CSS (tutorials, layouts, links and books).
درس CSS (CSS Tutorial)
Curs de CSS (CSS course).
层叠样式表单教程 (CSS Tutorial)
CSS教程 (CSS Tutorial)
CSS 学习指南 (CSS Tutorial)
繁體中文/Chinese (Traditional):
Cascading Style Sheets (串接樣式表)的基本介紹 (CSS Tutorial)
WebTip.dk - Vejledning i brug af Typografiark på dansk.
CSS Tutorial
Handleiding HTML (HTML and CSS manual).
The University of Jyväskylä's course in CSS1, a short guide to CSS2, especially positioning, and pages on accessibility and XHTML 1.1.
CSS-opetus (part of a set also covering HTML and XSL).
CSS-opas (articles on CSS)
SELFHTML - Feuilles de style CSS (the French translation of the German SELFHTML site).
Cours, Astuces et Tutoriels XHTML et CSS.
Que signifie CSS? (Introduction to CSS by Ethan Puspparajah of NRJ Design.)
Pompage (translations of English articles)
Tutoriel CSS (HTML.net).
Ordnung muss sein (part 1), by Stefan Mintert.
CSS-Referenz (from a book by Ulrike Häßler).
SELFHTML - HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen by Stefan Münz.
HTMLWorld - CSS by Jan Winkler.
bjoernsworld.de by Björn Höhrmann.
Intensivstation by miss monorom.
The Styleworks, by Klaus Langenberg.
CSS Tutorial
מדריך CSS (CSS Tutorial)
Fogli di stile (CSS).
CSS Tutorial
Cascading Style Sheets 滝状直列的様式 (CSS Japanese Learning Resources)
CSS 소개 (Learn CSS)
CSS Reference
Introduksjon til CSS (introduction to CSS).
Kurs języka HTML - poradnik webmastera: Style (part of a guide for Polish webmasters).
Kurs CSS (CSS Tutorial)
Português Brasileiro/Portuguese (Brazilian):
Tutoriais CSS by Maurício Samy Silva
CSS desde o início (translation by Maurício Samy Silva of CSS from the Ground Up.
CSS Tutorial (translation by Maurício Samy Silva of Danish CSS Tutorial by Jonas Astrup)
Продвинутая CSS-верстка: шаг за шагом – Вёрстка – Webmascon (a collection of translated articles on CSS).
Учебник CSS (HTML.net).
Tejedores del Web - Hojas de estilo CSS, a section of Tejedores del Web (Web weavers).
Ovillo, la lista de distribución de CSS en castellano (Spanish mailing list for users of CSS).
Tutorial CSS

English resources:


A selection of books on CSS (in no particular order). Note that I have not read most of them.

Discussion fora

Mailing lists and Usenet News groups.

Secondary resources

Resources that catalogue links to other resources. (Which makes this list a tertiary resource… )

The slides of all (public) presentations given by W3C staff can be found on the W3C Talks page.

CSS Valid
CSS!Valid HTML 4.0!

Bert Bos, CSS contact
Created 4 Feb 2002. Last updated $Date: 2008/04/23 15:05:09 $ GMT