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My home page has a Google page rank of 4, but my internal pages have been left behind. What can I do to spread this page rank down to the internal pages?

Why can't I successfully install HS 4.0 on VISTA OS

What software opens a PRN file?

Where can i find statistics for advertisements?

How to Create a perfect webpage

Dear Sir / Madam I am currently evaluating the market place in Ottawa in the area of Business Development Managers, within the e-commerce / web-solutions area. Could you please give me an indication of the types of salaries / compensation is to be expected and what $$$ range this falls into. If you could help with this it would be much appreciated! Warm regards Andre Pittard Contact: File # JC-NAAM CareerofChoice Fax: 905-887-0841 E-mail: resume(at)

i have wampserver i want to connect php with msaccess database

wats the diffrence between sun java and microsoft java ogcourse they are diffrent company but wat the speacilize of both

how to get the popup with dynamic table in the div in the same page (it will not redirect to the other page) using Javascript

why cant i find my e-mails at

HOw to send the dropdown values to the database whether select staus

Hey I wanna make my FREE dedicated server of a game gunz. BUT if i cant get it free my friend can pay 40 $ /m is it possible? Here We Already made our forum. u can see it here ----- Hotmail Adress:

I hired an independent contractor to build and design my website. I provide her with my domain name (which I legally own) and all of the content, i.e. pictures and texts. I pay her the amount she requested for such services. She in turn builds the site through an online website building program. Later, we have a verbal discussion in regards to monthly updates and we agree upon a specifc amount. I send her the money through my paypal account. She then sends me an email stating that she doesn't feel the amount is a fair price for her time and work and suggests I find a new web designer to conduct such updates. I agree and find someone else. When I ask her to provide me with the website source files... She states to me via email..."you simply need to request from me the removal of the redirection of your IP address from my site which is an immediate termination of the link of your domain name to my hosting. So the webdesigner can create his own layout and link his IP to your domain. Let me know when your new website is done and I will remove your site immediately from your domain". She is pretty much telling me that if I do not continue to use her services then she will delete my site. It is my understanding that I contracted her to build my website and that it now legally belongs to me. I own the domain name and have copyrights to all of the pictures and text. I feel like I am being held hostage in this situation. Do I legally own the website that I contracted her to build for me? Or does she own the website and has the legal right to NOT transfer the source files to me because she built it and feels the designs belong to her? Jenny Milstead

how to convert hebrew scan to word.doc

how to retrive dropdown dynamically in jsp

A friend who is on PC often forwards emails with pictures from her friend who is on a new Mac. (Her friend used to be on PC and we didn't have problems then.) Now, my friend says she gets the pics fine (embedded in the email) but by the time it gets to me, the pics are replaced by weird symbols and empty space. Some of the symbols are: ? or &g; t; or  or om> Is there some setting on the Mac or the PC that will fix this? Please i need your critique on this website.

When I log on to my Hotmail account I get background sounds. It sort of sounds like a ship with bells and water. Any ideas why. It started happening about 2 weeks ago.

I am a HR professional and will be retiring in just over a month. Aim to work out of home thereafter developing contents for web pages,designing and developing elearning training modules both for corporate and schools. I have had good exposure to designing and delivering class room training in my career.However I do not have online content or module development skills. I am quite impressed with the range of on line web courses offered by you. Can you please explain with which programs should I start and what all programs I need to complete. I am from India. Do you have any representative out here with whom I could meet up with. Rgds Ananth

I created a dynamic (link) button, but my web host does not support the pics for the button. i loaded up the button onto geocities, and used the object code to place it in my other website. all was fine and dandy untill i clicked one of the links and realized that I had created a frame, in which all the links loaded, replacing the button, but leaving the main page of my site loaded in the browser. what I need is for the links in the object to load into the parent window, allowing the user to navigate to a totally new page (without creating a new browser window). is this possible? thanks so much, Harrison Rose fuzzwebsite(at)yahoo(dot)com

write a java program in JSP 1.File Archiver a.Allow user to upload files from browser b.Allow user to list the files c.Allow user to delete some files

i m using a mehtod'index.html') in our code. but on my client side we have intalled pop-up blocker. so when i execute this code then the page will open but pop-up blocker close this new window. so plz help me and tell me how i can open this window by using javascipt code without uninstall pop-up blocker. How can I disable these? mail

what is a good scanner for jewelery

what's the best reference guide for HTML for my desk?

i need to print a table in an html page

how to use cookies in shopping cart

Hey Collin, I have made all my buttons for my site sidebar already, I just dont know how to get them on there. I am using a wordpress site and want to replace the sidebar so that the buttons redirect to the various pages.

i created a back button by using : < input type = "button" value = "back" onclick = "history.go(-1)">. but,it's working for a stastic page. when i filled all the fields of a form ,and then using back button page is showing page expire. so, plz. give some solution for this problem.

For some requirement where I need to disable a "logout" link,so that a person cannot logout when some operation is going do i accomplish this?

i want to populate combo box dynamically in html code from excel sheet how i can do it?

eZSharePro ( recently was issued a Registered Trademark. I'm trying to find a way to get the elevated circled "R", following the word, produced in a format so that I can copy & paste, or change to any size I want. We, also just received notice from the patent office that the patent will issue. When I signed-up I forgot to mention I'm located in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Thanks for any suggestions. John Thanks for any help.


I want to pass a value of a variable to another page. I am using vbscript. But the value is not passed yet. Please help me

I have a internal client that I work with who would like to be able to share information about success stories, client spotlights, partner lists and resources to help her minority business clients, sponsors and partners. She does not have alot of time to create content for a quarterly newsletter but would like to send information when there's info to share. Are push pages good for her? Will she have the capability to use pictures, links and logos?

Hi! I need to use redirect in apache 2. I have to redirect all requests, except: Every others must have to be: -> even if the string 'blah' is only one character. I realized, if the request is only: the apache get it like this: Many thanks: hemuveg from hungary

i have lerned html and i m confused that waht should i start next xml or xhtml..?? i want to the difference beteen both...??

When I try to create a soft link, Im getting the following msg ln -s sbcimp/dyn/data/RISK/XCOLL/FUATBUILT /home/xcolldev/buildpkg/200804012032_4.0.1_FUAT ln: `/home/xcolldev/buildpkg/200804012032_4.0.1_FUAT/FUATBUILT': File exists Please suggest me on this.

1st Q,,why does it keep moving me outta town to Indiana when i typed in Ohio? (Mineral City Ohio)

I need to convert PageMaker 7.0 files to another desktop publishing format that is currently more popular. Can you advise me how to go about it? I have large (162-200 page) Pagemaker documents that I would like to convert to another format that is more compatible with print shops. I guess almost no one uses PageMaker any more.

I created my website using FrontPage 2003 and have a picture of map that is also an imagemap. I would like to use overLIB (or some sort of script that will help me accomplish what I need), but I'm new to JavaScript and can't seem to figure out how to do it. Here's what I want: I want a "sticky" pop-up to appear when I mouse over different spots on my imagemap. In this pop-up, I need to be able to list different resorts with hyperlinks. Can anyone help me do this?? The creator of overLIB doesn't answer FrontPage questions, so I'm left to figure this out on my own.

How do I convert .jpeg text to .doc text

I am using iMovie and I have a .mov file that is a bunch of still images in a slideshow with music. I want to take out some of the images on the slideshow and take off the music and possibly make my own. Is this possible?

i cant receive emails. I'm using nms formmail. I get the a success page but no email in my inbox. help will be very much appreciated. thanks

do u have html codes for flowing down text?

javascript source code for shopping cart.

Is there any way to trap the onsubmit event when code is programatically performing the form submission?

the portfolio is for diploma.portfolio has outcomes and how to compile one given this outcomes

My webpage (created on a Mac) loads correctly using a Mac but the scale becomes too large when using a PC.

can i access my webtv mail from a regular computer?

I have a number of rental properties and would like to protect them. Should I form a LLC or would something else be better.

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