Thu Jun 16 2011 05:05:39 UTC

250 bugs found.
ID Sev Pri OS Assignee Status Resolution Summary
5346 nor P2 Wind fsasaki NEW --- Operation parameter in bindingOperation is of type QName
4567 nor P1 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Typo in wsdl2.0 attachment URIs
6029 nor P1 MacO fsasaki RESO FIXE Note on using xml:id should reference Canonical XML 1.1 and XML Signature, Second Edition
3599 nor P2 All ashok.malhotra RESO FIXE Need a URI structure to refer to WSDL 1.0 definitions, etc.
3638 nor P2 Wind ashok.malhotra RESO FIXE Need to be able to specify ordering between assertions
3639 nor P2 Wind ashok.malhotra RESO WONT Which policy alternative was selected?
3730 nor P2 Wind ashok.malhotra RESO FIXE External WS-Policy Attachment to WSDL 2.0 components
3556 nor P2 Wind asirveda RESO FIXE Suggested rewording of Introduction to WS-PolicyAttachment
3557 nor P2 All asirveda RESO FIXE Add discussion/examples of domain expressions
3558 nor P2 Wind asirveda RESO FIXE Remove example of use of domain expressions in section 4.2
3694 nor P2 Wind asirveda RESO FIXE WS-Policy Attachment for WSDL 2.0
3604 nor P2 All bparsia RESO FIXE Goals section inadequate or unnecessary
3621 nor P2 All bparsia RESO WONT Formal semantics
3622 nor P2 All bparsia RESO WONT Policy assertion equivalence and generality
3623 nor P2 All bparsia RESO FIXE Relation of Attachment to SAWSDL
3535 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE specify a W3C namespace URI
3543 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE Definion of the term "processor" is poorly defined
3544 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE should ws-policy-attach permit use of BP1.1 amended extensibility points?
3827 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE References section contains reference to obsolete version of WS-RM policy.
3962 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE No media type has been assigned to ws-policy.
4039 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE WS-Policy does not define its relationship to XML Base
4045 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE scoping of wsdl1.1 identifiers spec
4103 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE [Primer] Questionable use of fictitious corp. name "Contoso Ltd."
4203 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE introduction unclear and misleading
4204 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE misleading text in sect 2.3
4205 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE editorial nits
4207 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE misleading text in section 2.2
4230 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE normative text masquerading as non-normative guidance
4306 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE update namespace document
4311 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE test suite framework?
4374 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE [Attachment] need to change qname for the ws-addr metadata elements in examples
4375 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE [Guidelines] need to change qname for the ws-addr metadata elements in examples
4376 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE [Primer] need to change qname for the ws-addr metadata elements in examples
4544 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE policy vocabulary inconsistency post intersection as relates to AIN
4561 nor P2 All chrisfer RESO FIXE clarification of domain-specific processing
4582 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE test cases need coverage of nested policy for lax intersection
4859 nor P2 Wind chrisfer RESO FIXE clarify BP23
3602 nor P2 All Daniel.Roth RESO FIXE The absence of an assertion should not mean that the behavior is "explicitly prohibited"
3978 nor P2 Wind Daniel.Roth RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Clarify if Section 7 on defining new policy attachment mechanisms is necessary
3979 nor P2 Wind Daniel.Roth RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Clarify guidance in section 5.9.1 on referencing policy expressions
3982 nor P2 Wind Daniel.Roth RESO FIXE [Guidelines] The introduction should state that the document only targets policy assertion authors
3990 nor P2 Wind Daniel.Roth RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Content in Section 5.7 is unclear
4074 nor P2 Wind Daniel.Roth RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Collection of unclear Guidance or text issues
4224 nor P2 Wind Daniel.Roth RESO FIXE Section 4, last paragraph content is too restrictive - policy element information items are processed in multiple contexts
4225 nor P2 Wind Daniel.Roth RESO FIXE Framework editorial issues
4226 nor P2 Wind Daniel.Roth RESO FIXE Attachment editorial issues
3566 nor P2 All dmoberg RESO DUPL Remove misleading phrasing of section 1.1 Goals section
3707 nor P2 Wind drsecure RESO FIXE Add definition of "nested policy"
4127 nor P2 All fabian.ritzmann RESO FIXE Proposed WSDL 1.1 element identifiers can not deal with operation name overloading
4177 nor P2 All fabian.ritzmann RESO FIXE Disambiguate notational convention for choice syntax
4178 nor P2 All fabian.ritzmann RESO WONT Declaration of policy domains in policy expressions
4179 nor P2 All fabian.ritzmann RESO WONT Preferences for policy expressions
4198 nor P2 All fabian.ritzmann RESO FIXE Policy assertion semantics independent of attachment mechanism
4206 nor P2 All fabian.ritzmann RESO FIXE Clarify treatment of policy assertion parameters in compatibility determination
3546 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch RESO FIXE WSDL 2.0 status recorded in Attachments 1.5 document
3549 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch RESO FIXE Require assertions to be distinguished from parameter elements
3613 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch RESO FIXE Clarify conversion of compact to normal form in Framework section 4.3
3703 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch RESO FIXE Element within policy expression must be an assertion
3708 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch RESO FIXE Updated Security Considerations section in framework document: Add mention of use of XML Signature to sign policy
3710 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch RESO FIXE Clarify that policy assertion parameters are opaque to framework processing
3711 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch RESO FIXE Add Cross-Product description to 4.3.3 in Framework
3952 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch RESO FIXE Change optional example from MTOM to security (Guidelines and Primer)
3953 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Remove language that use of security policy assertions forces nested assertions for other domains
3561 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Usage of Internationalized Resource Identifiers for W3C WS-Policy
3562 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Clarify the relation of overlapping definitions in the framework
3705 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Definition of Interaction
3719 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Levels of indirection for policy references
3722 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO DUPL Levels of indirection for policy references
3797 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO DUPL Pl. remove references to proprietary documents
3815 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE A wg member neutral name is desirable
3894 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Definition of equivalence for WSDL 2.0 component model {policy} properties
3961 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial error in framework section 4.1example
3965 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Clarify text surrounding PolicyReference and for usage of wsp:Name attribute
3980 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Should Assume Basic Understanding of WS-Policy
3981 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Section 4 Relevance to Assertion Design
3983 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Use 'Assertion Author (s)' Consistently
3984 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Assertion Parameters vs. Name Value Pairs
3985 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Section 5.3.1 should use the definition of policy assertion parameters from the Framework spec
3986 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Parameter vs. Nested Policy Decision at Domain Level?
3987 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Section 5.9 - Lifecycle of Assertions?
3988 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Section 8 Doesn't Illustrate How to Design an Assertion
3989 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Suggested Format
4035 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Guidelines Section 2 should account for impact of assertions that do not manifest on the wire, or only apply to one party but may still impact the ability to interoperate, depending on whether they may be ignored.
4038 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Nested policy in normal form - Example does not match expectations
4040 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Update guidelines to include discussion of ignorable
4041 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Update primer to mention ignorable as needed
4042 nor P2 Linu fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial fix to Media type description
4068 nor P2 Linu fsasaki RESO FIXE XML Schema does not allow for validating xml:id in policy documents
4069 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Updating References for Use of xml:id
4072 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidance] Statements not relevant to assertion design
4073 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Free standing statements
4128 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Need references to WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2.0 component syntax
4129 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Attaching Policies to EPRs
4130 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Ignorable assertions must be ignored
4188 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE LC Comments from SAWSDL WG
4208 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE identifiers should use WSDL 1.1 element names not WSDL 2.0 component names
4209 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Example 3.1 does not follow the algorithm in merging policies
4210 min P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE WSDL WG Editorial comments on Framework
4211 min P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE WSDL WG Editorial comments on Attachment
4212 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Use of empty policy for nesting should be exemplified
4235 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE clarification needed to sect 4.3 to indicate that the normalization algorithm can be applied to wsp:Policy element used as XML element policy attachment
4236 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE personal comment not a comment from the WS-RX TC
4238 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE framework spec does not formally define syntax (outline, etc) for compact form policy expression
4240 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Title: The distribution example does not follow the axioms in Section 4.3.3
4251 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [WSDL11Ids] Change syntax for some WSDL 1.1 identifiers
4253 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Basic Concepts section on Policy does not explain usage reasonably
4254 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Change of WSP namespace to be compliant with w3c namespace policy
4255 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Section 2.9 should also explain basic attaching
4263 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Add text to ignorable discussion on passing ignorable property of assertion to domain specific processing
4270 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Primer versioning example
4288 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Absence of Policy Assertions (editorial)
4292 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO WONT Intersection mode is neither defaulted nor specified
4300 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Misuse of best practices in primer
4301 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Test case for xml:id
4304 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Test case for application/policy+xml media type
4307 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Update media type description
4318 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [All docs] Which WS-SecurityPolicy version should be used as a reference
4319 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] (Editorial) WS-RM(P) reference format should be consistent with other references
4339 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Update references to interoperability in Ignorable Policy Expressions section
4370 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Round 2 WSDL 1.1 input file contains invalid references
4379 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Note about c14n 1.1
4393 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Add text to strict and lax policy intersection discussion describing how a policy consumer can determine issues due to intersection mode conflicts
4394 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO WONT Type of the WSDL 2.0 {policy} property?
4414 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Versioning and Extensibility cleanup in Primer
4456 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Minor issues with Round 2 WSDL 11 test files
4477 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial, example line number incorrect
4478 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial: line numbers in last example in section 4.1
4479 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial, note is obscure or unclear
4490 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Round4 negative tests
4522 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Namespace problems in the WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2.0 External Attachment Test Cases.
4552 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Should the word "collection" be changed to something more specific?
4553 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Exact meaning of "all of the assertions in both alternatives"
4554 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Configurability and comformance of intersection algorithm
4555 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Should policy intersection be called policy intersection?
4556 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial Issue from David Hull
4559 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Versioning: Requests for Expired Services
4566 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Guideline G2 to be reconsidered
4568 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Incorrect namespaces in testcases
4571 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE round2 wsdl2 needs QNames not NCNames
4572 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Typo in wsp:URI in wsdl2.0 for round4
4575 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Minor Bugs in Round 2 WSDL 20 Test Cases from WSO2/Manjula
4577 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Need an example that doesn't intersect in Section 4.5, Framework
4579 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [New Issue] Context for Parent Policy Assertions and Nested Policy Expressions
4580 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO DUPL [New Issue] Context for Parent Policy Assertions and Nested Policy Expressions
4583 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Duplicate assertions in an alternative
4584 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Clarify how lax mode and ignorable assertions affect the intersection algorithm
4592 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE incorrect reference content
4598 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Some compact expressions appear not to have normal forms
4662 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Proposal for AI 305
4663 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Example for Section 8
4664 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Proposal for AI 286
4672 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE typo's in examples
4695 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial Comments on Guidelines
4762 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Media type section update
4831 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Updated References for WSDL v2.0 and WS-SecurityPolicy v1.2
4836 nor P2 Linu fsasaki RESO FIXE RFC4346 obsoletes RFC2246
4851 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Update C14N11 reference in WS-Policy Framework
4852 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Minor Editorial Comments
4853 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Two Free Standing Statements
4854 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Fictitious, why not real examples?
4857 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Updates For Nested Policy Expressions and Context for Primer
4858 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE update wsdl11 eii reference to WG Note
4861 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Section 5.6 needs to be refactored and rewritten
4862 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE What's an XML outline?
4889 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO LATE Policies depend on message properties
4943 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Action 338 - Compatibility Matching at Nested Level
4945 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Update References - Framework and Attachment
4951 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO WONT Need example of assertion showing ordering between assertions
5036 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial change proposals for the primer
5038 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE potential issues for primer and guidelines
5039 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE potential issues for primer and guidelines #2
5041 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial change proposals for the guidelines document
5043 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Follow up to 4654
5044 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Proposal for AI 339
5045 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO WONT Why did intersection fail?
5128 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE editorial nit in example in section 5.3.2
5184 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial Changes - Guidelines
5185 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Guidelines - BP 1 and 21 are Duplicates
5186 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Update References - Guidelines
5187 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Update References - Primer
5188 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Incorrect Examples in Section 4 - Primer
5189 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Guidelines - BP 19 Lacks Motivation
5204 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Remove term vocabulary from primer
5206 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Ordering of Assertions
5218 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE editorial changes sect 5.7,1
5219 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Primer 3.6 Policy Retrieval
5220 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Expression author versus provider of policy expressions
5226 nor P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Policy Retrieval Algorithms
5299 nor P2 All fsasaki RESO FIXE Use final WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 for interop tests
6030 nor P2 MacO fsasaki RESO FIXE Note on using xml:id should reference Canonical XML 1.1 and XML Signature, Second Edition
6619 min P2 Wind fsasaki RESO FIXE Attachment 3.4.1 - XML outline uses wsp:PolicyReference where it should be wsp:PolicyAttachment
3577 nor P2 All gdaniels RESO FIXE Semantics of successful intersection determined by domain-specific assertion content
3620 nor P2 Wind gdaniels RESO LATE Policy Attachment to WS-Addr EndpointReferences
3565 nor P2 All mhondo RESO FIXE Framework and domain specific policy assertions
3619 nor P2 Wind mhondo RESO FIXE add an inssue on coordination with other working groups
3706 nor P2 Wind mhondo RESO FIXE editors to clarify the use of the term "domain"
3791 nor P2 Wind mhondo RESO FIXE primer/guidelines overlap
3792 nor P2 Wind mhondo RESO FIXE section 4 of the primer overlaps with the guidelines document
3794 nor P2 Wind mhondo RESO FIXE Section 3 overlap of primer with guidelines
3795 nor P2 Wind mhondo RESO FIXE Section 2.4- usefulness
4213 nor P2 Wind mhondo RESO FIXE [Primer] Use of empty policy for nesting should be exemplified
4654 nor P2 Wind mhondo RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Guidelines for Policy Attachment
4660 nor P2 All mhondo RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Best Practice Statments should be statements
4661 nor P2 All mhondo RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Reorganize guidance on XML Info Set representation
3966 nor P2 Wind monica.martin RESO FIXE Inconsistency in Primer re: PolicyReference Extensibility
4150 nor P2 Wind monica.martin RESO FIXE Duplicate text exists in Section 3 and 3.2, PolicyAttachments
4196 nor P2 Wind monica.martin RESO FIXE Clarify namespace restrictions (Framework and Primer)
4197 nor P2 Wind monica.martin RESO FIXE Inconsistency on treatment of unknown extensibility elements (Framework, Primer, Guidelines)
3590 nor P2 All orchard RESO FIXE Policy framework should document extensibility points using {any} and @{any} in xpath-like expressions, and define these in Notational Conventions section
3662 nor P2 Wind orchard RESO FIXE Use of element wildcard ##any namespace vs ##other namespace
4558 nor P2 Wind orchard RESO FIXE Scalability and performance problems with expressing allowable nested policy assertions
4331 nor P2 Wind pcotton RESO FIXE WSDL WG comment 1
4332 nor P2 Wind pcotton RESO FIXE WSDL WG comment 2
3656 nor P2 Linu plh RESO FIXE Using UsingAddressing Extension Element as a WS-Policy assertion
3552 nor P2 All prasad.yendluri RESO FIXE Policy Application to Web services Model description inaccurate
3553 nor P2 All prasad.yendluri RESO FIXE Policy Compatibility Check must account for level of Nesting of Policy Alternatives
3554 nor P2 All prasad.yendluri RESO FIXE "Policy Alternatives" and "Policy" need proper definition
4195 nor P2 All prasad.yendluri RESO FIXE How to ignore some of the assertions marked �Ignorable� only?
4262 nor P2 All prasad.yendluri RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Use of @wsp:optional and @wsp:Ignorable on the same assertion
4389 maj P2 All prasad.yendluri RESO FIXE WS-Policy 1.5 Attachment UDDI tModel keys and related references outdated
4391 nor P2 All prasad.yendluri RESO FIXE Update WS-Policy 1.5 Attachment to point to latest UDDI specs in the references section
3545 nor P2 All public-ws-policy-eds RESO FIXE use of {any} and {@any} in xpath-like expressions not defined in Notational Conventions section
3752 nor P2 All ritzmann RESO FIXE Clarify restrictions of ID type usage
3753 nor P2 All ritzmann RESO FIXE Example 1-1 is not a complete security policy
3723 nor P2 Wind sergey.beryozkin RESO INVA Non-normative recommendation on how effective polices should be calculated when a policy is associated with an arbitrary XML element.
3789 nor P2 Wind sergey.beryozkin RESO FIXE Clarify usage of assertions with no behavioral requirements on the requester
3709 nor P2 All tboubez RESO FIXE Editorial corrections and clarifications from UDDI TC
3559 nor P2 All umit.yalcinalp RESO FIXE Conformance Sections needed for both specs
3560 nor P2 All umit.yalcinalp RESO FIXE The framework specification should also enable the usage of xml:id
3564 nor P2 All umit.yalcinalp RESO FIXE Optional Assertions may not be usable in all circumstances
3617 nor P2 Wind umit.yalcinalp RESO FIXE Namespace URI versioning Policy is not clear
3809 nor P2 All umit.yalcinalp RESO FIXE Primer uses an Assertion that does not exist
4138 nor P2 All umit.yalcinalp RESO FIXE Normalization Algorithm is broken (single conjunctive expressions)
4141 nor P2 Wind umit.yalcinalp RESO FIXE Policy parameter definition is not accurate
4142 nor P2 All umit.yalcinalp RESO FIXE Contradictory recommendation for nesting and intersection
3712 nor P2 Wind vladislav.bezrukov RESO FIXE wsp:PolicyReference can be used in any place where you can use wsp:Policy
3547 nor P2 All william.henry RESO FIXE Clarify the difference between Web Services Policy and Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework in the Introduction
3605 nor P2 All william.henry RESO FIXE Typo wsp:tPolicyURIs in Section 3.3 first example
3721 nor P2 All william.henry RESO FIXE New Attribute keyword to identify 'local' policies
3563 nor P2 All yakov.sverdlov RESO FIXE Modify wording about a Web Service in the Introduction
3586 nor P2 All yakov.sverdlov RESO FIXE Remove misleading reference to a Requester policy.
3607 nor P2 All yakov.sverdlov RESO FIXE Better describe policy language capabilities in the Introduction
3672 nor P2 othe yakov.sverdlov RESO FIXE Clarify the policy model for Web Services
3793 nor P2 Wind yakov.sverdlov RESO FIXE Add example about policies in the context of relationships between multiple entities
4573 nor P3 Wind prasad.yendluri RESO FIXE [Guidelines] Use one of Guidelines, Best Practices or Good Practices Consistently
3616 enh P4 All tboubez RESO WONT Policy Negotiation
3548 nor P2 All frederick.hirsch CLOS INVA Normalization should make empty nested policy elements
3720 nor P2 Wind fsasaki CLOS FIXE Terms should be defined/targeted in the appropriate sections of the spec
3551 nor P2 All prasad.yendluri CLOS FIXE Misc. (editorial) corrections throughout
3592 nor P2 All seumas.soltysik CLOS FIXE Implementation APIs for WS-Policy should not simply wrap DOM elements
250 bugs found.
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