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WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

WCAG 2.0 Candidate Recommendation Implementation Information

Quick links: Implementer Instructions, Implementation Information Form, Implementation Experience Form

WCAG 2.0 was published as a W3C Candidate Recommendation on 30 April 2008. See the e-mail announcement, press release, and blog post.

WAI Encourages a Broad Range of "Test Drives"

The primary purpose of this Candidate Recommendation stage is for developers and designers to "test drive" WCAG 2.0 to demonstrate that WCAG 2.0 can be implemented in Web content. The WCAG Working Group now needs the Web development community to help with:

Implementation experience from all sources is welcome to help demonstrate this diversity.

Working Together on Implementation Experience

Here's our plan to make the process effective and efficient for those sharing implementation experience, and for the WCAG Working Group:

  1. Tell us of your interest by 23 May 2008. If you can implement WCAG 2.0 in the next couple of months and share your implementation experience, read the implementer instructions and submit the implementation information form. This provides a database of the information that we need to make sure that we'll have implementations of sufficient diversity.
  2. We will get back to you by 30 May 2008. We'll analyze the implementation information submitted and select Web content that will provide broad coverage of the implementation experience requirements (Exit Criteria). We'll reply to everyone who submitted implementation information to let you know whether we selected your project to potentially be included in our Implementation Report. Even if we don't select your project in the first round, we encourage you to work toward WCAG 2.0, share with us your experiences using WCAG 2.0, and reap the benefits of being an early site to declare conformance to WCAG 2.0 Candidate Recommendation.
  3. Complete your implementation by 30 June 2008, if possible. Once you have completed your implementation, fill out the implementation experience form to get the information in our database.
  4. We will evaluate the implementations. The WCAG Working Group will evaluate each implementation selected for the Implementation Report. We will also contact designers and developers to discuss their implementation experience and get suggestions for improving the usability of the WCAG 2.0 documents.
  5. We will present the Implementation Report, hopefully by 31 August 2008. When the implementation requirements (Exit Criteria) have been met, the WCAG Working Group will present the Implementation Report to the W3C Director as part of the request to transition WCAG 2.0 to Proposed Recommendation, the next-to-last stage before WCAG 2.0 is finalized.

At any time, you can send any questions about this process or your implementation experience to team-wcag2-implementations@w3.org (an internal list, not publicly visible).