Leading the 21st Century World   President Yuichiro Anzai
President Yuichiro Anzai  
Since its foundation in 1858, Keio University has been a constant source of innovation in society. In accordance with Fukuzawa Yukichi's principles, our institution has continued to provide leadership for society as a whole in a wide variety of fields. Our achievements are the result of the valuable contributions of many individuals connected with Keio University who have proudly worked toward their goals in their respective fields in an environment of freedom and independence. In 2008, Keio University will be the first modern comprehensive educational institution in Japan to celebrate its 150th anniversary.

Japan and the world are currently at a turning point in history. In this era of change, Keio University must take the initiative, drawing upon the teachings of Yukichi Fukuzawa and leading our society in the 21st Century. Keio University is now in a new phase of its evolution, reshaping itself as an educational institution to lead the future in an era of global diversity and complex challenges.

In 2001, our institution released the Mission Statement for the 21st Century as the foundation of future learning and research at Keio. The statement is based upon three pillars: Inspiring through Education, Creating Intellectual Value and Exploring New Entrepreneurial Potential and is a blueprint for creating the leaders of tomorrow, advanced learning and creating new intellectual values to contribute to the world. Through these activities, we can pave the way for a future full of hope and create the Keio University of the 21st Century. At present, there are a wide variety of original programs in motion reflecting six initiatives: Innovation in Education, Innovation in Research, New Enterprises, Knowledge and Skill Integration, Infrastructure for a Knowledge Society and Campus Innovation. These initiatives are the latest incarnation of Yukichi Fukuzawa's ideals and reflect the future of our institution.

Keio University takes its inspiration from Fukuzawa's spirit of 'independence and self respect'. This ideology acts as a compass, guiding our institution according to our map, the Mission Statement for the 21st Century. It is our goal to chart new courses in both Japan and the world, utilizing our idealism and courage to create innovation in a new era. This is the mission that has been entrusted to Keio University.
