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CoreGRID European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications
for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies
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Friday, 02 May 2008

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The CoreGRID Network of Excellence currently offers

ident Fellowships:
   for postgraduate students in the field of GRID Research

ident Job announcements:
   related to GRID research free of charge 

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Encourage exchange of personnel and staff mobility

The Network implemented a specific mobility programme, and allocates substantial funding to it, aimed at encouraging researchers, post-docs and PhD students to stay, for a given period, in research teams of Network participants. This mobility programme fosters better relationships between network researchers and increases the effectiveness of the Network.

New  Since December 2006, the Mobility Programme is open to Industry to enable CoreGRID researchers to work more closely with companies and to stimulate technology transfer between academia and industry. The new orientation of the Mobility programme towards industry is one of the project assets for future research opportunities, as well as future potential funding opportunities.

Encouraging these exchanges should guarantee long-lasting relations and links with industry, essential assets for ensuring the sustainability of the six CoreGRID Research Institutes. 

The mobility for the researchers consists of scientific visits and research stays between members of different CoreGRID institutions, as for example those involved in the same WP research task. Typical stays will be of one month, although other durations could be considered. For each stay a joint proposal from the visitor and hosting institutions should be presented, describing a project summary about the interest of the stay.

The Research Exchange Programme also funds short visit for the CoreGRID researchers and students willing to visit an industrial company. The only restriction is that the subject of the exchange is obviously related to CoreGRID activities.

the CoreGRID Fellowship Programme (FP) is inspired by the Marie Curie Actions and the ERCIM Fellowship Programme. Young researchers hosted by one or two research facilities for two distinct 6, 9 or 12 months periods, will be funded by the CoreGRID Fellowship Programme to closely interact with major researchers and leading scientific communities. The Fellows will participate in regular in-house discussions and seminars and contribute to the CoreGRID effort in order to integrate scientific activities and dissemination across Europe.

The Industrial Fellowship Programme consists in spending time at a CoreGRID partner's institution and at an Industrial company (Member of the IAB or external Industrial partners)

The FP is intended for postgraduate students who want to work in research groups involved in CoreGRID activities. The successful Fellows must agree to engage in the research topic proposed by one or both of the hosting Institutions.

In addition to the training activities, the FP will promote career development, ideally within the network to preserve excellence in the research environment.

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 25 September 2007 )
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