Site Valet

Web Tools for Quality, Accessibility, Standards Compliance.

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Check Accessibility

Site Valet 2.0

Site Valet 2.0 is the new release of Site Valet Enterprise Edition, our comprehensive QA system for Web-based technologies. Features a new GUI Client, improved Accessibility analysis with full audit trail, and comprehensive XML support. An Online Demonstration is available.

Developer Tools

More Information

Is your site legal?

In many countries, it is illegal to discriminate against disabled people. That includes people who may be physically incapable of using your choice of web browser. Website owners have been successfully sued for publishing a site that was inaccessible to blind users. Employment and Human Rights law impose comparable requirements for Intranets. Site Valet can help ensure you meet your legal obligations.


Avoid an embarrassing incident ...

In the mid 1990s, the first HTML Validator online was at a site called "webtechs", and we had a link to it. Then the webtechs domain was acquired by a pornographic site. We only learned of the change when someone emailed to tell us! Site Valet would have told us that link had changed, saving us an embarrassing episode!

(n.b. webtechs has since been restored to respectability)

Duz yoor HTML lokk liek this speling?

It is all too common for basic HTML errors to creep into webpages. They may still work perfectly well in your browser, but show garbage in another. Site Valet will alert you to HTML errors in your pages.

And in general ...

Link Rot is a well-known problem for every website. It can be hard enough to keep track of links within your own webpages, and of course external links are completely out of your control. Site Valet will alert you if a link has moved or become invalid.

Accessibility Options

[Asis] [Full] [Betsie] [Outline] [Links]

mod_accessibility demonstrator.