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Minutes of the DAWG telecon of 2005-11-08 for review

From: Janne Saarela <janne.saarela@profium.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 18:08:07 +0200
Message-ID: <4370CD67.7030306@profium.com>
To: RDF Data Access Working Group <public-rdf-dawg@w3.org>
RDF Data Access Working Group
Tuesday 2005-11-08 14:30-16:30 UTC
log: http://www.w3.org/2005/11/08-dawg-irc

chair: DanC
scribe: JanneS

1. Convene, take roll, review agenda

     Jeen Broekstra
     Dan Connolly
     Lee Feigenbaum
     Enrico Franconi
     Steve Harris
     Pat Hayes
     Eric Prud'hommeaux
     Jos de Roo
     Janne Saarela
     Andy Seaborne
     Elias Torres

Regrets: KendallC, BijanP, LibbyM

Minutes of RDF DAWG telcon 2005-11-01
ACCEPTED without changes

Next meeting: 15 Nov, scribe: ??


2. Next Meeting

Will have one next week 15 Nov

3. Security Considerations

ACTION: EricP to respond to "Security Considerations"

ACTION: KendallC to add a modified version of 
http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#security to protocol editor's 
draft, as well as a pointer to the section in rq23 itself

4. QL conformance

ACTION: EricP to introduce conformance section and add conformance 
wording where appropriate.

5. toward SPARQL QL updated WD

ACTION Jeen: address 2005-08-30T19:01:08Z from jagannathan.srinivasan

ACTION EricP: mail the WG asking about URIs for functions, re comment 
2005-10-26T22:08:10Z from r.newman 

ACTION DanC: propose changes-from-lc section

6. issues#rdfSemantics

Lengthy discussion whether current LC spec is sufficient or if changes 
are truly needed.

ACTION: Enrico to take a pass through the editor's draft, listing what 
will change with the new semantics understanding ...

ACTION: PatH to review The Semantics of SPARQL


Adjourned at 16:03 UTC, included the following agenda items with all 
action items as continued, please reply back to these minutes if you 
consider you've done these.

7. issues#wsdlAbstractProtocol

ACTION: DanC to notifty DAWG of WSDL response to our WSDL comments

ACTION KC: review sparql-types for xs:any weirdness, w.r.t. WSDL 2.0 

ACTION: KendallC to propose revised WSDL descripton of SPARQL protocol

8. Toward CR

ACTION: KendallC to remove uses of "my" in URIs in protocol spec

9. protocol testing update

ACTION: Jeen try to reproduces EliasT's protocol testing results

10. test suite maintenance

ACTION: EricP to fix test schema to match manifest with negative tests 
[recorded in

ACTION: DanC to follow up re optional test based on op:dateTime triple

ACTION DaveB: add to test suite the temperature case from comment on 
truth tables in [33]commentor's message

ACTION ericP: to update sop:isIRI to include the "isuri" synonym


Next meeting: 15-November-2005 at 14:30 UTC.

Janne Saarela <janne.saarela at profium.com>
Profium, Lars Sonckin kaari 12, 02600 Espoo, Finland
Internet: http://www.profium.com

<DanC> Zakim, next item
<Zakim> agendum 2. "next meeting" taken up [from DanC]
* DanC hopes ericp will call in soon
* DanC wonders if elias would consider chairing
<DanC> Zakim, next item
<Zakim> agendum 3. "Security Considerations" taken up [from DanC]
<DanC> agenda + next meeting, try again
* Zakim notes agendum 11 added
<DanC> Subject: 	[OK?] Re: SPARQL: Security Considerations
<DanC> Date: 	Tue, 8 Nov 2005 08:46:00 -0500  (07:46 CST)
<DanC> ACTION: KendallC to add a modified version of http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#security to protocol editor's draft, as well as a pointer to the section in rq23 itself [CONTINUES]
<DanC> Ericp's is done
* RRSAgent records action 1
<DanC> Zakim, next item
<Zakim> agendum 4. "QL Conformance" taken up [from DanC]
<JanneS> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005OctDec/0102.html
<DanC> Zakim, take up item 5
<Zakim> agendum 5. "toward SPARQL QL updated WD" taken up [from DanC]
<LeeF> Chair: DanC
<LeeF> Scribe: JanneS
<DanC> Zakim, take up item 6
<Zakim> agendum 6. "issues#rdfSemantics" taken up [from DanC]
<JanneS> DanC: if you say 'simply entails' it matches with current design, does it?
<JanneS> DanC: bnodes in the query act likes variables (can be bound to different nodes)
<ericP> zakim, please dial ericp=617.2
<Zakim> I am sorry, ericP; I do not know a number for ericp=617.2
<ericP> zakim, please dial ericp-617.2
<Zakim> ok, ericP; the call is being made
<Zakim> +Ericp
<DanC> Zakim, drop ericp
<Zakim> Ericp is being disconnected
<ericP> zakim, please drip ericP
<Zakim> -Ericp
<Zakim> I don't understand 'please drip ericP', ericP
<JanneS> Enrico: alternative to doing skolemization would be current design and the subgraph matching people co
<JanneS> s/co/do/
* DanC wonders if "our latest document" is bound in everybody else's context
<ericP> zakim, please dial ericp-617.2
<Zakim> ok, ericP; the call is being made
<Zakim> +Ericp
<ericP> zakim, please drop ericP
<Zakim> Ericp is being disconnected
<Zakim> -Ericp
<SteveH> Zakim, mute me
<Zakim> SteveH should now be muted
* kendall has joined #dawg
<AndyS_> Home: Input: <a> <b> <c> .  Simple entails _:a1 <b> <c> (and many other triples) so { ?x ?y ?z } gives what?  _:a1 <b> <c>??
<AndyS_> s/Home/Discussion/ 
<AndyS_> http://www.inf.unibz.it/krdb/w3c/sparql/
<franconi> http://www.inf.unibz.it/krdb/w3c/sparql/
<Zakim> +Ericp
<ericP> yehaw!!!
<DanC> -> http://www.inf.unibz.it/krdb/w3c/sparql/ The Semantics of SPARQL 2 Nov 2005
* ericP my mike is more sensitive than i'm used to
<LeeF> :jon :plays :baseball
<LeeF> _:a :plays :baseball
<JanneS> DanC: john plays Baseball, someone plays Baseball -> lean: John plays baseball. Only one answer to (?x ?y ?z)
<JanneS> Enrico: 3 levels: 1. current design where the original graph doesn't include redundancy
<JanneS> 2. no redundancy at all
<JanneS> 3. added redundancy
<ericP> <John> <plays> <baseball>.
<ericP> _:x <plays> <baseball>.
<ericP> _:y <plays> <baseball>.
<ericP> .

<ericP> PatH: a non-lean graph could be a subgraph of a lean graph
<ericP> (seemed important, hope i captured it)
<LeeF> yes, that's accurate.
<ericP> <John> <plays> <baseball>:
<ericP>        <name> "John".
<ericP> _:x <plays> <baseball>;
<ericP>     <name> "Bob".
<ericP> _:y <plays> <baseball>;
<ericP>     <name> "Bob".
<LeeF> patH: current design has blanket assumption that answer bindings must be bound to "things" that already exist in the graph (prevents added redundancy)
<AndyS_> Renaming gets done in the results format so no need here.
<ericP> ?x <plays> <baseball> leans out to:
<ericP> <John> <plays> <baseball>.
<ericP> or
<ericP> <John> <plays> <baseball>.
<ericP> _:z <plays> <baseball>.
<ericP> ?
* jeen has the feeling that this all boils down to what we try to capture with the notion of 'dataset' already
<DanC> Zakim, who's on the phone?
<Zakim> On the phone I see LeeF (muted), EliasT, AndyS_, EnricoF, PatH, DanC, JanneS, SteveH (muted), Jeen, Jos_De_Roo, Ericp
<LeeF> jeen - I thought that was the case except for entailment scenarios that can't be expressed as a single logical closure graph (the OWL-DL little house scenario?).
<LeeF> zakim, unmute me
<Zakim> LeeF should no longer be muted
<patH> Lee- as long as we use 'entails' in the actual statement, we don't have to worry about the logical closure issue.
<LeeF> Right, I understand that patH, thanks.
<EliasT> does no code change, means no ENTAILS keyword?
<AndyS_> Yes
<AndyS_> No ENTAILS keyword
<EliasT> so how does Enrico see us giving people hooks for other entailment levels?
<franconi> I mean with the ENTAILS keywork, which defaults to simple-entailment
<DanC> ack steveh
* Zakim unmutes SteveH
<patH> Theoretical hooks in definitions, not code hooks.
* Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
<ericP> q+
* Zakim sees ericP on the speaker queue
<SteveH> Zakim, mute me
<Zakim> SteveH should now be muted
<ericP> q-
* Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
* ericP now understands DanC's ack was to unmute steveh
<JanneS> JanneS: lc ok, hopes the editorial wording would match with a more generic semantics roadmap -> no need to change existing code
<EliasT> I'm still confused, patH says theoretical hooks, Enrico says ENTAILS keyword. which one is it?
<franconi> both!
<EliasT> :-)
<ericP> Stick with LC:
<ericP> I want people to fold the semantics parameter into either the service graph or the FROM/FROM NAMED graphs.
<ericP> I haven't seen interop use cases motivating pushing this parameter into the protocol or the grammar.
<ericP> Peter may have problems running test cases that rely on non-lean graphs if his engine requires test cases. Do we have any?
<JanneS> Jos: ok with LC
<patH> Enrico, do you mean that the query will specify which entailment to use? 
<EliasT> if entails defaults to our current design, then we don't have to change the test cases, but code would have to change to throw an error if a different entail parameter is passed.
<AndyS_> algebra has not been worked through and I fear problems will arise if we rush believing it is trivial (e.g. undistinguished variables, unbounds)
* SerT has joined #dawg
<DanC> q+ to clarify that owl entailment can't be "hidden" in the dataset
* Zakim sees DanC on the speaker queue
<patH> Andy, yes. We need to do the checks.
<LeeF> thanks, DanC, that's whay I was trying to say in IRC.
<franconi> Pat, there are several possibilities here: for example theh service may offer different addresses for the different entailments
<JanneS> I thought I have voted for having the different entailments being provided at different addresses...
* ericP zakim, please mute ericP
* Zakim Ericp should now be muted
<DanC> 3 columns http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/issues#rdfSemantics
<EliasT> what does different address mean? different endpoints or different default-graph-uri? both?
<kendall> hmm, while not officially here, i need to think about multiple endpoints in the WSDL, whether there's any issue with having multiple endpoints for the same (from the WSDL point of view) operation
<LeeF> What are the current objections to (1) specifying the LC design w/ entailment verbiage and (2) omitting ENTAILS, hence requiring that any other entailment be encoded in an endpoint or graph URI?
<kendall> ah, good question elias
<JanneS> (I thought different endpoints, Elias)
<DanC> Zakim, take up item 5
<Zakim> agendum 5. "toward SPARQL QL updated WD" taken up [from DanC]
<patH> Lee, thats the gaol Im trying to steer us to.
<AndyS_> OWL disjunction : distinguished / non-distinguished variables change the answer
<patH> gaol/goal (!)
<AndyS_> ie. chnage the SELECT and the change 
<EliasT> I guess we've moved on to next agendum.
<ericP> ack ericP
* Zakim unmutes Ericp
<AndyS_> ie. chnage the SELECT and the # solutions change 
* Zakim sees DanC on the speaker queue
<LeeF> AndyS_, I'm sorry - which example is that, again, that illustrates the distinguished/non-distinguished variable issue?
<AndyS_> Enricos worker example or Bijans (will get links...)
<LeeF> I know that example, no need for the link. Thanks.
<DanC> DONE: ACTION: Enrico to take a pass through the editor's draft, listing what will change with the new semantics understanding ...
<LeeF> I just didn't remember it involving the # of bindings changing with the projection changing. Will re-look at it.
<DanC> DONE: # ACTION: PatH to review The Semantics of SPARQL
<DanC> ACTION: PatH to sketch tests that characterize impact of semantics work
* RRSAgent records action 2
<DanC> -- continues
<AndyS_> Bijan: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JulSep/0498.html
<DanC> ACTION Bijan: estimate impact of "abstract syntax entailment" etc. on WG test harness [CONTINUES]
* RRSAgent records action 3
<AndyS_> Enricos ==> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004JulSep/0069
<DanC> ACTION: Bijan to take a pass through the editor's draft, listing what will change with the new semantics understanding, and what will not [CONTINUES]
* RRSAgent records action 4
* ericP suffering from convenient turrett's syndrome
* DanC "the paper"?
<DanC> ACTION: Enrico extend http://www.inf.unibz.it/krdb/w3c/sparql/ to cover "the algebra", i.e. optional, UNBOUND
* RRSAgent records action 5
<DanC> Zakim, close item 6
<Zakim> agendum 6, issues#rdfSemantics, closed
<Zakim> I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
<Zakim> 4. QL Conformance [from DanC]
<franconi> Semantics of optional: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JulSep/0451
<ericP> http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#id-xquery-conformance
<AndyS_> Enrico - there was a Q from Steve - did it get an answer?
<franconi> Which Q?
<AndyS_> In email - see the lists
* ericP goes hog wild on the spec
<AndyS_> Enrico - see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005JulSep/0457.html
<DanC> EricP is convinced a conformance section is worthwhile; should be editorial diff to rq23
<franconi> Ah, I lost it :-) Oh yes, this is it - I agree
<DanC> DanC suggests getting the relevant protocol text before going to the commentor; WG decision not needed.
<DanC> Zakim, close this item
<Zakim> agendum 5 closed
<Zakim> I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
<Zakim> 4. QL Conformance [from DanC]
<DanC> Zakim, close item 4
<Zakim> agendum 4, QL Conformance, closed
<Zakim> I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
<Zakim> 7. issues#wsdlAbstractProtocol [from DanC]
<DanC> Zakim, take up item 5
<Zakim> agendum 5. "toward SPARQL QL updated WD" taken up [from DanC]
<DanC> -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005OctDec/0176.html handling SPARQL QL comments
<DanC> -> http://www.w3.org/mid/97C9F8341808C244BFF39DCB6EDD5AD71116B2@server.home.ryan.levering.name # 2005-08-17T13:55:31Z from RRLevering
* kendall has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<AndyS_> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2005Aug/0096
<DanC> 2005-08-30T19:01:08Z from jagannathan.srinivasan
<DanC> ACTION Jeen: address 2005-08-30T19:01:08Z from jagannathan.srinivasan
* RRSAgent records action 6
* JosD have to leave tcon now.. (having holiday)
<Zakim> -Jos_De_Roo
* LeeF has left #dawg
* LeeF has joined #dawg
<LeeF> whoops.
* LeeF removes ESC key from keyboard
<ericP> { ?x sparql:isIRI ?y }
<DanC> ... FILTER ( my_renamed_sop:isIRI(?x) )
<ericP> vs.
<ericP> ... FILTER ( isIRI(?x) )
<SteveH> no opinion
<ericP> AndyS: i prefer that all functions have a URI
<ericP> ... including the level-breakers
<SteveH> s
<ericP> i.e.  FILTER ( isBound(?x) )  vs.  FILTER ( my_renamed_sop:isBOUND(?x) )  vs.  
<DanC> ACTION EricP: mail the WG asking about URIs for functions, re comment 2005-10-26T22:08:10Z from r.newman http://www.w3.org/mid/8CC73085-F6B6-4F56-91B8-8940E55B1648@reading.ac.uk
* RRSAgent records action 7
<JanneS> DanC suggests publishing of new WD with Eric's and Andy's changes + approval from Mr. X by 16th
<JanneS> EricP: could take the time to issue new LC
<DanC> ACTION DanC: propose changes-from-lc section
<JanneS> DanC: who could do section-by-section change log?
* RRSAgent records action 8
<EliasT> will that publication have answers to all of the comments in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2005OctDec/0176.html ?
<DanC> (I'm somewhat inclined to not decide today on the grounds of time)
<AndyS_> Some are susbtantive which is one place where we need WG members help
<AndyS_> i.e. take an issue - propose changes (diffs to HTML best) - send to WG.
<AndyS_> (the right answer is "current text" unless you find a bug :-)
<EliasT> we don't have to have specific assignments.. right?
<EliasT> everyone shold be looking at them and answering what they can... concurrency is solved by email reply to the comment, correct?
<AndyS_> No - just pick one - tell WG if it will be long thought process
<DanC> RRSAgent, make logs world-access
<RRSAgent> I have made the request, DanC
<DanC> RRSAgent, pointer?
<RRSAgent> See http://www.w3.org/2005/11/08-dawg-irc#T16-03-18
Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2005 16:08:19 GMT

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