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minutes: RDF DAWG telcon 25 March for review

From: Kendall Clark <kendall@monkeyfist.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 15:34:48 -0500
To: public-rdf-dawg@w3.org
Message-ID: <20040325203448.GA20873@monkeyfist.com>

RDF Data Access WG
Thursday 25 March 2004
10:30am-12:00pm/15:30-17:00 UTC

Attendees: Alberto Reggiori, Andy Seaborne, Jean-Francois Baget,
Daniel Krech, Kendall Clark, Rob Shearer, Dirk-Willem van Gulik,
Patrick Stickler, Dave Beckett, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Dan Connolly, Jos
De Roo, Pat Hayes

Regrets: Bryan Thompson

Raw meeting notes: http://www.w3.org/2004/03/25-dawg-irc

Minutes from 17 March DAWG telcon APPROVED unanimously.

Dave Beckett offered to scribe the next meeting, 1 April.

Dan Connolly has reserved telcon bridge for next meeting.

ACTION: EricP to take over face-to-face registration
ACTION: DanC to work on face-to-face agenda

We discussed various existing Use Cases:

    - the examples or user stories *are* our use cases

    - tell-me-about-x UC should perhaps be split into several others:
        data/metadata browser and metadata crawler

    - address precisely what user wants to do with email address in AndyS's
      "find John Smith's email address"

    - some consensus around solving the john-smith email case

    ACTION: PatrickS to write this use case up
    - general approval of Alberto's restatement/solution of DanC's
      geolocation use case

    - DaveB spoke in support of 

    - DaveB asked for more use cases.

    - KendallC asked for more use cases specifically about uses of protocol.

    - AlbertoR asked that UCs might be organized into types or categories.
Straw poll suggested that structuring ongoing discussion about use
cases around a document would be more helpful than continuing in a
free-form way.

DanC solicited one-page outlines of such a document be emailed to him
Received on Thursday, 25 March 2004 15:36:27 GMT

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