Linking emails to actions/issues

Tracker subscribes to the Working Group mailing list in order to automatically link all relevant discussion to the appropriate issues and actions. It does this by scanning all the email for keywords.

The keywords can be anywhere in the subject or text of the message. However, the tool only reads the text portions of an email, not HTML or PDF, so make sure you send emails either in plain-text or with an equivalent plain-txt attachment.

If you're mentioning a particular issue simply use the issue identifier, such as “ISSUE-123”. The word ISSUE must be in uppercase.

If you're mentioning a particular action simply use the action identifier, such as “ACTION-42”. The word ACTION must be in uppercase.

That's all. The tool will then link all emails that use the keywords, as demonstrated by the famous ISSUE-33 of the CDF Working Group.

Opening an Issue

You should always use the “Create/Raise” Issue link in the Tracker sidebar to create an issue. This will cause an automatic email to be sent to the Working Group.

Email reminders

Coming Soon! Users will be able to specify if they'd like email reminders sent to them when they have an overdue action.