Wednesday, 14 May 2008


VITALAS is a use-case driven project that aims at providing a pre-industrial prototype system dedicated to intelligent access services to multimedia professional archives that would provide the consumer with new  technological functionalities.

VITALAS will provide advanced solution for indexing, searching and accessing large scale of non previously (or partly) annotated content.

VITALAS will also seek to make novel contributions in cross-media (audio/speech, video, image, text) indexing and content enrichment, and will use different interactive retrieval methods (query refinement with log files,
RFB, context adaptation).  

VITALAS V1 video demonstration

The video presents the first results of cross media indexing and retrieval VITALAS prototype.

Search may be performed by combining crossmodal queries:

    Full text query "championship"  initializes a set of results. The query is first refined with visual concept "car". Visual concepts correspond to automatically generated annotations through VITALAS functionalities. Then, the results are filtered with the textual concept "belgian", in order to retrieve images relative to the belgian competitor in the car championship. Moreover, pictures of the front view of the car are retrieved by combining results with visual similarities search.

Download the video (need VLC )

MCVC'08 Cannes (MUSCLE Conference joint with VITALAS Conference)

The first VITALAS conference was held at Palais Stéphanie in Cannes, France, on 11 & 12 February 2008, jointly with the final conference of the MUSCLE EU funded Network of Excellence.
This scientific conference is opened to members of communities in the field of Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Machine Learning.
Some of the first achievements of VITALAS project will be presented during this event.

Read more... 

The videos of the presentations are now available (click on the logo below)

Video lectures


VITALAS Internal Awareness Workshop
The VITALAS project has organized an internal Awareness Workshop on 21 February 2008 at IRT premises, Munich, Germany.
The objective was to invite users from IRT, INA, Belga and AFP, as well as their "close user community" to discover the VITALAS functionalities/objectives. The audience was staff from IRT's associates (editors, journalists, annotators, archivists), archivists from INA, picture editors and sales managers from Belga and their shareholders and at last press employees from AFP.
The participants will be asked to give their feedback through a questionnaire, which will also allow the definition of success criteria for VITALAS.