
STLIMC is Dead! Long Live STLIMC!

Posting on this site will be disabled next month (March 08) so it can be archived (minus the spam).

This website will soon be replaced by its successor at We are working on new features right now and we are working ensure as much continuity in the Newswire as possible. Watch this space!


Featured news by and for the local community


Commentary :: Housing and Development : Local politics

A Tax Break for Neighborhood Busters

Read [Sunday's] editorial in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch if you want your heart broken. Decades of progress on the near north side are threatened by a proposal that does not prohibit the use of eminent domain, even in rehabbed areas like Old North St. Louis.
MORE: Background on Blairmont
UPDATE 4/12: Similar Landbanking Bill Pending in MO House
UPDATE 5/3: Landbanking Bill Could Die in MO Senate

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