Culture and Entertainment
Profile Profile
Business Areas Business Areas
Digital Media Digital Media
E-Business E-Business
E-Government E-Government
Communication Systems Communication Systems
Culture and Entertainment Culture and Entertainment
Medicine and Life Sciences Medicine and Life Sciences
Production Production
Security Security
Software Software
Transport and Mobility Transport and Mobility
Research Program Research Program
Publications Publications
Press Service Press Service
Events Events
Imprint Imprint


Multimedia creates understanding: Universities and museums, entertainment parks and the media industry, schools and further educational institutions, authorities and administrations – all these use multimedia to present information and entertainment. Modern information and communication technologies form the basis for new, innovative products and services.

New Opportunities for Education
A school trip to see the largest dinosaur skeleton in the world need not remain an unfulfilled dream for children, even in times of short funds and busy timetables. Modern technologies bring the dinosaur into the middle of the classroom, perhaps even bringing it to virtual life. There is therefore a great market potential for applications that provide learning contents in the field of »edutainment«.

The Fraunhofer Information and Communication Technology Group (ICT) combines innovative technologies and visionary ideas for marketable applications in its »Culture and Entertainment« business area. It allows a wider public to be better provided with complex knowledge, possibly from different cultures, through digitalisation and documentation with other multimedia contents such as pictures, texts and videos than has usually been the case until now. Even the most difficult contents can be provided successfully through interactive, fun concepts.

Applications, Reference Projects and Research Trends in the Field of Culture and Entertainment

© Fraunhofer-IuK-Gruppe 2007