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Keio University 150th Anniversary Commemorative
Nikos Kazantzakis Symposium

KEIO University co-organizes with the Embassy of Greece to Japan a symposium dedicated to the  most translated Greek writer of the 20th century, Νikos KAZANTZAKIS.   The symposium will take place at the Lecture Hall  (West Building), Mita Campus on May 30th , 2008. The well-known Professor Roderick Beaton from King’s College London and the Greek journalist and writer Nikos Psilakis will be the keynote speakers. A mini-concert with musical themes written by Greek composers and performed by two modern Greek artists will open the event. Registration required. (See below)

We look forward to your participation!

Date & Time: Friday, May 30, 2008, 16:30 - 19:00
Place: Keio University (Mita Campus)

West School Building Hall ("Nishi-Kosha Hall") (1F)

Schedule: 16:30  Introductory Speech 
           Prof. Taro Nishimura (Vice-President, Keio Univ.)
           Address  H.E. Mr. Ioannis Vavvas (Ambassador of Greece)
           Address  A representative from the Maria Tsakos Foundation 
16:45  Mini Concert    Nikolaos DOUKAS (mandolin)
                                       Stylianos DAVARIS (guitar)
17:15  Keynote Speaker  Prof. Roderick Beaton (King’s College London)
 "A Greek Novelist in Search of the Meaning of Life: Kazantzakis's Zorba and Christ Recrucified"  
18:30  Keynote Speaker  Mr. Nikos Psilakis

"Nikos Kazantzakis and the rites of the primitive societies. Ethnological search into the international cultural environment. "

Language: Japanese and English (simultaneous translation provided)
Admission: Free of charge
Organizers: Keio University - Embassy of Greece
Sponsor: The Maria Tsakos Foundation
Links: Embassy of Greece

The Maria Tsakos Foundation

Contact: Embassy of Greece:  tel. 03 34030871-2
International Center, Keio University:  tel. 03-5427-1798 / email


    Please register online before May 23, 2008: