olivier Thereaux @

What am I doing here?

At the moment, my main W3C work consists of development and coordination of the tools behind a number of W3C public services, most of them managed as open-source software projects. If a service has "validator" in its name, chances are I have my hands in it. Knee deep.

Among the services/tools I take care of are the W3C Markup Validator, W3C CSS Validator, W3C Link Checker, LogValidator, and Feed validation service.

I work in close cooperation with the QA IG (which I chaired for a few years), and still participate in its education and outreach effort.

I am also the developer and maintainer of a number of internal W3C services, including the W3C lists search service.

I am based at W3C's Japanese host, Keio University, Shonan Fujisawa Campus, which I joined in October 2000.


It's alway better to contact mailing-lists I'm part of to avoid any single point of failure.

Also on the Web...

W3C team members can check my Team page.
Others can find misc stuff on my Home Page, including photos and Writings / Journal (in french).
On my free time, I am also an administrator of Tokyo Art Beat, a comprehensive listing of Art and Design events in the Tokyo scene.