MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory MIT

CSAIL Colloquium

Robert Schapire Title: Maximum Entropy and Species Distribution Modeling
Speaker: Robert Schapire, Princeton University
Date: Thursday, May 1 2008
Time: 4:00PM to 5:00PM
Location: 32-G449(Patil)
Modeling the geographic distribution of a plant or animal species is a critical problem in conservation biology: to save a threatened species, one first needs to know where it prefers to live, and what its requirements are for survival. From a machine-learning perspective, this is an especially challenging problem in which the learner is presented with no negative examples and often only a tiny number of positive examples more >>

Event Calendar


11:30am-12:45 pm
Systems Biomedicine and the Multi-Node Drug Target (Bioinformatics Seminar, Joseph Lehár)
CSAIL Professor coaches MIT team to gold medal in "Battle of the Brains

MIT team Martin Rinard, a CSAIL professor, coached MIT’s team in the 32nd annual International Collegiate Programming Contest to a second place gold medal. The competition, sponsored by IBM, involved solving eleven computer programming problems in less than five hours. In order to win a place in the finals, the MIT team first competed against 6,700 teams from universities around the world in the regional competition this fall. For more information, see:
MIT News article
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest

CSAIL Professor wins award

Erik Demaine CSAIL professor Erik Demaine won the Katayanagi Emerging Leadership Prize. The Prize, sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University and Tokyo University of Technology, is endowed by Japanese entrepreneur Koh Katayanagi and honors promising young researchers in the computer science field. For more information see:
Katayanagi Prize