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Proposed Activity for Video on the Web

W3C organized a workshop on Video on the Web in December 2007 in order to share current experiences and examine the technologies (see report). Online video content and demand is increasing rapidly, becoming omnipresent on the Web and the trend will continue for at least a few years. These rapid changes are posing challenges to the underlying technologies and standards that support the platform-independent creation, authoring, encoding/decoding, and description of video. To ensure the success of video as a "first class citizen" of the Web, the community needs to build a solid architectural foundation that enables people to create, navigate, search, and distribute video, and to manage digital rights.

The general scope of the proposed Video on the Web activity is to provide cohesion in the video related activities of W3C, as well helping other W3C Groups in their effort to provide video functionalities. In addition, this activity will focus at implementing the next steps from the W3C workshop on Video on the Web. The proposal is to create 3 new Working Groups around Video on the Web. Please, have a look at the following documents:

  1. Activity proposal
  2. Media Fragments Working Group Charter
  3. Media Best Practices and Guidelines Working Group Charter
  4. Media Annotations Working Group Charter

We welcome general feedback, general expressions of interest (or lack of!) and comments on the discussion list public-video-comments@w3.org.

If you should have questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me as well. I will be presenting the activity proposal during the Web Conference next week, on Thursday afternoon.

Filed by Philippe Le Hégaret on April 15, 2008 3:29 PM in Accessibility, HTML, HTTP, Semantic Web, Technology, W3C・QA News, Web Architecture
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