Web Standards Group

Welcome to the Web Standards Group

The Web Standards Group is for web designers & developers who are interested in web standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT etc.) and best practices (accessible sites using valid and semantically correct code). We aim to:

We currently have 5731 members from 109 countries.

Latest Feature

Ten questions for Lachlan Hunt
Lachlan talks about HTML5, XHML2, WHATWG, specs, top posting, JavaScript, XBL and more.

Ten questions for Sarah Blow
Sarah talks about her job, the mobile web, London Geek Girls, women in technology, inspirations and more.

WSG PodCasts

Web Apps: A Trillion Tiny Transactions
Duration: 20:00 - File size: 6.12 MB
Mick Liubinskas
18-October-2007 WSG Sydney meeting
Whether you're trying to make money from advertising, subscription or the Google Flip, the value of your product, and your company is normally made up lots of little bits of value. How do you maximise the value, minimise the friction of the transaction, and let the transactions roam free?

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Recent Member Contributions

Flash by Z -presents Possum Kingdom Lake
Category: Built by members
Posted: 24-Apr-08 by Eric Zabinsky
Visit Flash by Z to view an online gallery featuring the beautiful Possum Kingdom Lake area. What does it take to build a dynamic website? Articles discuss layout, PHP,CSS,SEO and the web design award community.

XHTML STRICT with CSS tableless design