Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator) ARG sneak peek: part 1.

An Alternate Reality Game (or 'ARG') revolving around the storyline of the Fox tv series Sarah Connor Chronicles (and the Terminator movie trilogy). The footage describes the development of a camera from Enitech Labs that can take pictures of a future event by capturing faster-than-light "tachyon" particles. When pictures of ordinary scenery foretell post-apocalyptic outcomes, the developers find themselves in a race against time to publicize their findings and warn the public of the horrors to come...

(Thanks, Bart Cheever / millionsofus!)


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IANAP (physicist) but to me it seems that if these particles travel 'instantaneously,' for the events to 'outrun' the lightwaves and break the light cone by a certain amount of time, they must be correspondingly distant. So events you see three years in the 'future' would be taking place 3 light years away. Does anyone know better?

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Interesting stuff. I've been watching Terminator and it's OK, though given that there's little else on Fox these days that attracts my eyeballs that's saying something. This opens up a whole ontological can of worms, with issues of destiny vs. choice. There's an obvious parallel to Schroedinger's Cat, in that an observer must be figured into any equation, a practice more recent quantum physics bears out. One question danced around on the show is whether one can avoid or encourage a certain result in an essentially open (though actually closed) set of factors without a full comprehension of how all factors interrelate; actions which may seem to be contrary to a result may in fact set other systems in motion that actually promote said result. Given Fox's ever-shifting politics I wonder whether there's a parallel we're meant to draw to the current domestic and international scene. Something to eyeball on all fronts, at any rate.

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Richard, please don't do that. It looks like spam.

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if the "tachyon" particles move faster than light, then wouldn't the images received be more accurate photos of the present? if light moves slower, the reflected light from the object would reach the camera later than the present- giving us a photo of the past. Whereas, the tachyon camera would move faster getting us closer and closer to the exact time the photo was taken- not the future- the present

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#6 posted by Rick , March 5, 2008 9:33 PM

Why are you even discussing the "physics" of a work of fiction? It is very clearly window-dressing, and the rest of the production need only suspend your disbelief enough for you to get more involved with the rest of the story.

BTW, Anna is hot, I hope she survives for the whole saga.

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We looked into Enitech and were right away contacted by Skynet. They sent some guys around to our offices at Quiet Earth. Did anyone else have any trouble?

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