WebCGM 1.0 Conformance Test Suite

Release 1.0 -- 21 January 2002

Copyright & License. The WebCGM 1.0 Conformance Test Suite (WebCGM TS) was developed by Lofton Henderson, under contract with NIST. CGM Open members have assisted with review of interim pre-release versions, and CGM Open provides a Web location for distribution. Copyright for the WebCGM 1.0 Conformance Test Suite is held by Lofton Henderson. License terms for use and redistribution are free, subject to a no-modification restriction (to preserve the integrity of WebCGM TS materials). See the WebCGM TS copyright & license document.

NIST Software Disclaimer. The WebCGM 1.0 Conformance Test Suite (WebCGM TS) was developed under contract for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Gaithersburg MD 20899, USA. WebCGM TS bears no warranty, either express or implied. NIST does not assume legal liability nor responsibility for a User's use of WebCGM TS or the results of such use.

Introduction. This is the first released version of the WebCGM 1.0 Conformance Test Suite (WebCGM TS). This release covers both the static graphics capabilities of WebCGM, as well as the dynamic, hyperlinking capabilities.

There will be future releases and further improvements. In particular, an important link/traceback from the test case to the appropriate requirements and testable assertions from the WebCGM standard is under development. There will also be a more test cases, as well as bug fixes and improvements to some test cases.

Caveat 1. The Dynamic (hyperlinking) tests will not look very good if you are running on a small screen, or at less that 1024x768 resolution. (At higher resolutions, there may also be some frame-layout issues).

Caveat 2. In a some cases, production of reference images was problematical for the WebCGM TS developer, due to limited access to high-resolution systems and tools. This will be addressed in a future release, rather than delay the first public release of WebCGM TS. This is not a critical criterion for the dynamic tests, in particular, and there is a caveat at the end of each Operator Script.

Instructions. To view WebCGM TS, al