Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

XML Graphics for the Web

SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. SVG 1.1 is a W3C Recommendation and forms the core of the current SVG developments. SVG Tiny 1.2 is the specification currently being developed as the core of the SVG 1.2 language (comments welcome). The SVG Mobile Profiles: SVG Basic and SVG Tiny are targeted to resource-limited devices and are part of the 3GPP platform for third generation mobile phones. SVG Print is a set of guidelines to produce final-form documents in XML suitible for archiving and printing. Read more about SVG.

SVG Open 2008; 26th-28th August, Nuremberg, Germany (early rates until 30th April)

News items syndicated from

2008-01-27: SVG Open 2008 site on-line

6th International Conference on Scalable Vector Graphics
26th to 28th August
Nuremberg | Germany

The world conference on SVG, the versatile 'HTML of graphics' standard, this year takes place in the beautiful city center of Nuremberg. That is in the south of Germany, a country in which many people watch Football through SVG-enabled phones, or maybe pick the seat for their flights on SVG-enabled websites. Nueremberg does even have its own SVG Logo that can be seen here!

On this conference you can learn about subjects varying from specialized technical visualizations to interactive multimedia art. On the program there are presentations, beginner and advanced level workshops, a technical exhibition, and the opportunity to meet people from the SVG community, industry and the W3C SVG Working Group.

SVG Open 2008 is organised by examotion in affiliation with W3C.

Excited to contribute and participate? Click here for more details ...

The above is all copied shamelessly of the SVG Open website

2008-01-27: Ikivo and AMD claim to enrich graphics on mobile phones

Ikivo has introduced an OpenVG based version of its accelerated SVG software that'll run on AMD's Imageon media processor

2008-01-17: SVG resources in Turkish

Here are some usefull resources for Turkish webmasters and designers for SVG.

Good luck for all. Best regards.

2008-01-15: Sketsa SVG Editor 5.1 Released

KIYUT just released Sketsa SVG Editor 5.1, a cross platform vector drawing application based on SVG. It features various tools for optimizing content creation, giving designers unsurpassed support for creativity. These tools include property palette, source editor, resources editor, SVG specific shape tools, transformation tools, and additional illustration tools. Sketsa uses SVG as a native file format.

Read on for the full story...

2008-01-11: Batik 1.7 released

The Apache Batik team is proud to announce the release of Apache Batik version 1.7, a Java-based toolkit for processing SVG.

Read on for the full story...

2008-01-04: Open Laszlo Kernel and SVG

I've long been interested in SVG, and have been thinking that it would make a good target runtime platform for OpenLaszlo applications so I decided to see how difficult it would be to port the DHTML kernel (which is still under development) to SVG. With native browser support going strong, it seemed perfectly achievable.

In about two days of hacking I got a large part of the Sprite API ported to SVG. Here is a simple demo of the SVG kernel running:

If time permits, I will try to clean up the code for my SVG kernel enough to release it, please contact me through comments here if you are interested. There are remaining bugs but it is overall good.

2007-12-21: Last Call on SVG Print

svg print logo

W3C has announced Last Call on SVG Print 1.2, which is in two parts:

Feedback should be sent to (public archive) by 8 February 2008.

Read on for the full story...

2007-12-18: SVG Map Toolkit 0.3.0 Released

SVG Map consortium released SVG Map Toolkit 0.3.0 that aims to become a standard Web Map platform. It is also high-performance SVG Viewer for Internet Explorer that enhances the SVG 1.1 Tiny specification.

SVG Map Toolkit can be downloaded from the following link.

Moreover, the world SVG map based on VMAP can be browsed from the following link by using SVG Map Toolkit.

This map is scrollable and zoomable. And, In a part of region in Japan, 1:25000 scale map that Geographical Survey Institute of Japan is publishing will be able to be browsed by zooming up.

2007-12-06: SVG Animation Editor Feedback ?

Sketsa SVG Editor 5.0 just released, Now by popular request we are going to develop SVG animation plugins module for the Sketsa. We are stuck at how the UI will flow, do you like the way Adobe Flash Editor, Jasc Webdraw, or you prefer new ways for doing animation editor, etc ?

Please see this blog entry

If possible, please copy or post the reply to that blogs entry as well, so we could easily look all the feedback in one location :)

Any feedback is very appreciated and help us a lot in developing this animation editor.

2007-12-05: Sketsa SVG Editor 5.0 released

KIYUT just released Sketsa SVG Editor 5.0, a cross platform vector drawing application based on SVG. The visual design tools allows designer to select, draw, and edit objects easily, while the integrated DOM Editor and SVG source editor allows them to hand edit SVG source code for greater control.

Read on for the full story...

2007-11-28: SVG the future of web graphics

A web based graphics application using SVG and Javascript. It is supported by all mozilla based browsers and Opera. Demo of the application is at and at svg application

Application has the following features: 1) Desktop behaviour, use of arrow keys to move the objects, delete the object.
2) Freehand drawing tool
3) Import the image in drawing in PNG format
4) Edit the properties of the objects viz; width, height, stroke, font size, font-color.

For application source code of the application, email me at amaltas [at]

2007-11-07: Opera ships 9.50 build with SVGT 1.2 video support

svg video with svg reflectionsOpera Software today released a new build of Opera 9.50 (Windows only for the moment, video support is being ported to other OS) which includes support for the SVG Tiny 1.2 video element. The Ogg Theora video format is supported (as used, for example, by Wikipedia, or Dell).

An article at Opera Labs describes this new build and includes links to three SVG demos which, interestingly, combine SVGT 1.2 video with SVGF 1.1 features like filters, masks, and clipping:

(you will need an SVGT 1.2-enabled browser or viewer, naturally. So download Opera first).

And remember to view source because, with SVG, you can do that and see how it works...

2007-11-06: Ubuntu Hardy Heron

Ubuntu Heron is "likely to see a complete visual refresh," including a whole new icon theme that'll use more SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and bring things more in line with the Tango icons used by GNOME.

2007-11-01: SVG in Russian

There are a lot of designers and programmers in Russia who use flash and who want to learn some new technologies for vector graphics.
Some russian resources:

And Articles:

2007-10-27: Apple Releases SVG-Enabled Safari with Mac OS X 10.5

Safari 3 final has shipped as part of Mac OS X Leopard with an identical SVG feature set to the Safari 3 Beta. It's great to see yet another browser shipping with native SVG support. Those tracking Apple's progress know that recent WebKit nighty builds already demonstrate much more advanced SVG support than that shipping with Safari 3.

2007-10-26: Comments Closed

Unfortunately, we had to close comments on news stories due to an overwhelming quantity of spam comments that proved too time-consuming to manage, while very few genuine comments are posted. We are looking in ways to improve our system to restore comments. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2007-10-24: New Development Environment Supporting SVG

The cross-platform development environment 4D v11 SQL has just been released with built-in support for SVG rendering and a rich set of picture conversion and transformation tools. 4D v11 SQL includes an HTTP server and a SQL server making it a good tool to build a web server producing and serving SVG files.

2007-10-22: Sketsa SVG Graphics Editor 5.0-beta1 released

We just released Sketsa SVG Graphics Editor 5.0-beta1, a cross platform vector drawing application based on SVG. Please keep in mind this is beta version and is therefore unstable). It is available from our site in the under download section.

Note: If you have access to Mac OSX, would you mind to try the new Mac OSX installer, and send us a feedback regarding this new Mac OSX installer, or any feedback either Windows/Mac OSX/Linux, etc is very appreciated. You may sent the feedback to support (at)

2007-10-13: W3C validator has become a lot more useful on SVG content

The W3C validator just reached version 0.8.2, which made it a lot more useful on SVG, according to (part of) the release notes:

Read on for the full story...

2007-10-13: October 29th MobileMonday New York

New York MobileMonday is to include a round-table discussion: The Ubiquitous Web: Making It Happen featuring:

The panel will be moderated by Lubna Dajani, co-founder of MobileMonday New York and CEO of Stratemerge.

Chris Lilley (, Chair, and Doug Schepers (, Team Contact, for the SVG Working Group.
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