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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Its Showtime!

Well it has certainly been a while since I updated my blog. I have offcourse had well meaning intentions to update regularly, at one stage my insanity strove to update daily. But this was not meant to be as I have been very busy of late and have had little time to concentrate on my personal blog let alone my Union blog.

So much has happened that I dare say I don't know where to begin.

We made a decision to sack the Executive Officer recently and since then it has been such a crazy world that I have lived in. For legal reasons I can't say much on this blog about the matter but what I can say is that we have some very dishonest and unloyal ex staff in the Union.

Did you know that :

The alleged all staff motion of no confidence in the Council by Union staff was voted for by six staff members. One abstained. The rest walked out of the meeting in disgust.

I heard a rumour that people have been collecting redundancies and then the very next day working for the University. What a joke. Well its actually not that funny to be honest. I have no problem whatsoever paying people redundancies. I do however have a problem with people obtaining work and claiming a voluntary redundancy for a position that was in fact not redundant. But I will keep all the sordid details for a later blog.

As for Mr J, Miss S, Mr R and Mr D they have all been rather busy of late. The latter has been very busy with a one Miss Desmond and a two Mr Ngam in placing all types of slanderous material around the campus. Its funny because Ngam and Desmond are hand picked members of the SSAA the body which funds the Union. And they are actively engaged in trying to fuck over the President of the Union and the Union itself. Its a shame that Damo is buying into all the crap. Especially since last year he mentioned several times what a good job both Petra and I were doing with VSU and Union stuff. I wonder if the VC is somehow involved in all the slander material being posted up and the plot to bring down the organisation. It wouldn't surprise me to be honest.

So posters and other material have gone up all over the place. I must admit it is very embarresing especially as most of my classes this semester are at Hawthorn. I have my TAFE subject at Prahran once a week but Uni twice a week at Hawthorn. At one stage I was just very depressed and saw the doctor to have a chat. Its horrid how people who put such material together forget that the content is about another human. They don't seem to care if that human is affected adversley. They proceed to print the nasty lies irrespective of the human consequences.

The police were called as Ngam and the sacked EO were removing Union documents and files from the office the day after the sacking. Not only this but when IT went in to check the computer the entire hard drive had been removed. Threats of violence had been made. The police advised the sacked EO to leave the premises. He then proceeded to move camp to the SC building.

Details of why he was sacked can be found on the minutes of the meeting. More detailed reasons will be given in due course.

This has really taken up so much of my time. Not the sacking so much but dealing with the University cutting funding for services. Contrary to popular belief they are still funding representation. So trying to have some funding for services come our way has been our major focus. I am not sure how we will fare but at least we are giving it our best shot.

Last week I went to a Union party on Thursday night in the Union Bar. It was wicked! Over 250 students rocked up and chilled to the throbbing tunes of DJ Tim and enjoyed a beer or wine. I managed to catch up with a few regulars that I see on campus and also met a whole bunch of new students. It was a great promotion for the Union and a wonderful opportunity for me to find out students thoughts on a range of issues. I did get quite drunk and had a little seat dance with Brett while he was playing his harmonica.

Since then I have tried to relax as much as possible. This offcourse has proven to be a rather difficult thing to do with my phone constantly ringing, Mr C requiring attention, Miss O being sick and Miss L breaking up with her long time boyfriend Mr K. Everyone is in need of me at the moment and it seems I have no time to myself. I miss just having a couple of hours to focus on me and how I am feeling about life. I dont seem to have any time to even reflect on the day's activities. This is a real shame as I need to have this time to myself as a person. I am constantly being sucked of energy or at least that is how I feel. At the Union I am like everyone's mum. This is nice but can be very tiring at times as I don't really want 18 kids to be honest. At home I am someone's mum and even with Mr C sometimes I feel more like his mother than his lover. He is so needy and emotional.

I am going to try and really make time for myself. I deserve just a little bit of time for me. MIss Politics time. I do get a little when I am on MSN as at least this is something I am doing because I enjoy it. But its not the same as just chilling out reading or just thinking about life. So from tomorrow I will start with twenty minutes of Vicky time and will increase that slowly until I get to a couple of hours. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Well although this is a rather disjointed blog I just wanted to post something up. I will try for something more coherent tomorrow night or maybe Friday night as I have things on each evening the next three days.

Sleep well my lovelies. I hope the vampires come to visit. Immortality could be yours indeed.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Read All About It

Im too tired to blog tonight and enjoying my dribble on MSN. But I will update this blog tomorrow after I have had a nice relax and sleep-in!

I'm OK ... If a bit tired and stressed ...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thelo Isihia

Simera tha yrapso elinika epidi thelo na po tosa pola pramata ke den thelo na pori olos o kosmos na katalavi ti leo. A eina toso kalo na yrapso etsi den ksero yati den to ekena prin simera.

Itane kali mera simera ... i mikri itane haroumeni and o meyalos itena exso. Eyo piya sto parapostimio ke impuna sto podi oli mera. Poli doulya eha na kano ka o hasos o meyalos piye apo piso apo ti plati mou ke eleye psemata. Den poro alo na ton adixo epidi lei psemata ke kani oti theli horis na skeftete ya ta padia pou spoudasoone. Prepi na kanoume kati. Aftos o anthropos den kani kali doulia ka plironeta pola lefta yia tipota.

O dikosmous ena san yatoula. Den lei tipota ka kani san ola to pramata tha eine kala. Den ksero eyu ti tha yini omos ksero pou ton ayapao kaiksero pou eine kalo's anthropos.

Ti na se po. Itane poli disxola ti peresmeni ebdomana. Piye me afti ti xasi ke efise tin mikri kai emena monaxi ya dio meres. Axristos eina. Ti tha ton kano den xsero.

Tora eine poli disxola na yrapso etsi. Tha pao tora.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Its All Good

Well it has certainly been a while since I posted. I must admit I am a little disappointed in myself as I really want to post regularly and not have to skim through my life. So tonight I will try and play catch up and from this point forward try and post at least every second day.

Alot has been happening of late both personally and at Uni.

I finally took the big step and enrolled back into my undergraduate degree. I must admit I am feeling rather apprehensive about commencing study at this level again. At the same time though I am pretty excited at the prospect of getting all deep and meaningful with two awesome philosophy and politcs subjects I am enrolled in. The Uni was supposed to log us onto the Allocate Plus system within forty eight hours and its almost been a week and I am still not logged on. I'm not surprised as Swinburne is not great when it comes to this stuff though you wouldn't know it if you were reading their promotional material. Lots of hype with little quality back up to be honest. But I digress from what I was saying which is that I am going to have an absolutely kick ass year at Uni this year. I will be part time just for this year and back to full time next year. I am still in my TAFE course too and doing OH and S this semester. Its on line and a sinch I hear.

Union is doing OK. Lots of stuff going on with a restructure well under way and planning for the recruitment drive and face of the union campaign. Well thats not the campaigns name but its something Cody used a few years back and it just flowed off my fingers to be honest. Speaking of Cody I have had some regular contact with him of late. Interesting considering the incident involving my office, his unauthorised entry and my shock at finding him ducked behind the coffee table. I am pretty much over it now but at the time is scared the living crap over me to be honest. I doubt that he gives a rats ass but for what its worth an apology would be nice and go a long way in reedeming himself. For those who are unaware of what I am talking about I am referring to an incident that occurred last year whereby I found him hiding in my office in the early evening. He was apologetic at the time but it had a negative impact on me for a while. It certainly bought back memories of when a man wearing a balaclava and armed with a crowbar entered my house in Coburg while I was home alone. Whilst these two incidents do not have anything in common the feeling that I felt when I discovered Cody was identical to when I saw that guy in my house in Coburg. But again I digress and I don't know why I am bringing this up really. Anyhow I have been trying to learn to work productively with Cody as I really want to do some good work on the boards and committees that we both sit on. This constant bickering has had a negative impace on us all including my fellow students so I thought it was time to try an act a little more mature and put the past behind and try to work at a better future. I don't know what he makes of all this at the moment but I hope he too makes an effort to work things out.

Aside from that I reckon there are some people out there just salivating over the Unions money to be honest. And a certain person is just handing the money out like its going out of fashion. But we will put a stop to that and get things running smoothly. No more of this slask ass do nothing get paid a bucket load shit.

Personally so much has happened that I hardly know where to begin. Kristin the slut face family breaking mother fucker has gracefully re-entered our lives. I wish she would just go back to the hole she came from but no she wants to stir the pot as much as possible and my very own is allowing it to happen.

I could fill ten pages with the news on Kristing slut face but I don't have the energy tonight. I will do a bitch blog up tomorrow for those who are interested.

So people tomorrow brings a new day and that is when I will finish this badly written and not well thought out blog.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lest We Forget

This Isn't Liberation. This Is Evil.

Lest We Forget

Good Ol' Fashioned Coalition Hospitality (insert sarcasim)
What A Disgusting Act

Lest We Forget

Torture in Abu Gharib

Lest We Forget

An American Soldier 'Looking' After An Iraqi Man

Monday, January 16, 2006

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Sad But True


Now you would think I was talking about Uni orientation ... But no ... Alas I am talking about orientation for my two year old who just commenced childcare. I kid you not part of the whole go to childcare thing involves two weeks of orientation. This is good actually as it shows that the workers in this centre know what they are doing. For those who don't have kids, childcare can be a very traumatic experience for kids. The idea of orientation is to slowly wean them into it and involves the parent or parents staying with the child. Both Mr C and I will be staying with Miss O for the first two weeks and after this she will be going solo. I am sure she will still cry but at least she will have gotten to know the workers and feel safe staying there.

Mr C, Miss O and I set off this morning to the new childcare provider. I must admit I was a bit edgy about the whole thing as childcare tends to make me feel guilty and guilt is not one of those emotions that I tend to like all that much. Nevertheless we perserved and off we went to childcare. Upon arrival we handed in the obligatory forms and went into the Possums Group (1-3 year olds). We spent the morning playing in the playground and I must admit it was pretty cool. Miss O had a ball on all the new play things and enjoyed the little cars that they had for the kids to play on. She made a couple of new friends and then proceeded to go in doors to have lunch. On the menu was spaghetti and garlic bread and she chopped it down like there was no tomorrow. We then read a couple of books and sang some songs.

This pretty much summed up the first day as after her lunch, books and song her day was over and we went home so she could have her afternoon nap. She seemed to enjoy it at the new centre and the childcare workers were fantastic. Very experienced and they looked after the kids really well. Our next day is Wednesday and she will be doing some arts and crafts so it should be fun.

I was going to go into work after the morning orientation session but by the time we finished it was one and there was no point travelling an hour and a half to get into the office. So I spent the afternoon working from home which was a good idea as I actually got a whole heap of work done. Just cooking some greek sytle baked potatoes at the moment to have with our corned beef. I am really hungry and tired actually and after my show on SBS I am going to hit the sack me thinks.

It is going to be hot again this week which really annoys me as I hate the hot weather and have not as yet put in that new airconditioner that my mum sent me from QLD. I should get around to putting the thing in as it will really help on those hot summer days. At least the tennis is on now so can watch a bit of that while I am burning away inside the house.

My lovely Miss B is a bit sick today so I send all my love and kisses to her! Get well soon lovely. I am thinking nice thoughts of you.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Yummy Bummy

So its Saturday night and here I am blogging! Very sophisticated don't you think? Mr C is watching some Hollywood crap on television starring that famous Governor from California. Boring!

I just finished receiving a foot massage which has really relaxed me and taken some of the pain away from my feet. Mr C has taken to giving me a foot massage every second day and it has proven to me one of the highlights to my day. I think I will buy a foot spa so that I can relax my feet before he does the massage. This will then mean that my feet will be feeling even better than they are now. Mr C has really outdone himself. What a beautiful gesture to massage my feet with no strings attached every second day! Its just gorgeous.

I am currently trying to make some changes to my blogging habits. Tonight I developed a new blog (see previous post) on food recipes. Once this is off the ground properly I am going to slice this blog up. Miss Politics will continue but I will set up a new blog detailing the antics of my personal life. It will make it much easier for me that way and for my friends overseas who just want to read about what is going on in my life.

I have been a bit slack of late with writing regularly but will make a big effort to post every day even if they are short and sweet. I have finished reading Baghdad Burning and whilst the situation was miserable the book was awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to read a first hand account of what is happening in Iraq. I have put Riverbends blog link on the right hand side of this blog under the my favourite blog links. Check it out, it is worth the effort I promise you.

The Union has been extremely stressful of late. The new representatives are absolutely amazing and Mr M in particular has been an absolute god send. Mr V, Miss B, Mr C and Mr M have been wonderful. But our funding has been decreases quite dramatically prompting a whole host of changes for the organisation. The Evil Conspiritor continues to rock the boat and really she should just piss off and do something else. We will no doubt deal with her shortly but in the mean time she continues to cause mahem and panic within the organisation. As a side note her incompetency knows no bounds either. None of the changes coming from the funding decrease will be good for students or political activism on campus and this year really is going to be either a make it or break it year. I for one am willing and able to fight for our rights. I do wonder however how long I can sustain this ridicoulos work schedule. At the moment I am working twelve hour days and on weekends. This is really stupid I know but the work just keeps piling up and up. Personally this will definately be my last year as a student representative on Council. I have truly put in my fair share and really want to finish my degree and get the hell out of Shitburne. For any prospective students who are considering going to Swinburne may I suggest that you look elsewhere. The quality is quite poor when compared to Melbourne, Monash or RMIT. If I were you I would go somewhere else as Swinburne is not really a very quality driven University.

I am feeling so much better about myself these days which is wonderful as I went through a period there where it was a little crap. It was hard for me as I felt really isolated, disjointed and well I felt like a bit of a loser. But things are back on track and after a bit of soul searching I have a much brighter outlook regarding my little self.

Im currently blogging and on line (msn) with Miss B ... Jeepaz I love her. She is so great.

Well I am going to put up some opionion posts soon. Keep an eye out I have had my personal rant. It should suffice and satisfy you for the time being.

Recipe Blog

Finally I have started to sort out this blog mess that I have found myself in ... First to do blog is one on recipes. As those who know me would tell you I love to cook. Its one of my passions in life. So I thought that I would start a blog that is filled with my wonderful recipes. Check it out its called Feeling Delicious!