Friday, October 28, 2011

The tyrants' bullies

Most people are brainwashed to trust the police. They don't realize or don't want to realize that the police are the tyrants' bullies. Basically most people believe anything or fool themselves into believing anything the various governments and authorities tell them, in all important matters.

They deny that the police are bullies and inherently violent and brutal, until they experience the violence themselves. This is also true with the Occupy movement.

One voice exemplifies this in excellent ways:

«I am someone who did say ‘The police are here to protect you. They’re here to look out and make sure nothing happens to you’.

But after today I’m very much changed in that opinion. I’m starting to believe some of the things I hear about police intimidation. It makes me feel like we are living in a police state.»

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

My thoughts on the novel Dreams Belong to the Night by Amos Keppler

This isn’t really a review, as it isn’t detailed enough for that, but more like a burst of excitement.

It’s a great, engaging story. You can hardly put the book down until you’ve read every single word.

Added to that is this:

It’s a story of extreme awareness, for everyone that has ever taken part in protests and have had their skull bashed in by the police. If you are anything like me, if you have suffered years and years of frustration in an effort to achieve true and powerful change in society this is the book for you.

I feel like a part of the story. It speaks to me. I can relate to the characters and to their situation, and the burning in their gut driving them forward.

To those protesting in the UK, United States, Cairo and every other place these days: you should really read the book, to find a focus for your justified anger and rage. I know I have.

Keppler doesn’t just write about ongoing rebellion, but the history of rebellion as well. This is even more precious since those in charge of the current tyrannical society do their best to eradicate all radical information, all critical thought and belief.

This story isn’t just about rebellion. It is rebellion.

We sat around the bonfire at night, not far from what is usually busy city streets and read from the book. I tell you, it was an event, so powerful and engaging.

I feel, in a strange way that the story truly speaks to me and my situation, and not just because the story is set in Copenhagen and Northern Europe and is about politically aware people there.

It speaks to the core of all humans, striving to break free.

Saturday, October 01, 2011


I overheard the following in a music and video store recently:

- Mom, I gotta have this one, gotta have it NOW.

The teenage girl had picked up the recent season collection of one of the most mindless current TV-series, one of those filled with pretty young people and made to celebrate the empty mind, form without content.

- I don’t know if we can afford that right now, honey, the mother said. – We hardly have money for food and won’t get more until next Monday.

- I must have it, the girl whimpered, - must watch it today.

- It costs almost everything we have left, honey, the mother persisted, somewhat patient, but almost as whiny as her daughter. – We won’t have anything to eat for five days.

- I don’t need food, the girl snapped sullenly.

I left. I just couldn’t listen anymore. If I had stayed there a second longer I might have offed both the daughter and her relenting mother.

Case closed. Further comments unnecessary.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

It's worse than we dare think

According to The Nation Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), we have an immense amount of change to look forward to in the future years due to climate change. Some of the potential future effects will include frequent wild fires, an increase in number and length of droughts, as well as a increase in the intensity and duration of tropical storms. Some of the major effects will not only impose on humans, but plants and animals too. Droughts, extreme weather, and wild fires bring extinction to plants, animals, and their habitats. With plants and animals becoming extinct our resources will become scarce.

This is nothing new. It has been known for decades, but it's about to take a dramatic turn for the worse. The future is already here. The dire prospects for humanity’s tailspin suicide run grow even dimmer.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The absurd and ridiculous

Why do supporters of the official JFK story or official 911 or any other major conspiracy always say "why hasn't anyone talked"?

I mean, if you read about the JFK assassination there are all kinds of people who have "talked" about evidence being ignored, or covered up, witnesses being told to change their stories, the WR whitewash, etc.

I mean, books and books and books have been written on all the lies and cover ups concerning the JFK case and they are full of reliable upstanding people saying these things.

So why do you people who defend the official story say "why hasn't anyone talked"? That's absurd. Hell, Howard Hunt made a confession a few years ago. For years he denied being in Dallas despite the fact that he was there, then he finally admits he was there and was involved in the "Big Event" and yet you people still say "why hasn't anyone came out"?

Oswald was killed before he could talk or his confession wasn't recorded, or he wasn't involved at all, except being the patsy.

The trigger men sure as hell isn't going to come out and say...."Hi, by the way... we killed JFK and set Oswald up to take the fall".

It's absurd.

To me and every other sane person it's obvious that the Military-Industrial Complex was behind it. It was powerful before the assassination and has grown beyond all sane proportions afterwards.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Quite the bad choice and event

I read a blog recently, where a writer is bragging about reading «the rulebook on storytelling» as her reason for getting published, for being accepted by an established publisher.

People like her are actually proud of being good at repeating the dull and average and mundane.

Of course she was accepted. She used the template for what every established publisher consider acceptable storytelling.

Not a very great and admirable feat, if you ask me.

I would have asked her what the point was about it all, if I had bothered, why she didn’t become an accountant or something similar. It would be just as well, since she became a copyist instead of a writer.

I would have rather written something original and refreshingly different myself, and taken the hard road and approach to writing and publishing. If I can’t do that I see no point in living out my creative urges.

This is how it should be done.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


The Danes throw one fifth of the food they buy this year according to a recent study, a sharp increase from previous studies.

Perhaps I shouldn’t complain. I and fellow house members always find a lot of good stuff in Copenhagen’s garbage cans. It also makes me almost appreciative of the cold. Garbage cans are excellent freezers this time of the year.

But, no, I see it as yet another insane expression of the modern society. It’s founded on waste, on a beyond wasteful existence, among several other things, founded on mindless destruction of nature, of life and resources. Most people today have no awareness of their surroundings or their place in it. There is no deliberate viciousness in them throwing away perfectly useful food, since there is hardly any awareness at all, no matter the act or lack of one.

In a better society people would own no more than they were able to carry and not inhabit giant homes able to house dozens of people. Current society is fucked up to the max, quite simply. That point is simply driven home even more than it usually is during Christmas.

As for Christmas: People’s «decision» to celebrate it isn’t taken in a vacuum. Their «choice» has consequence for many others, making it that much harder to expose the deceit making up the oppressive society.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


«You know it, and you permit it. To be governed is to be kept in sight, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right, nor the wisdom, nor the virtue to do so.... To be governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction, noted, registered, enrolled, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under the pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, trained, ransomed, exploited, monopolized, extorted, squeezed, mystified, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, despised, harassed, tracked, abused, clubbed, disarmed, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and, to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.»
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - the first to use the word an-archism (no government) in modern times

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Review of «the Defenseless» by Amos Keppler

This is one of the few reviews I’ve written, one of the few I’ll ever write.

Most of my few reviews I do because they’re worth it, and this is worth it beyond my ability to describe.

It… grabs you from the very first sentence and never let go. It grabs you harder, and painfully so, as the story progresses.

It’s about growing up in today’s brutal and beyond destructive society, about alienation, the beyond powerful desire for freedom and everything in one, boiling package.

I can guarantee you one thing: you’ve never read anything even remotely similar before.

If the reader’s eyes are closed they’re forced open quite fast. If he or she has any illusions of the world, they’re quickly deprived of such.

We follow three siblings and their friends through adolescence in a typical American suburb, but it could be virtually anywhere in the modern Western world. The stench of the blood flowing from open wounds is impossible to ignore. This isn’t a book for small children. Thank the Goddess!

I had the pleasure of reading it the first time several years ago. It only gets better the second time around.

Amos is a self-publishing author, and they’re the best kind, almost the only kind in today’s inhuman world worth reading.

We get honesty from that kind of author, that kind of artist. In this story it’s pervasive beyond belief. This is the world in all its horror and «glory». Be welcome to it.

No human being calling himself or herself radical should miss this book. No one should, period. Everybody should read it, and perhaps learn something crucial about the world they live in, about themselves, and be forever changed.

It is that explosive, that powerful, so filled with substance and fire.

And the best news of all: This is just the first of 12 - twelve - novels from Amos’ hand that will be published during the next three years.

Look out, society and tremble at your rotten core.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

A good thing

It is great when Gisele Bündchen speaks out in favor of breastfeeding. There is too much propaganda today for the formula shit people can buy at stores. Artificial is better, it says, than doing it the natural way, a statement used often today, in many areas. And many people listen when Gisele speaks, inevitably. A lot can be said about that, but at least in this, one case it’s a good thing.

Of course natural breast-milk is healthier and better for the child than that other shit. In fact that other shit is clearly downright harmful, because it’s woefully lacking in essential ingredients.

There are those women that for some reason or another are unable to nurse their children. I’m not going after them at all. I’m just pointing out yet another crucial truth present day humanity seems to have forgotten and misplaced.