Anarchy Sister

Archive for the 'dickheads' Category

Down Town

“There are people in this world who can only show their wounds by inflicting them.”

They push him to the ground, they take turns at punching him on his face and head, they lift him up and drag him along the footpath and then smash his face into the stone wall, they drop him again and kick him in the stomach and back all the time yelling abuse I can’t understand. They lift him up and again punch him in his face and his head hits against the stones. I can hear the whacks and thuds from across the street. I watch until it is over, I want them to see me watching.

A woman passing on their side of the street stops and yells at them, she starts screaming on her cell phone, I think she has called the police.

The  men leave, the old man picks himself up and is wiping his face with a towel, I cross over and walk beside him along the footpath wheeling my bike, he is carrying bags with him and appears homeless.

I walk half the block with him and then peddle away.

I find a seat, roll a ciggy and cry. I imagine how I would feel if this was my brother, my father or grandfather. 

People walking past me seem amused at my crying, they shrug, smile or laugh.

I don’t know what is normal anymore.

“And the story of my body is also a map of their unspeakable pain.”

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everything else is priceless.

A message to my friends & fellow bloggers;

As the KhristKhurchKouncil (CCC) has just swiped the overdue rates payment from our Mortgage account, sending our family into a spiraling circle of more debt and account fees from which it may take some time to recover. Until they pilfer us again that is.

You can expect that we will be living on soup for the next 6 months, you may even meet us at late night dumpster dives on our bikes, when (of course) we can manage to keep the wee ones up late enough.

And if I’m ever up in court, don’t bother forming a support crew, it’ll just be for stealing Calciplus Vitasoy. The Civil Union is postponed indefinitely.


your’s in relative poverty,

josephine xx

I never wonder why mortgage is french for death grip.

Cheery advice the bank won’t give u; If you’re thinking about borrowing money to buy a house, don’t. At least not in NZ, not now.


He Deserved It.

A sevens fan who confronted a tagger spraypainting an inner-city restaurant in Wellington has been stabbed with a steak knife.
(sorry but I have dropped the link here as upon rechecking it, noticed that the article has been moderated since I first linked.)

Aucklander Matthew O’Brien is visiting the city for the rugby sevens. When he saw a man tagging early yesterday, he decided to confront him. But the tagger pulled a knife on him and, according to Mr O’Brien, tried to stab him in the stomach…

Despite being stabbed, Mr O’Brien said he would not hesitate to confront a tagger again. “Next time I won’t say, `Hey, stop tagging’, I’ll just spear-tackle him.”

He said it was frustrating to think what punishment taggers received.

“You know how it is nowadays. He’s going to get a little slap on the hand and then nothing.

“There should be harsher penalties. In Thailand, if they find you with a joint in your pocket, you get locked up for life. And if you’re caught tagging, they cut your fingers off. So they just don’t do it.”

and I wonder what other “good deeds” you do around the place Matthew.

I wonder if when you’re out drinking at the bar after a rugby game does it concern you that throughout the country on this night the call outs to Women’s Refuge doubles because of the culture of this sport? Have you ever volunteered for a refuge Matthew?

And I wonder if the murder and exploitation of millions of people across the world upsets you as much as someone tagging? What do you do to stop this? Does the fact that our cushywestern lifestyle is built upon the murder and exploitation of millions of people upset you this much too?

Do any of these things weigh on your conscience even a little?

Cos I get the feeling you were only out to pick a fight.

And if you think young people should have their fingers cut off for drawing on a wall and be imprisoned for having a joint, you’re really in the making as a Nationalist dictator and deserved what you got. More people like you need to be put out of action. Wake up Matthew, you haven’t got a clue.

I only hope you were drunk at the time and it didn’t hurt too much.



Life is beamy beamy beamy, some of Aotearoa(s) most special and beautiful activists have been bailed after having their charges reduced from terrorism to firearms charges, its crazy that this has happened in the first place, anyone who’s ever lived in the rural countryside knows that guns and hunting are part of the life, (I was taught to shoot when I was 7, it wasn’t really my thing though, arrest me I’m a hick) I have artistic licence. I could do a political rant now but aren’t in the head space for this at the mo. The new zealand policeforce needs some serious reigning in, their targetting of Maori and/or Activists has to stop and I hope that this blunder has brought to light their wankerlyness.

oh dear.

Viva the revolution! Ake! Ake! Ake!


This means WAR!

Washin Machine, stop beeping at me, I take it personally, I know there are clothes in you, wet clothes, I don’t care, stop beeping. Please. I don’t need reminding every five minutes that you’re in there Wet Clothes, I’ll get there when I’m ready, and if you get hung out at 4.30 this afternoon, well thats just your luck, I’ll bring you in again tomorrow.

(readers; you may take this as a sign of the insanity that is domestic servitude and heed my warning, if you’re so lucky to have a washing machine that beeps at you when the clothes are washed, unlike the last two that shared our garage a year ago when we were really poor, one washed and one spun, try not to take it personally.)

p.s more photo’s later, this may get ugly.

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Aotearoa doesn’t need any more DICK HEADS!

Oh joy! More phallic erections planned for Auckland….its the price of progress I suppose, NOT. Just more money going into the pockets of scum who already have too much in the first place. Just had to post this due to the (Artists representation I assume) rather amusing pic.