Anarchy Sister

Archive for the 'anti-war' Category

West Bank styles..

Some more pieces.. I’ve taken so many pic’s of Graffiti but here’s some of my favourite ones…Palestine is very beautiful once u get past the intimidating check points, which is easy for anyone who’s not from Israel or Palestine (strange I know.)

Its has really lovely, friendly people and nice places to visit.


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to what end?

In btw reading Animals of the World (I’ve read this too tooo many times now but THEY* love it), Dig the Dog, (v funny with class morals) and Roger Loses his Marbles, (the title says it all, one of my fav kids books for at least 10 years), I’ve had a small amount of time before falling asleep to read Ward Churchills ‘Pacifism as Pathology’, some bits of it are v worthwhile esp. for a girl with commie catholic hippy roots like mine, its not completely anti-pacifist, Churchill acknowledges that pacifism is a important part of any social justice movement, but it does defend the right to also use any means necessary (i.e the tools of the oppressor) to achieve equality and justice….so if your boots need some wakey wakey read it… (actually the preface by Derrick Jensen in the 2007 edition is probably better IMHO than the entire rest of the book.)

As with any pathology, pacifism may be said to exhibit characteristic symptomology by which it can be diagnosed. …

Pacifism is delusional. Pacifism is racist. Pacifism is suicidal.

I was gonna find some more choice quotes but trying to find them made me sleepy so thats it for tonite, I’m now gonna go back to drinking vodka and cranberry and watching James Bond cos I can, cos I’m a far too privileged whitey brat, and thats not guilt, its just the truth.

*Briar was in hysterics tonight (belly laughing) as she pointed out every animal (frogs and birds included) saying “there’s the panda bear!”


Early Morning for Otautahi Cats!


Sorry I slept in! My bed was really warm. I tried to get up but couldn’t quite manage to keep my eyes open long enough to get dressed and make a coffee. Next year I’ll be there, bright and early, hey maybe we could all camp in the square.

Hayley Westenra makes me feel like puking. TV3 news sucks again. Why are we the bad guys, least we didn’t kill anyone.

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Afghanistan & East Timor.

Why did we forget Afghanistan? Why isn’t the Anti-war movement in Aotearoa calling an end to occupations by NZ troops in East Timor? Why ALL the focus on Iraq? Is this like how when a White Middle Class woman gets raped it makes front page, yet a ‘under class’ Woman of Colour who is raped is unlikely to get a mention?
Because its not as sexy, or threatening to women in power. Read more

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