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Peabody Coal Seeking to Expand Operations; Resistance to Forced Relocation Continues

On behalf of their peoples, their ancestral lands, and future generations, more than 350 Dineh residents of Black Mesa continue their staunch resistance to the efforts of the US Government-- acting in the interests of the Peabody Coal Company—to relocate the Dineh and destroy their homelands. This land is the basis for the Black Mesa peoples’ traditions, livelihoods, and spirituality.

At this moment the decision makers in Washington D.C. are planning ways to seize tribal lands to extract mineral resources. The coal companies are funding both the Republican and Democratic parties because they have huge interests at stake. Presidential candidate John McCain recently sponsored forced-relocation legislation targeting these Dineh families. Peabody Coal, the world's largest coal company, currently has plans to expand its strip mine operations and to seize more deep aquifers beneath these indigenous lands. Peabody Coal Company has completely dug up burials, sacred sites, and shrines designated specifically for offerings, preventing religious practices. Not only were the principal concerns of the communities directly affected by the legislation never addressed, those communities were not even notified.

On April 19 a benefit will be held in Flagstaff to support native resisters at Black Mesa. Other upcoming events include the Annual Spring Planting Project, to help elders plant fields that would otherwise remain fallow. Help is especially needed this year due to the heavy rains. In addition, a Fall 2008 Support Caravan is currently being planned... read more>>>

Click here to see a list of upcoming events in support of Black Mesa.

For more information visit Black Mesa Indigenous Support at:


In honor of "Fossil Fools Day", Tucson activists hung banners condemning two proposed highways from each side of the city’s iconic “Snake Bridge”

On April 1st, as part of "Fossil Fools Day," Tucson activists hung a banner condemning the proposed Downtown Links and I-10 Bypass highways from each side of the Snake Bridge at the intersection of Broadway Blvd and Aviation Hwy in the early hours of April 2. The banners were clearly visible for the duration of the morning commute, and were removed by city officials at 9:30 a.m.

Reading "No New Roads: Put the Brakes on Global Warming!", the banners were situated just above the proposed starting point of Downtown Links in full view of commuter traffic. The action was meant to highlight the role of new roads in promoting runaway carbon dioxide emissions as part of an international day of protest focused on "climate criminals."

The proposed Downtown Links highway would connect I-10 to Aviation Highway, punching through the downtown Warehouse Arts District. Area residents have condemned the planned road, saying it would destroy community spaces and historic buildings without providing any local benefit.

The proposed I-10 Bypass would stretch 250 miles from the Willcox area to Buckeye, allowing freight trucks to avoid Phoenix and Tucson traffic. The road has met widespread local opposition on the grounds that it would destroy sensitive wildlife habitat, degrade the character of rural communities and pave the way for sprawl in relatively undisturbed areas. read more>>>

For more information on anti-climate change actions around the country, visit


community gardeners Tucson Community Builds Autonomous Park In Path of Proposed Roadway

On Sunday, March 30, community members and other concerned people built a new community garden on 9th Ave and 6th Street in Tucson. This action was taken in part to protest and prevent the construction of a new high-traffic road through downtown, part of the "Downtown Links" project. The project is a highly controversial one that residents have been fighting with the city over for many years.


Tucson Events to Highlight Repression and Resistance in Mexico; Groups Call for Pressure to Stop Plan Mexico

NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement has resulted in the loss of millions of jobs in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, driving migration, fueling social unrest, and undoing environmental, health, labor and land protections. Under "NAFTA-plus" - the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) - trinational negotiators continue to chip away at our rights and living standards, but now without even public knowledge of the procedures and the decisions that affect our lives.

Yet the U.S. Congress and President Bush - in bed with corporate interests - have ignored popular opposition and passed more Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)! Under Plan Mexico, Bush wants to send more lethal aid to the Mexican security forces involved in beating and murdering anti-globalization activists.

Unlike the behind-the-scenes negotiations of the SPP, funding for the $550 million plan must be approved by the U.S. Congress. We have an opportunity to stop this initiative before it goes through! Plan Mexico would not effectively support Mexico's fight against organized crime or improve the binational relationship. The "aid" in Plan Mexico goes to corrupt & brutal Mexican security forces and U.S. defense companies! Many local and national groups are urging others to take action today to Stop Plan Mexico... read more>>>

Several upcoming events in Tucson will highlight repression and resistance to neo-liberalism in southern Mexico. On Saturday, March 29 a dinner, photo, film and variety show will highlight and raise money for indigenous groups in Oaxaca who are fighting for land and autonomy. Sally, an arizona indymedia journalist who just returned from several months living in Oaxaca, will share stories and experiences from her travels.

On Sun, April 6 a member of "Friends of Brad Will" will be showing the film "One More Night at the Barricades", about Brad's life and the struggle in Oaxaca for which he gave it. Brad Will was a New York City indymedia journalist assassinated by government death sqauds in Oaxaca City in November 2006. His murderers, filmed by Brad himself moments before his death, have yet to be brought to justice - one more indication of the impunity with which government forces are repressing social movements throughout Mexico.


All Cochise County Routes Abandoned; Threats Continue Against San Pedro River

On March 21 the Arizona State Transportation Board voted unanimously to abandon all proposed I-10 Bypass routes that would have cut through the San Pedro River Valley. Dozens of opponents to the bypass gathered outside beforehand with noisemakers and signs, encouraging the board to drop the plan altogether.

Public pressure had continued to build against new freeway construction in Cochise County. While the board's decision is a victory for the communities that would have been affected, routes through the Avra Valley and Aravaipa Wilderness are still being considered. Critics of the bypass maintain that it would be a costly boondogle for the state, and is meant primarily to facilitate out-of-state truck traffic and open up new areas for development - rather than relieve traffic congestion. Notably, State Transportation Board Chairman Sy Shorr is known to have purchased land west of Casa Grande that would be bysected by all four of the formerly proposed routes. While opposition groups are celebrating this partial victory, many, including the Cascabel Working Group and San Pedro Wild, have vowed they will continue to oppose any of the proposed routes for the new highway, until the plan is dropped entirely. For more information on the I-10 Bypass click here or visit

Meanwhile, other threats against the San Pedro River still loom. The Department of Homeland Security has announced plans to complete 400 new miles of border wall before the end of 2008. Environmental groups, including the Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife, have announced they will be appealing their lawsuit to the Supreme Court in order to overturn DHS' authority to bypass environmental, cultural and public input laws in their drive to build the apartheid wall. North of Tucson, development in Pinal County continues to violate protected land for endangered songbirds along the San Pedro River corridor. A complaint against violation of the Clean Water Act has been filed against the county.


Sheriff's Office Employs Racial Profiling to Arrest Motorists; Protests Held At Staging Area

For the second evening in a row, the Sheriff's Office is saturating an area of Phoenix in order to pull over and arrest as many undocumented immigrants as they can. Last night and tonight, the MCSO set up a large area in the parking lot of Big Lots on Thomas with a command unit, stadium lights, and other large vehicles. Although they will say that they are only pulling over people committing crimes such as traffic violations, it can't be more blatant that they are going after specific people. Last night, one car that was stopped was pulled over for not having adequate lighting on their license plate. The driver was arrested and taken away.

Rumors are that Rusty Childress was deputized as a posse member by Sheriff Joe. This is not the first anti-immigrant organizer to be part of his posse. The Sheriff allegedly spoke at one of United for Sovereign America's meetings the other day. In their press release the MCSO stated that the raid has been in response to written written requests for police presence in the area. Rumors are that Buffalo Rick (the one who peed in public and got caught) was behind gathering support for this campaign. The mayor has said that the area the sheriff's office is targetting is not higher in crime than other areas of Phoenix.

There have been a few dozen people at the Sheriff's Department's staging area in a sort of protest. The primary objective is to let the people who are being brought in know that they have a right to a lawyer and they shouldn't say anything. There were people shouting these things by bullhorn. The people who were arrested were being taken to this area, and therefore could possibly see the signs or hear the shouts. People were also shouting shame to the police officers for being part of this blatant racial profiling. Another thing I left out was that there was a lot of media there, and of course Arpaio was there... read more>>>


Hundreds of Deputies Sweep Neighborhoods; Sheriff Joe Taunts Phoenix Mayor Gordon

On Friday, March 21 more than 200 Maricopa County Sheriff's Deputies and Members of the Civilian Posse swept Phoenix neighborhoods and arrested dozens of people, who they alleged lack immigration papers.

The raid was conducted in an area near 36th St. and Thomas Rd., where day laborers typically gather looking for work. Similar raids have targeted day laborers near Pruitt's Furniture store, where weekly demonstrations had taken place against the store's discrimination and harassment of workers who gather nearby.

The Good Friday raids came a day after a public feud erupted between Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon and Sheriff Joe Arpaio, with the Mayor accusing Sheriff Joe of conducting immigration raids and other law enforcement activities in disregard of the wishes of the city of Phoenix and the Police Department. Sheriff Joe, who told Lou Dobbs that he is proud to be compared to the Ku Klux Klan, responded by stating "we lock up murderers, we lock up everybody... we're here for crime suppression, and we're going to lock up everybody."

Since 2006 the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has been enforcing federal immigration law, using a state law meant to target smugglers by claiming that immigrants who lack papers are guilty of conspiring to smuggle themselves illegally into the United States.


Messengers of Hate Marauded with Gaily Merriment - Fascists Forlorn

On Saturday morning, some activists brought some chaos on the people who have been protesting at the Macehualli day labor center nearly daily for the past 70 days. These people have been harassing the day laborers (undocumented or not) and anyone else who appears to possibly have had undocumented parents (meaning anyone with brown skin) and those sympathetic to undocumented workers' plight.

Dressed in silly outfits, with capes made out of bio-hazard garbage bags, masks, and/or antennae, we held signs that mocked these protesters or confused their message. "9-11 Was a Plot by the Lochness Monster," "Inglish Onlee", and a couple clowning on Buffalo Rick, the man who recently got a citation for indecent exposure (urinating into a bottle visible to a woman in a house near the day labor center). "Bottle your urine to stop invasion" and "Buffalo Rick's Pissed Off" were held, while the song "Ballad of Buffalo Rick" was sung.

The idea was to confront these anti-immigrant folks without escalating the situation, to diffuse and distract. We understood that their actions and attitudes, much of which has been violent and hateful, are to be taken seriously. One of the protesters of the past was exposed as a neo-nazi and other participants in the protests have called him a brave patriot. We felt, however, that one way to confront them without contributing to the problems they're causing, was to clown on them. Indeed, they did not get as aggressive as in other contexts, even though they did try to make our signs illegible. read more>>>


Patagonia, Santa Rita Mountains Under Threat by Open Pit Mining

The Rosemont Valley, in the Santa Rita Mountains, is the proposed site for an extensive and devastating open pit copper mine. Recently, Augusta Resource has been talking about 2 more ore bodies that may be mined in addition to Rosemont. Their map shows these ore bodies straddle the ridge line or are on the Green Valley (western) side of the Santa Ritas.The Patagonia Mountains are threatened by six possible open pit mines at Hardshell, Four Metals, Providencia, Italian Canyon, Patagonia Jewel, and TM.

Augusta Resource Company, under the name of the Rosemont Copper Company, has been engaged in a full-scale public relations campaign to convince the public to accept mining that will pollute the region's water supply, destroy critical ecosystems and undermine regional tourism. These efforts include ongoing advertisements on southern Arizona's NPR affiliates.The Pima County Board of Supervisors, the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, the City of Tucson, Marana Town Council, Sahuarita Town Council, and the Oro Valley Board of Supervisors have passed resolutions opposing the mine at Rosemont.

The following public meetings will allow the public to comment on the proposed mining activities in southern Arizona, their impact on the community and the environment:

1. March 18, 2008, Pima Community College Desert Vista Campus, 5901 South Calle Santa Cruz, Tucson, Arizona. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
2. March 19, 2008, Canoa Hills Recreation Center, 3660 South Camino del Sol, Green Valley, Arizona, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
3. March 20, 2008, Patagonia Union High School, Highway 82, Patagonia, Arizona, 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.

Alternatively, for those who do not attend meetings, an initial public comment period runs through April 18, 2008. Agencies or individuals can submit comments by mail, FAX, or email... read more>>>

Click here to read an economic impact statement on proposed mining in the Santa Rita and Patagonia mountains. For more information, visit


Prayer Gatherings, Panel Discussion, and Benefit Concert Planned in Flagstaff

During March 8th-April 5th, more than 120 participants of the Longest Walk 2 will be travelling through Arizona. The Longest Walk 2 is a five-month journey on foot from San Francisco, CA to Washington, D.C. for the protection of Mother Earth & Native American rights. Flagstaff area groups have planned prayer gatherings, a panel discussion, and a benefit concert to support the walk, between March 21-29. These events will help bring awareness and support to local issues.

"The Longest Walk 2 and its participants are calling attention to Sacred Sites - that is what has brought us to Arizona." Said Dennis Banks, co-founder American Indian Movement and Longest Walk 2 organizer. "Native Peoples' cultural identity lies rooted in the Sacred Sites of our communities. We stand in solidarity with the caretakers of this land, the Dine', the Hopi, the Havasupai, the Hualapai and other Indigenous nations, who fight to protect the Sacred Sites: The San Francisco Peaks, Big Mountain, Red Butte, Woodruff Butte, and Mt. Taylor."

"Decision makers in Washington D.C. are planning ways to get onto our tribal lands to extract mineral resources, these unsustainable practices are contributing to climate change." Said Enei Begaye, Director of the Black Mesa Water Coalition. "The coal mining on Black Mesa that has been going on for over 30 years, and is still going on, has had detrimental impacts not only environmentally but culturally, socially, and economically." Begaye said.

The Longest Walk 2 also marks the 30th anniversary of the original Longest Walk of 1978 that resulted in historic changes for Native Americans. During the 1978 Longest Walk, thousands converged on Washington, D.C. in an effort that defeated 11 pieces of legislation in Congress that would have abrogated Native American Treaties. As a result of the 1978 Walk, the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (1978) was passed... read more>>>

The Longest Walk 2 has already entered Arizona. Support is being organized for the weekend of March 14-16 near Ash Fork.

For more information, including a schedule of Arizona events, visit


Event Will Document 24 Years of Zapatista Uprising; All Proceeds to Directly Benefit Zapatista Communities

Celebrate 24 years of the Zapatista struggle for democracy, freedom and justice, featuring one of the the most comprehensive collections of photographs and videos of the inspiring EZLN movement.

Author Gloria Munoz Ramirez, a journalist and activist who has contributed to La Jornada and Rebeldia magazine, will share stories from the struggle in Chiapas, as well as present her newly-released book El Fuego y La Palabra (The Fire and The Word), a bilingual detailed history of the movement.

There will be for sale a wonderful compilation of Zapatista music on a 4 Disc CD set. Books and CDs will be for sale and all monetary donations are welcome. All proceeds will directly benefit the Zapatista Communities.

In Phoenix: Thursday, March 13 - 7 PM @ The Tribe! House, 2238 N. 24th St.
In Tucson: Friday, March 14 - 5:30 to 8PM @ the Sam Lena Library, 1607 S. Sixth Ave.


Jury Unable to Arrive at Unanimous Verdict in Murder of Francisco Javier Dominguez Rivera

Tucson, AZ— After two and half days of deliberation, a Tucson jury was unable to arrive at a verdict as to whether Border Patrol agent Nicholas Corbett was guilty of murder. The trial stemmed from January 12, 2007, when 22-year old Francisco Javier Dominguez Rivera was shot and killed at close range as he was surrendering to Tucson Sector Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Corbett. For the last two weeks, Corbett has stood trial for second-degree murder, manslaughter, and negligent homicide.

“The prosecution’s evidence was clear, consistent and compelling. I can’t imagine how the jurors could have been deadlocked,” stated Katie O’Connor, who attended every day of the trial. “Unlike the defense’s testimony which varied from person to person and hinged on non-existing evidence, the three eye-witnesses, forensics and ballistics testimony all pointed to a clear case of murder.”

In the attempt to present that Corbett shot in self-defense, Corbett and other agents who arrived at the scene described four different and often inconsistent versions of the incident. “Apparently at least one of the jurors believed the fourth version of Corbett’s story—one that had a 5’3” kid take on the biggest agent in town, a 6’4”, 250 pound man armed with a gun,” concluded O’Connor.

The trial, which has drawn national attention, had particular importance for local border communities who have faced regular abuse at the hands of Border Patrol agents for ears. Community groups such as Border Action Network claim that, while the Corbett case is egregious and tragic, it is not an isolated incident. read more>>>


March 1-2 event will bring together hundreds at Arizona State University

On March 1-2, 2008, hundreds of activists will gather at ASU in Tempe, Arizona for the 7th Annual "Local to Global Justice" teach-in. Previous teach-ins have brought together activists and campaigns from across the state to learn, share, coordinate and strategize with one another.

This year's theme is "Turning Walls into Bridges/Derrumbando Muros y Levantando Puentes." Workshops will cover everything from union struggles and human rights issues in the Phoenix valley to gender issues, sustainable technology and organizing efforts in Oaxaca, Guatemala and beyond. Click here to see a full list of this year's workshops.

Other activities will include keynote speakers, music, films and youth activities. See a full schedule of events here. The weekend-long event is free and open to the public. Get directions here, or for more information visit


Weeklong Memorial to be Held Outside of Federal Courthouse in Memory of Francisco Javier

The need for greater accountability and training within the Border Patrol was exemplified by the January 12, 2007 murder of Francisco Javier Dominguez Rivera by Tucson Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Corbett in the desert near Naco, Arizona.

All week long there will be a memorial in front of the DeConcini Federal Courthouse to demand policy changes to prevent further death and injustice along the border. The trial has been moved to Tucson where Corbett is facing charges of second degree murder, manslaughter, and negligent homicide. The forensics examination revealed that Rivera was shot at the close range of 3-12 inches, yet Agent Corbett insists that he fired in self-defense because Rivera may have had a rock in his hand.

The murder, witnessed by Rivera's two brothers and his sister-in-law, is unfortunately not an isolated incident; human rights groups point out that border communities witness and experience brutal force, intimidation and other rights violations all too often. Community members are invited to come out to the memorial and the trial to send a clear message that Border Patrol agents must be held accountable for their actions and to call for end to the violence and abuse on the border.

Recent Updates:
First Day of Murder Trial for BP Agent in Killing of Young Immigrant, Second Day of Corbett Murder Trial, Day Five of Border Patrol Murder Trial, Sixth day of Corbett murder trial

Visit for more updates from the courtroom.


Volunteers Ticketed for Littering, Chastised for Cleaning Up Trash

On Friday, February 22, four humanitarian volunteers hoped to make a difference near the border by picking up trash and leaving water for people in need. But the water they left along trails north of Sasabe on Friday did not quench the thirst of ailing migrants. Instead, it resulted in a citation for littering.

Dan Millis, 28, was presented with a $175 littering ticket by U.S. Fish and Wildlife law enforcement officers. Officers Kirkpatrick and Kozma seized twenty-two gallons of drinking water that had been placed on trails for migrants in need, along with eight gallons from Millis’ vehicle. They also took photographs of the volunteers, the exterior and interior of the vehicle, and the contents of Millis’ notebook. If Mr. Millis does not pay the ticket, he could face six months of jail time or a $5,000 penalty. The four volunteers are from No More Deaths, a Tucson-based aid group that seeks to end death and suffering of migrants along Arizona’s border with Mexico by providing food, water, and medical aid.

Ironically, in addition to being ticketed for littering, the volunteers were chastised for gathering up several bags full of trash left behind by migrants in the desert. The officers claimed that a special permit is needed for trash clean-up.

One of the four volunteers showed the officers pictures of a fourteen year-old girl whose remains he, Millis, and other No More Deaths volunteers discovered on Wednesday. This girl, like hundreds of others, died for lack of clean drinking water, such as that confiscated. Vandalism of life-saving water and other humanitarian aid supplies is becoming all too common in the Arizona desert... read more>>>


Presentation Will Challenge and Combat Climate Change Collaborators

At 7pm on Wednesday, Feb 27th, carbon trading critic Larry Lohmann will present a critical dialogue on climate change and climate justice at the AME Auditorium on the University of Arizona campus. Mr. Lohmann, a member of the Durban Group for Climate Justice and author of “Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatization, and Power”, will outline how carbon trading slows the social and technological change needed to cope with global warming by unnecessarily prolonging the world’s dependence on oil, coal and gas. Specifically, the talk will focus on the contradictions of emissions trading and offset trading, why failed approaches are so popular among the world’s elites, and what the U.S. can now learn from the rest of the world. To learn more about Lohmann’s new book and the Durban Group for Climate Justice, visit

The evening will begin with a presentation from members of Rising Tide North America about their work fighting the root causes of climate change. Rising Tide is a group of grassroots activists dedicated to promoting climate justice and stopping climate change in its tracks with a unique blend of popular education and coordinated direct action. They have most recently been working to stop Bank of America’s funding of new coal plants in the Southeast. For more information on their work, go to

The AME auditorium is located on the northeast corner of Mountain and Speedway on the campus of the University of Arizona. Parking is available in the Zone 1 parking lot to the east of the auditorium... read more>>>


Forest Service Excludes New Mining Projects from Public and Environmental Review

In an ominous move, the Forest Service has approved drilling for uranium at as many as 39 sites near the Grand Canyons south rim, marking what may be the beginning of a rush to mine the radioactive mineral near the iconic National Park. To make matters worse, the Forest Service specifically excluded these projects from public and environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act.

Under current law there is little that can be done to counter the explosion of mining claims across the West that are threatening protected lands and fragile ecosystems. The December 20, 2007 Forest Service approval documents, obtained by the Grand Canyon Trust, describe the situation in stark terms:

"The 1872 Mining Law specifically authorizes the taking of valuable mineral commodities from Public Domain Lands. A ‘No Action’ alternative is not an option that can be considered."

Driving the boom is surging global demand that has increased prices for copper, gold, uranium and other metals. Uranium prices have jumped from about $10 a pound in 2004 to approximately $80 a pound today, caused by renewed interest in nuclear power.

The potential types of uranium mining include open-pit mining and removal of ore from underground mines. Each type of uranium mining has been associated with contamination of ground or surface water the AGFD reported. Such contamination could be an even greater cause for concern because the Colorado River flows through the Grand Canyon and provides drinking water for millions of residents downstream including those in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. read more>>>

See also: Nuclear Waste Conference February 24 –28 in Phoenix
For more information visit


Thirty-five days into Operation Streamline, the zero tolerance DHS strategy for criminally prosecuting unauthorized border crossers: A view from inside the Tucson federal court

On January 14, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) began a limited zero-tolerance enforcement strategy called Operation Streamline in the Tucson Border Patrol Sector. The operation calls for the criminal prosecution of all unauthorized border crossers apprehended in these sectors; prior to Streamline unauthorized entrants without previous convictions were put through an administrative procedure instead of criminal prosecution.

In the 262 mile-wide Tucson Sector, BP agents are supposedly nabbing 40 single men (18-35 years-old) daily to be criminally prosecuted. Sector spokespersons say that ultimately the project will truly be a zero-tolerance strategy but that the infrastructure must first be developed to handle the massive load of cases.

To accommodate the additional caseload, numerous contract lawyers have been hired to represent the migrants. Outside legal experts express concern that this overstressed system forces defendants into sub-par representation and nearly forced plea deals. These practices ultimately erode the judicial process and tack huge public costs to further enforce a permanent subcitizenry. The lawyers have 30 minutes to meet with each client (many are representing close to ten per day) before they plea.

On February 19, when this reporter observed the court proceedings in Tucson, the U.S. Government continued to dehumanize the 42 men and one woman who shared the typical story of those traveling through our desert. Most were married with children and some were in their late forties. Many spoke of their U.S. Citizen children, and in some cases parents and spouses, that they were hoping to join. Those who were not reuniting with family in the U.S. regularly spoke of how they were hard working farmers who could not provide for their families and hoped to come and work for a time. Two parents spoke of how their children were sick and that they sought assistance in the U.S. read more>>>


The Local War on the Undocumented

“It's just crazy here.” This is what I tell people who are not from Phoenix, Arizona, the political climate surrounding immigration is like. It's hard to sum up, but having kept up fairly well with local immigration news for the past couple years, I can reflect on 2007 and the direction that things have gone. We have seen ever-increasing repression against undocumented immigrants. In some ways we saw this coming. In other ways, we have been surprised. Overall, things changed gradually enough that it wouldn't necessarily be perceived as an onslaught, though putting it into perspective by looking back at 2007 as a whole might make it hard to be seen otherwise.

Arizona has seen an increasingly unfriendly environment for undocumented immigrants, with the threat of raids, violence, and repression. Within a short time, a select number of officers from different police departments with jurisdiction in Maricopa County were trained to enforce immigration laws. Some agents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were deputized as well, giving dual jurisdiction to an increasing number of officials. Immigration law began to be enforced in the jails and prisons as well. The efficiency gained by these changes to enforce immigration laws is likely part of the plan set forth by the Office of Detention and Removal, part of Homeland Security. This plan, which provides strategies to “remove all removable aliens” by 2012 is called Endgame.



City Reverses Sanctuary Policy, Police Will Target Immigrants

On February 15, the City of Phoenix announced that it will abandon its long-time sanctuary laws and begin turning over undocumented immigrants to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The decision was the result of a policy review ordered on December 3 by Mayor Phil Gordon.

The panel reviewing the city's policies included Police Chief Harris, Jose Rivera, Rick Romley, Grant Woods, and Paul Charlton (the infamous former U.S. attorney who prosecuted humanitarian aid workers). The panel recommended that the city direct its police department to enforce federal immigration laws.

The above review came as a result of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Review, a conservative D.C.-based think tank. With its February 15 decision, the City of Phoenix has chosen to disenfranchise many of its residents in order to appease xenophobic outside interests. Judicial Review filed a similar lawsuit earlier this year against the city of Los Angeles.

Related: Recommended Revisions to Phoenix Police Department's Immigration Enforcement Policy
Mayor's Statement on PPD Immigration Policy


Panel Reverses Earlier Ruling, Declares Six Month Strike Legal

On February 14 the Mexican Federal Adjudication Council reversed an earlier ruling, declaring that the six-plus month strike of workers in Cananea, Sonora may continue. The panel had previously ruled on January 11, 2008 that the strike was illegal. That decision lead to a brutal attack by Mexican federal police later that same day.

Cananea, a city about 30 miles south of the Arizona border, has been the site of numerous historic labor battles. Workers at the Cananea Copper mine, owned by Grupo Mexico, S.A. (who also own Asarco in the U.S.) have been on strike since July 31. The mine has refused to negotiate with the workers' union. On January 16 thousands of workers at more than 85 mines and factories across Mexico walked out in solidarity with the Cananea strike.

While the February 14 ruling does not bring an end to the strike, it does give the workers a stronger hand as they move forward against Grupo Mexico, who refuse to address occupational safety concerns or respect the workers' collective agreement. read more>>>

Click here to see an animated video explaining the Cananea workers' struggle. For more information visit:

In a related story, about thirty people gathered in Phoenix on Thursday 2/14 at Southern Copper Corporation (a subsidiary of Grupo Mexico) to support the families of 63 coal miners who were buried two years ago in the Pasta de Conchos Mine #8 located in San Juan de Sabinas in the state of Coahuila, Mexico.

More coverage: Sindicatos de México y EU se reúnen con legisladores , Gremios exigen incluir derechos laborales
Final Resolution of February 14 Arbitration Board Rules in Favor of the Miners in Cananea,


"Phoenix Patriot" Neo-Nazi hit by car while protesting day labor center

The anti-immigrant folks, or at least some of them, are getting riled up about one of their "patriots" getting hit by a car during a protest at a day labor center, his broken pelvis caused by a Mexican driver without a driver's license. It's especially tricky for the anti-immigrant community to come out behind him because he's been outed as a neo-nazi. And the "we're not racist" racists are going to have to make a choice about whether they're going to distance themselves from him or stand with him.



The Apartheid Wall Continues its Devastating Impact on Arizona Communities, Wildlife

TUCSON -- This is a recent photo obtained anonymously of desert mule deer stuck at the border wall in southern Arizona. These deer were trying to cross in to Mexico, maybe they heard DHS Sec. Chertoff was just in town.

Homeland Security voided all federal laws, including environmental laws and laws protecting American Indian remains, to build segments of the border wall in Arizona.

Freedom of movement is critical to healthy wildlife populations, and border walls block wildlife movement. Humans just find their way around.

While the campaign of Bush and Chertoff continues for the US Apartheid Border Wall, there's good news from Mexico. In a joint effort of groups from north and south of the border, the Northern Jaguar Project in Sonora, Mexico, has reached its goal and was able to purchase land in order to maintain it as a preserve for the jaguar. Meanwhile in the US, the border wall in Arizona is already destroying the habitat and migrating ability of the jaguar.

Russia to U.S.: "Mr. Bush, Tear Down This Wall!"
Spy Towers Aren't Working? No Kidding!
Chertoff Being Sued at Texas Border


protesters at anti-arpaio protest Protesters Tell Maricopa County Sheriff He's Not Welcome in Pima County

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known for his hardball tactics targeting undocumented migrants and wholesale violations of civil rights in Maricopa County, visted Tucson Friday, January 25, invited to speak at a luncheon of the Pima County Republican Women's Club. He was met by approximately 50 protesters from local immigrant rights groups and other organizations. Read More>>>


Government Declares Six Month Strike Illegal

On the morning of January 11 the Mexican Mediation and Arbitration Board declared "non-existent" the 6-month-old strike of copper miners in Cananea (in the Mexican state of Sonora).

Within minutes, in what was obviously a pre-planned operation, hundreds of federal and state police swarmed through the streets of Cananea heading for the mine, which has been occupied by strikers for more than six months. Initial reports are of more than 30 people injured and a number of miners arrested.

The miners are protesting notoriously dangerous safety conditions at the mine (the largest open pit copper mine in the world), and the smelter. The facilities have greatly deteriorated since the mine was privatized in 1990.

The ruling also affects striking miners in the state of Zacatecas, and in the silver mining town of Taxco... read more>>>

Click here to see video of federal police attacking Cananea miners.

See also: Picket line in New York City protests repression of striking miners in Cananea, MX


Indigenous Communities Call on DHS to Stop Border Land Grab, Respect Property and Human Rights

On Monday, January 7, a coalition of Native American and border community leaders announced their intent to fight the Department of Homeland Security's threatened seizure of their property along the United States-Mexico border. DHS is attempting to use its powers of eminent domain in order to illegally seize private lands and build the controversial border security wall. The announcement, made during a national telephonic media conference, took place on the same day that DHS 30-day notices expired, leaving Texas landowners along the international boundary terrorized by the possibility of losing ancestral lands.

Last month, DHS Secretary Chertoff stated DHS's intent to seize privately-held property in south Texas if property owners fail to cooperate with government efforts to erect the border wall, approved by Congress last year. DHS has stated that it will seize property even without the consent of landowners if necessary to complete the construction of the border fence.

DHS plans to complete the Texas portions of the fence before the end of the 2008 calendar year. DHS has already built walls along much of the California and Arizona international boundary zone with Mexico despite opposition from the government of Mexico. In Arizona, the wall cuts through Native American ceremonial crossing areas as well as through a national wildlife park. Indigenous communities are calling on the U.S. government to stop this land grab and respect the rights of migrants, Americans and indigenous peoples at the U.S.-Mexico border... read more>>>

See also: "Apaches Rise to Defend Homelands from Homeland Security"
and "Attorney to Homeland Security for Apaches: Back off at the Border!"


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LA-ABCF comes to Arizona for political prisoners (0) | A01 12:55PM

Community Builds Autonomous Garden In Path of Controversial Proposed Roadway (2) | M31 1:53PM

Of Friends & Whirlwinds: Inquiry, Movements & "Constituent Imagination" (0) | M31 11:53AM

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4408 East Nisbet, Phoenix, Arizona (3) | M22 9:56AM

Good Friday Arpaio Immigration RAID: Phoenix (0) | M21 6:26PM

why no coverage of wednesday's demo at McCain's office? (2) | M21 8:27AM

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FITNA (1) | M27 7:46PM

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