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03.17.2008 - 09:48

March 20th: Female and Fearless Against War: Blockaders of Military Shipments Speak Out

Thursday, March 20, Shizuno Wynkoop, Patty Imani and others from the Port Militarization Resistance (PMR) of Olympia will discuss the forefront role they and other women played in face-offs with police, the army and right-wingers to stop military transports through their streets. At 7:30pm, join the dialogue on the role of direct action and how women can revitalize the antiwar movement.

A delicious dinner, with vegetarian option, will be served at 6:30pm for a $6.50 donation. The meeting will be held at New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle. (4 blocks south of S. Alaska St. at the Hudson stop of the #7 busline.

03.16.2008 - 14:58

Video: Report Back From Tacoma Mall Anti-War Protest

Tacoma anti-war activists shut down the military recruiting center at the Tacoma Mall for the day, March 15th 2008. Warning: humor ahead.
03.16.2008 - 07:35

VIDEO: Remembering Rachel Corrie 1979-2003

Rachel Corrie

"We should be inspired by people... who show that human beings can be kind, brave, generous, beautiful, strong-even in the most difficult circumstances." -- Rachel Corrie

03.14.2008 - 12:43

Report Back From The Camp Out At City Hall


March 13, 2008 - It was a chilly, rainy Seattle evening, but that did not deter the 100 to 150 people setting up tents outside City Hall. They joined the estimated 2,600 homeless persons who spent the night outside because they were unable to get into a shelter. During the speak out, the Reverend Rich Lang gave a fiery speech which called for the homeless, low income, and middle class to fight the policies of the rich that are destroying our communities.


03.14.2008 - 09:42

Whaling Season Comes To A Close

There are less than 10 days left in the Japanese whaling season, and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s ship, the Steve Irwin, has reached the limit of its fuel reserves.

“We have no alternative but to retreat from the Southern Ocean,” said Captain Paul Watson, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd. “We have just enough fuel to make it back to port. We’ve done everything we can do down here for this season, and it has been an enormous success. I believe we have saved the lives of over 500 whales.”
03.13.2008 - 20:32

GI RIGHTS RALLY On 5th Anniversary of the War

1) Info on GI Rights Rally at Ft. Lewis, WA
2) Other NW 5th Anniversary of the War events
03.12.2008 - 15:02

Political Repression at TESC: Administration and Police Move Against SDS

The Evergreen State College administration has specifically targeted Olympia Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) for political repression by canceling events and threatening to suspend its student group status. This is an attack on student activism and free speech generally and on SDS' political statements and affiliations specifically. After the events of February 14th, SDS discovered that the administration had encouraged the police to investigate the organization as well as prominent activists from the Port of Olympia demonstrations. SDS was the first group to come out publicly against the administration's cooperation with law enforcement and police racism, sexism, and violence. The fact that SDS has been singled out for scrutiny highlights the administration's focus on repressing dissent.
03.11.2008 - 12:09

March 22nd: Blueprint for Truth - The Architecture of Destruction

Architect Richard Gage will discuss how he believes the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers was accomplished by controlled demolition on March 22nd at 7 p.m. at the Museum of History and Industry.
03.11.2008 - 01:06

March 12th: Briana Waters' Detention Hearing w/ Full update

This is an update for those who have been following the trial of Briana Waters, a wonderful mother and violin teacher from the Bay area who to this day maintains her innocence of these charges she was just convicted of. We are going to continue doing our best to support her in the ongoing legal battle for justice.
03.10.2008 - 00:25

March 13th: Real Change Camp Out At City Hall

The Real Change Organizing Project is turning up the heat to demand a stop to the Mayor's practice of demolishing homeless encampments and throwing out people's personal belonging without offering any alternative shelter. Join an overnight camp out at City Hall, downtown Seattle, on Thursday, March 13th.

Speak out about the immorality of FORCING HOMELESS PEOPLE TO LEAVE the areas they've found to survive, without offering any other option.

03.09.2008 - 21:31

Upcoming Anti-War Events

March 16th: Anti-War Conference:
Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine: What We Have Learned from the New Era of War and Occupation & What are the Prospects for Building an Effective Antiwar Movement

March 19th: Fifth Anniversary Protest of the Invasion of Iraq
03.09.2008 - 19:38

March 10th: Rally Against Tacoma's Ban on Hip Hop

Tacoma recently passed legislation that will ban hip hop shows from Tacoma's public venues. The legislation came into effect last Friday. Tacoma hip hop artists and producers heard about this just recently and are staging a rally at the Pantages Theaters, Downtown Tacoma, Monday, March 10 at noon.
03.08.2008 - 08:41

Sea Shepherd News: Captain Paul Watson Survives Shooting

March 7th around 3:45pm Australian Eastern Standard Time in the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone of Antarctica, an attempt was made on the life of Paul Watson, Captain of the Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin.

A single bullet was fired by what must have been an expert marksman at Paul’s chest, which embedded in his Kevlar vest and also damaged a metal badge worn behind the vest. Fortunately, this stopped the bullet penetrating his flesh.

03.06.2008 - 15:40

Briana Waters Convicted of Arson

Tacoma, WA - A federal jury was unable to reach a decision on conspiracy and transportation of a destructive device but convicted Briana Waters, a 32-year-old mother and violin teacher and former resident of Olympia of arson. The government charged her with being a lookout in connection with the May, 2001 arson of the Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington in Seattle. If convicted on all counts, Waters would have faced a sentence of 35 years. The two informants who testified against her in the case, who admitted to participating in the arson, face between three and seven years. Ms. Waters' sentencing is set for May 30.
03.04.2008 - 10:03

March 8th: Video and Discussion on the San Francisco Eight

On Saturday, March 8th, at 6:30 pm at CAMP (Central Area Motivation Program), there will be a showing of the 28 minute DVD “Legacy of Torture”. After the video, there will be a panel discussion regarding the current issues facing the San Francisco 8, the Black Panther Party (BPP), and COINTELPRO. The panel will include Hank Jones of the San Francisco 8, Claude Marks and Maisha Quint of the Committee to Free the Eight, and former Black Panther Party and Seattle George Jackson Brigade member Mark Cook.

This event will be held at the old fire station up on 18th off Cherry at 722 - 18th Ave. in Seattle.

02.29.2008 - 15:31

Students Protest Mexican Trade Commissioner

Holding a banner in front of the stage as Sergio Rios begins his presentation. On February 21st, 2008, students and community activists used a variety of tactics to protest misinformation about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) given by the Sergio Rios (the Mexican Trade Commissioner).
02.29.2008 - 14:40

2-29-08 Briana Waters trial is in deliberations.

February 29, 2008 -- Brianna Waters trial is in deliberations and could be done today. The trial part of the Briana Waters case is over as of this morning when the jury was given last instructions by the court to begin deliberations. This morning, The defense objected to the prosecution's closing statement and called for a mistrial.
02.28.2008 - 14:39

Briana Waters Trial: Notes from 2/27 PM

Notes from 2/27 of Waters Trial: Briana Waters testimony
Court reconvenes after lunch break. Briana Waters takes stand. Defense Atty. Bloom examines.
Disclaimer: Since this testimony was recorded through handwritten notes and the actual spoken testimony went faster than some notes could be transcribed, some questions and answers may appear incomplete. However, the bulk of the testimony appears as it was said in court.
Defense= D
Briana Waters = B
02.27.2008 - 23:26

Photo: Tanks in Tacoma

tanks in Tacoma While filming at the Port of Tacoma for the video project on union busting, I noticed several dozen large tanks beyond the shipping terminals, bound for departure.
02.27.2008 - 17:13

Briana Waters Trial notes Monday Feb. 25th 9 AM till 2pm

Summary Notes from the morning and a little of the afternoon of Monday. (not comprehensive)

Wednesday should be a very interesting day. Briana may testify this afternoon, and all are encouraged to show up to support her. The trial is drawing to a close, and the next couple days are very important. Thanks