Toronto Video Activist Collective

World Against War: International Day of Action - 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq -- March 15, 2008

VIDEO: Inconvenient Truths - Canada's War in Afghanistan

DON'T EXTEND IT. END IT. - Take to the streets on March 15 to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Saturday, March 15
1:00pm - OPENING RALLY - Queen's Park
Co-sponsored by the Housing Not War Campaign
1:30pm - PEACE MARCH - to Trinity-St. Paul's Church
2:30pm - INDOOR RALLY - 427 Bloor Street West
Featuring speakers, spoken word and hip hop, live webcast of Winter Soldier testimony from Washington, DC, and testimony of US war resisters in Canada.

Join the campaign to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq:
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War:
Don't Extend It. End It. Campaign:
Canadian Peace Alliance:

United for Peace & Justice (United States):
The World Against War (International):

En français (pour Québec):
Collectif Échec à la guerre

International Climate Change Day of Action -- December 8, 2007

KYOTO NOW! - Take to the streets on December 8 to Stop Climate Chaos.

Kyoto Now!: Green Energy / Mandatory Emission Reductions
Rally @ 12 noon

Eco-Fair at the University of Toronto (same day)
Debates Room, Hart House

For local and international actions:

Anti-Poverty Day of Action -- September 26, 2007

Anti-Poverty activists, along with trade unionists, community organizations, community health providers and low-income and homeless people, will be demonstrating to challenge all parties of the Provincial Government during the Ontario general election to immediately increase social assistance rates, immediately increase the minimum wage, build affordable/social housing now, and provide access without fear to government services for non-status people: Don't Ask/Don't Tell.

There will be a city-wide convergence at Queen's Park at 2pm, with participating organizations doing their own unique actions and feeder marches.

The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty is organizing a Mass Panhandle and March:
11:30 A.M.
Queen and Church

Toronto Anti-Poverty (TAP):

Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP):

TVAC will join protests against Bush in Canada -- August 2007

Members of the Toronto Video Activist Collective will be joining protests against the upcoming meeting of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, U.S. President George W. Bush and Mexican President Felipe Calderón that takes place August 20-21 in Montebello, Quebec.

There are plans for a giant demonstration in Ottawa on August 19, 2007, a teach-in, and even a bike caravan from Ottawa to Montebello where the leaders will meet.

Activists across Turtle Island (Canada) and Quebec will be protesting the regressive Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America, a continental corporate-military harmonization pact, as well as the crimes against humanity of the War of Terror - including the disastrous military occupations and bombings of Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, and beyond.

Call to action:
Canadian Peace Alliance et Collectif Échec à la guerre

En français:
Collectif Échec à la guerre

Toronto organizing and buses:
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War

Info on the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America:
In March 2005, Paul Martin, George W. Bush and Vicente Fox met in Waco, Texas to ratify the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). The SPP takes NAFTA's goal of continental economic integration much further by including security and foreign policy issues, and by speeding up the process of regulatory harmonization integral to the first Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.
Excerpt from - The Council of Canadians

New videos highlight growing support for U.S. War Resisters in Canada -- June 28, 2007

Liberal leader Stéphane Dion supports U.S. War Resisters in Canada:

Over 15,000 Canadians support U.S. War Resisters
Presented in Parliament by NDP MP Bill Siksay:

More info:

Since Bush's so-called 'surge' of new troops in Iraq, an increasing number of Americans have been coming to Canada refusing to fight in the illegal and immoral war in Iraq. They are joining a growing number of soldiers of conscience all across Canada, that started with the arrival of Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey in 2004.

Many of these new war resisters have already served months or even a year in Iraq. They have witnessed first-hand the destruction and illegality of the occupation, and have decided to follow their consciences and come to Canada. These Absent Without Leave (or AWOL) Americans soldiers face time in military jail and even the death penalty in the U.S. for their actions in support of international law and against the criminal and deadly foreign military policy of the Bush Administration.

U.S. War Resisters today are seeking a provision that will allow them to stay in Canada. During the Vietnam War, Canada proudly opened its doors to over 50,000 American military deserters and draft dodgers - a decision that defined our nation and brought significant cultural, political and economic benefits.

Please show your support by visiting the War Resisters Support Campaign website below, signing the national petition, and getting involved in local support campaign groups in your city or region.

Support U.S. War Resisters in Canada:

Outreach to Barrick Gold shareholders in Canada -- May 2, 2007

NOTICE: Due to a serious legal challenge by the Canadian mining company Barrick Gold, YouTube has decided to remove this video permanently. Lawyers for the activists who appeared in the banned video are currently reviewing the situation.

As shareholders for Barrick Gold met at the Metro Convention Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, activists attempted to peacefully distribute an alternative report on Barrick's mining practices.

Toronto police arrested two peaceful activists for being on a sidewalk and handing out literature.

This action is part of the May 2, 2007 International Day of Action Against Barrick Gold.

Later that same day, as promoted, activists and supporters peacefully demonstrated outside Barrick's corporate headquarters at 161 Bay Street in Toronto.

More info:

Over 10,000 in Toronto protest bombing of Lebanon, Palestine -- July 22, 2006

Well over 10,000 people--including Jews, Arabs, Muslims, and Christians--united together in a massive protest organized in less than a week.

With hundreds of civilians killed, nearly 1 million refugees, and endless bombing of non-military targets, the streets filled with those opposed to this horrific aggression by the state of Israel.

Muslim and Jewish religious leaders locked arms and hands in solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon.

Watch TVAC's video collage of this huge demo.

Link to photos of war crimes and the civilian casualties...

Toronto rallies in support of U.S. Army Specialist Suzanne Swift -- July 15, 2006

The War Resisters Support Campaign, the Iraq Veterans Against the War (Toronto Chapter), and peace activists rallied across from the U.S. Consulate in downtown Toronto, Canada today in support of U.S. Army Specialist Suzanne Swift, a veteran of the Iraqi War and a survivor of systemic sexual assault during her military service. To watch the video, (in quicktime format) click here.

Supporters are calling for an honorable discharge for Swift, who was sexually abused by her sergeant while doing her duty in Iraq as a military police officer.

This local protest in Toronto is part of actions taking place all across the U.S. in support of Spc. Swift on July 15.

Letter from Suzanne Swift's Mom
July 10, 2006

"Suzanne joined the Army with stars in her eyes. She was told she would see far away travel, be trained as a military police officer and when she got out she would be given money for college. Hell of a deal. Not once did the recruiter mention the deadly statistics for women in the military and how going to war dehumanizes many soldiers to a point where they think that raping and harassing women is acceptable behavior."

To read the rest of the letter, click here


For more information and to sign the petition:

War Resisters Support Campaign:

War, Poverty, HIV/AIDS, Climate Chaos... and Hope?

Want to help promote thought-provoking, accessible, independent media? Want to change the world with video? Look no further! Join the Toronto Video Activist Collective (TVAC). Help spread the word about TVAC in your neighbourhood, workplace, or school. The more people become involved in groups like TVAC, the more we will be able to counter the misinformation and outright lies of the corporate media. To download the poster, click here.

Amateurs and Professionals Welcome!
And you don't need a camera or computer to join!

Video editors are needed to edit short 1-3 minute videos on different political events and actions from the past year (already on tape and waiting), for the web and our compilation DVD. Those interested will have a chance to work with professional editor and Producer/Director Michael Connolly, a member of NABET 700.

TVAC has been producing groundbreaking grassroots activist video since 1998, including the feature Tear Gas Holiday (2003), covering the historic Quebec City protests of 2001, as well as the popular VideoActive compilation series.

We are amateurs and professionals, camerapeople, editors, web designers, and activists, dedicated to making video that compels people to think, and more importantly, to act. We aim to produce video that inspires and educates - activist-friendly media.

Become a Video Activist!

VideoActive 5: Coming Soon -- Summer, 2006

VideoActive 5 is coming... A collage of activist video, cartoons and experimental pieces, VideoActive is an ongoing Video Zine series TVAC publishes on VHS and DVD.

TVAC has produced four VideoActive tapes thus far, and they can all be ordered directly from TVAC distribution. VideoActive 5 covers the oppression and resistance you didn't even know was going on, no thanks to the evening news, and is sure to inspire.

Stay tuned...

Toronto Rallies in Support of Six Nations -- April 28, 2006

"The Women, being Title Holders to all lands of Turtle Island, assert our constitutional jurisdiction over the Haldimand Tract. We have never and cannot give up our land or our sovereignty."
- Clan Mothers Statement

On Friday, April 28, Six Nations held a protest at King's College Circle at the University of Toronto to protest a debate featuring Jim Prentice, the Minister of Indian Affairs, on "Aboriginal Self Government". Over 200 people in Toronto rallied at Hart House Circle at the University of Toronto in support of the Six Nations on April 26, 2006. Minister Prentice cancelled his participation in the debate.

Speakers from Six Nations, other First Nations, as well as the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), No One is Illegal, U of T Arab Students Collective, and the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty spoke at the rally.

Jacqueline House from the Six Nations gives the crowd an overview of the situation. Watch Now.

FACT: 95% of Six Nation's territory as originally allocated in the treaty has been seized and "developed" over the years.

The Six Nations are grateful for all the external and community support they are receiving. And they are requesting our continued monitoring, lobbying and action to make sure justice is served.

Up-to-date information on Six Nations, and how you can help:

Six Nations radio:
CKRZ 100.3 FM

On the web:

For more information: Autonomy & Solidarity

TVAC Video Featured by Chinese Canadian National Council -- April, 2006

The Chinese Canadian National Council's new website, the Asian Canadian Culture Online Project, features TVAC's Justice for Jeffrey video, as part of their efforts to highlight "talented and emerging artists".

Justice for Jeffrey -- October 16, 2005

Video Update: Justice for Jeffrey protest

On May 21, 2004, Jeffrey Reodica was shot three times by a plainclothes officer that resulted in his death. The officer was cleared of any wrong doing by the SIU, but the report itself was incomplete and contradictory. One year after Jeffrey's death, the Roedica family still waits for a promised coroner's report.

In order to apply pressure on the Provincial Coroner, the Reodica family organized a demonstration/peace rally in honour of Jeffrey.

View the video:
Quicktime Video (3 mb)
Real Video (2 mb)

See the Justice for Jeffrey site.

Tear Gas Holiday -- Next Screenings -- November 14, 2003

Tear Gas Holiday: Québec City Summit 2001

Here are the screenings for Tear Gas Holiday, to happen in the next few days:

Monday, November 17th, 9pm
Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto.
This screening is actually a frundraiser for TVAC, as we embark to cover another FTAA summit--this one held in Miami. Please come and support us! Admission is $8.

Monday, November 17th, 6pm
Lumbers Building, room 306, York University

Tuesday, November 18th, 7:30pm
Celts Pub, 2872 Dundas St. W. (downstairs).
Screening will be preceeded by The Best of Indymedia Newsreal! 2003

Tear Gas Holiday now on VHS! -- October 30, 2003

Tear Gas Holiday: Québec City Summit 2001
VHS, 75 minutes
Produced by TVAC
Edited by Jungli Seiko, Mari Leesment and Malcolm Rogge

The premiere screening of Tear Gas Holiday at the Bloor Cinema, on October 8th, 2003 in Toronto was a smashing success! Here's what people are saying:

"A phenomenal new documentary." — Heidi Rayden, CINEphile, CIUT 89.5FM

"A powerful account of a transformative moment in Canadian history, told through the tear gas filled eyes of those who were on the front lines." — Naomi Klein, author, No Logo

"A heart-felt, hand-held view from the streets, this tape captures authentic and disparate voices of the movement. Prepare to be energized!" — John Greyson, Director of Lilies, Proteus, and The Law of Enclosures.

"Tear Gas Holiday is informative, inspirational, and quite often very funny." — Jeff Watson, Director

"TVAC does a remarkable job of capturing the mood of the activists and the Quebec population towards the protests. Warm and cuddly feelings are stirred as teddy bears are catapulted across the hated fence, only to be met with rubber bullets." — Gloria Bergen, IndyMedia Ontario

"I left the theatre wanting to show this video to everyone I know." — Luis Jacob, Artist and member of the Anarchist Free University Collective, Toronto.

How to Purchase VHS Tapes

To purchase tapes for commercial or educational use with public performance rights; to rent for public screenings; and to obtain copies in other formats; contact:

To purchase tapes for individual use and for non-commercial community screenings, please contact

TVAC releases Québec City Summit video - September 5, 2003

"A heart-felt, hand-held view from the streets, this tape captures authentic and disparate voices of the movement. Prepare to be energized!" — John Greyson, Director of Lilies, Proteus, and The Law of Enclosures.

"A powerful account of a transformative moment in Canadian history, told through the tear gas filled eyes of those who were on the front lines." — Naomi Klein, author, No Logo

TVAC announces the premiere of a new feature activist documentary entitled Tear Gas Holiday: Québec City Summit 2001. This fast-paced documentary captures the spirit of the political movement that shook the foundations of the global economic system in 2001. With stunning footage captured by nine independent videographers, Tear Gas Holiday tells the inside story of the activists who traveled to Québec City to protest at the Summit of the Americas. (view stills)

Tear Gas Holiday combines striking images from the streets of Québec City with post 9-11 interviews with prominent activists, including Jaggi Singh, Naomi Klein, and Maude Barlow. Also appearing are Blanca Chancoso, José Bové, Judy Rebick, R.H. Thompson, Art Manuel, Svend Robinson, Erin George, Denise Campbell, and many others. Whether you are young or old, a moderate or a militant, peon or president -- you might be in this movie!

Tear Gas Holiday is a must see for anyone who cares about the future of civil rights and democracy in the Americas.

Premiere screening:

Wednesday, October 8th 9:15pm
The Bloor Cinema
506 Bloor St. West
Toronto, ON
Tickets $4.00

A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales will be used to support the Libertas Legal Collective for the legal defence of activists who were arrested at the protests.

TVAC acknowledges the generous support of CAW/TCA towards the production costs of this film.

TVAC releases new anti-war video - August 5, 2003

The Toronto Video Activist Collective (TVAC) is announcing the release of a new short-length video, Peace Now, featuring footage from a year of anti-war protests in Toronto and Ottawa, from September 2002 to April 2003.

The 25-minute video features a chronological series of over ten clips from peace demonstrations including Toronto's contribution to the massive February 15th event, part of the largest coordinated international mobilization in history, and One Big No, the largest political arts event in Toronto in two decades.

The video includes exclusive footage of such prominent individuals as Canadian musician Sarah Harmer, MuchMusic VJ Jennifer Hollett, Member of Parliament Dennis Mills, British author Tariq Ali, Canadian activist and journalist Judy Rebick, and housing advocate Cathy Crowe. The clips cover events organized by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War co-sponsored by the Toronto Disaster Relief Committee, Artists Against War, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, and supported by the labour movement, other non-governmental organizations and activist groups.

The video combines the original footage from four independent video activists, edited by TVAC members David Hermolin and Alex Lisman.

To order copies of the video, or for more information please contact:

Rock the WTO Action, Montreal, Quebec - July 26-30, 2003

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Montreal, Quebec in response to the meeting of the WTO 'Mini-Ministerial' in Montreal July 27-30. These meetings were to prepare for the 5th Ministerial of the WTO being held in Cancun, Mexico from September 10-14, 2003.

As usual, George Devil U. Bush is up to no good and then along come TVAC to save the day.
View in Realplayer (runs 0:05, 79 KB)
View in Quicktime (runs 0:05, 147 KB)

340 demonstrators were arrested during the Day of Action, Monday July 28th, 2003. Block-style mass arrests reduced the strength of later actions that followed.
View in Realplayer (runs 6:24, 4.3 MB)

Interviews with demonstrators help to illustrate reasons for protesting against the WTO.
View in Realplayer (runs 4:06, 2.8 MB)

A video of the 'green-zone' during Monday's Day of Action, submitted by a member of the indymedia video group that worked together during the demonstration to cover the events.
View in Quicktime (runs 4:35, 3.9 MB)

** Rock-the-WTO-Radio was broadcasting throughout the demonstrations, on the internet and on pirate radio 104.5 FM in Montreal. Check out the archives in case you missed it live **

Actions in Evian/Geneva - May 29-June 03, 2003

GENEVA03 LiveStream is a temporary autonomous TV project setup to cover the actions surrounding the G8 summit in Evian, France and a concurrent meeting of the UN in Geneva, Switzerland from the perspective of media/tech activists and culture jammers. The broadcast is sent to the internet from the "Everybody is an Expert" van, which is equipped with state of the art ENG tools, operators, and a self-adjusting bi-directional sattelite dish! This stream is then picked up and rebroadcast all around the world, on websites like ours as well as being projected in bars, community centers, and in the streets of the protest:

GENEVA03 LiveStream (streaming .ram, requires RealPlayer).

To chat with organizers/activists go to channel #g8 on


One Big No Peace Festival - April 12, 2003

Huge crowds turned out for a 12-hour festival at Nathan Phillips Square opposing the invasion of Iraq. Various politically-conscious artists were available to lift spirits and spread the message of peace.

The day was divided into a daytime event with many stages and a festival atmosphere, and a later five hour concert in the evening that included big names such as: Lillian Allen, DJ Denise Benson, Cowboy Junkies, Jian Ghomeshi, Sarah Harmer, Jacksoul, King Cobb Steelie, Lowest of the Low, Danny Michel, Nine Mile, Evalyn Parry, Robert Priest, Rheostatics, George Sawa, Lorraine Segato, Sarah Slean, Andy Stochansky, Women Ah Run Tings, and DJ Zahra.

The One Big No Peace Festival was organized by Artists Against War and Coalition to Stop the War.

Abdul-Rehman Malik expresses sentiments of the movement that day.
View in Quicktime (runs 1:17, 2.1 MB)

A short excerpt of Sarah Harmer's performance.
View in Quicktime (runs 1:17, 2.1 MB)

The daytime events are covered in this montage cut to traditional Middle Eastern folk music.
View in Quicktime (runs 0:48, 1.2 MB)

International Day of Action for Peace - February 15, 2003

Several TVACers were at the Toronto component of this day that included peace actions in 603 cities worldwide! Below are video clips of some of the people who spoke at the event. For more details on this most incredible day of action visit

A rough collage of voices and images from the rally and march.
View in Quicktime (runs 3:08, 2.1 MB)

Nova Khadduri, Iraqi high school student
View in Quicktime (runs 4:35, 3.1 MB)

Abdul Rehman-Malik
View in Quicktime (runs 4:10, 2.8 MB)

Judy Rebick, Toronto Social Forum,
View in Quicktime (runs 4:50, 3.2 MB)

Jack Layton, NDP leader
View in Quicktime (runs 6:34, 2 MB)


TVAC is proud to announce the release of VideoActive 4 - our latest compilation of videos on protest, direct action, and dissent in Toronto and beyond. For more information, see our VideoActive page.

POPE SQUAT BUSTED - November 1, 2002

The pope squat, a home opened by activists on July 25, 2002, was busted this afternoon by Toronto police. Hear OCAP's John Clarke explain.

View in Quicktime (1.1 MB)

NOV. 2 UPDATE: Squat retaken! Read the IndyMedia story.


Great news on the legal defense front. Matthew Behrens of Toronto Action for Social Change and 6 others have received a NOT GUILTY sentence from the Ontario Power Generation action last year! Matthew said: the judge must've said 3 or 4 times that "the video clearly showed", "I saw this on the video" and stuff like that. We are continuing to do invaluable work for and in the activist community and these are the rare plum moments when our success is actually measurable. Yay!
--David Hermolin

THE POPE SQUAT (for more visit OCAP and Ontario Indy Media)

Pope Squat March
After meeting at a Parkdale park, activists march to an occupied abandoned building during the Pope's visit to Toronto with the hope to create real affordable housing.
View in Quicktime (1.5 mb)

We Remember
An OCAP organizer recites the names of some of the people who have died on the streets of Toronto.
View in Quicktime (1.5 mb)

Activist Voices
Marchers and squatters share their thoughts on why we need housing and things we can do to help make it happen.
View in Quicktime (5.1 mb)

Speech from the Squat
An OCAP organizer addresses the crowd upon arrival at the Pope Squat.
View in Quicktime (3.4 mb)


Bush Cheer
Thursday, June 25, 2002

Two Radical Cheerleaders perform a new cheer in honour of "President" Bush.
View in Quicktime

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Over 100 cars caravan to Kananaskis to bring the protest to the G8 leaders meeting in isolation in the remote resort village.
View in Quicktime

Community Solidarity March
Sunday, June 23, 2002

Community groups, NGOs, Labour and others come together in a festive march of over 5,000.
View in Quicktime

G8 Die-In
Wednesday, June 26, 2002

In memory of all the victims of the G8 and the neo-liberal agenda hundreds of activists stage a die-in in a downtown Calgary park.
View in Quicktime

Showdown at the Hoedown
Tuesday, June 25, 2002

In response to the mini-Stampede organized to entertain visiting international media and delegations activists hold their own hoedown outside.
View in Quicktime

People's Picnic
Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Despite being denied permit after permit to organize protests in Calgary, activists celebrate our charter rights and denounce capitalism by taking over a city park for free food, music and speakers.
View in Quicktime

Snake March
Wednesday, June 26, 2002

As the summit begins, morning rush hour is snarled as traffic is diverted to avoid a 3 hour snake march though downtown streets.
View in Quicktime


June 25
Anti-G8 protesters take the message for workers rights and against environmental degradation to The GAP in downtown Calgary. After over an hour of songs and speeches protesters undressed chanting "we'd rather wear nothing than wear GAP".
View in Quicktime

Anti-Gap song to the tune of Old MacDonald. Performed at the We'd Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear Gap action.
View in Quicktime

"Working in a sweatshop" anti-Gap song. Performed at the We'd Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear Gap action.
View in Quicktime

Anti-Gap/Old Navy song to the tune of Row Row Row Your Boat. Performed at the We'd Rather Wear Nothing Than Wear Gap action.
View in Quicktime