Welcome to the new upgraded Z Magazine website. Here you will find presentations of the print magazine online, links for info
and subs, and especially a large archive of past issues. The ZCom search also provides a good way to access ZMag content, old and new.

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Z Magazine Staff

Lydia Sargent

Editorial, Design, Production, Promotion Eric Sargent:
Editorial, Circulation, Production, Promotion

Andy Dunn:
Editorial, Graphics, Production, Promotion


Writer's Guidelines

We welcome unsolicited submissions. We prefer that submissions be sent to us via email (zmag@zmag.org), either as an attached document saved in rich text format (RTF) or saved within the text of the email message for shorter pieces. We also accept submissions via the mail in print form and/or saved to an IBM compatible disk. Send to the address at the bottom of this page.

Be sure to put your name and mailing address on your cover letter, your disk, your email, and especially at the beginning or end of your article. Also include a two-sentence biography. Mailed submissions accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope will be returned.

Keep articles between 800 and 4,000 words. Due dates are the 25th of each month. Articles are reviewed by the first of each month for the following month's issue. You will usually hear from us, one way or the other, within two months of submission.


Unsolicited submissions of cartoons, illustrations, photos are welcome. These can be sent as an email attachment (zmag@zmag.org) or by mail as a print copy and/or on an IBM compatible disk. For electronic graphics files, all major graphics formats are accepted. The preferred size of the graphic is six inches wide at a resolution of 300 dots per inch. Because we get a large volume of graphics submissions, please do not request that we return the print copies of your submissions unless you have pre-arranged with us to do that, usually for a solicited submission. Deadline is the first of the month for the following month's issue.

Free Ads

We run free advertisements of worthy projects on a space available basis. These are usually full-page ads (sometimes half-page) placed at the end of the magazine, or on the back cover of the magazine. These ads can be sent electronically as email attachments saved in pdf format or as a graphic file (zmag@zmag.org). Alternatively, hard copies can be mailed to the address below. Indicate with the submission that it is to be considered for a free ad. Dimension requirements (approximately) are as follows: Full-page ad, 9.5" (tall) X 6.75" (wide); Half-page ad, 4.675" (tall) X 6.75" wide; Back cover ad, 8" (tall) X 7.25" (wide). Deadline is the first of the month.


We welcome events listings, news releases, ongoing organizing, appeals, for the Zaps section of the magazine. Zaps should be short, one or two sentences, with contact information at the end. We sometimes run graphics with the Zaps, so these may be included as well. Indicate with the submission that it is to be considered for inclusion as a Zap. Send by first of the month for inclusion in the following month's issue. Email to aluker@riseup.net or mail to Z Magazine, address below.


We occasionally run letters to the editor. These should be concise and may be edited for length. Letters or general comments and suggestions can be sent via email (zmag@zmag.org) or as a hard copy via the mail, address below.

Contact Info

To send articles, zaps, ads, announcements, graphics, letters, and subscriptions via the U.S. mail or another carrier, use the following address:

Z Magazine
18 Millfield Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Other contact methods:

Phone: (508) 548-9063
Fax: (508) 457-0626
Email: zmag@zmag.org