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The final broadcast presents the winners of European Inventor of the Year 2008.

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28-30 May 2008
Warsaw, Poland

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Thomas Homer-Dixon7.5.2008
Patent system: Fit to fight global warming?
The European Patent Forum brought together participants from 45 countries in Ljubljana, to discuss how the fields of patenting and IP could support innovations that benefit the environment and counteract climate change.
Group photo7.5.2008
Europe’s best innovators honoured in Ljubljana
The inventors of a revolutionary antiviral treatment, a fuel-efficient aluminium car frame, a effective non-invasive eye scan and a groundbreaking surgical robot are the European Inventors of the Year 2008.
Panel discussion6.5.2008
Patents to save the planet?
Green expertise to combat climate change needs to become Europe’s competitive advantage – and the IP system should be one of the key drivers of that edge, according to EC Vice President Günter Verheugen.
China launches Chinese-English translation tool
A free online machine translation service for patent information searchers and an English version of the "China Intellectual Property Net" website have been launched.

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