W3C Press Releases and Advisories

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For more information about W3C news and developments, please contact the W3C Communications Team. Syndicate this page (in multiple languages where translations available) with RSS 1.0, an RDF vocabulary used for site summaries.


W3C Welcomes Community Discussion at WWW2008 Track
W3C to Examine Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social Development
W3C XML is Ten!
W3C Publishes HTML 5 Draft, Future of Web Content
W3C Opens Data on the Web with SPARQL


W3C mobileOK Helps People Create and Find Mobile Friendly Content
W3C Community Convenes to Discuss Web Future
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Office in Brazil
W3C, Tim Berners-Lee To Present Mobile Web Vision at Mobile Internet World
W3C to Convene Web Technology Plenary in Cambridge (MA, USA) in November
W3C, OpenAjax Alliance Hold Joint Workshop on Mobile Ajax Applications
W3C Completes Bridge Between HTML/Microformats and Semantic Web
W3C Publishes Open Standard for Describing Web Services Policies
W3C Completes Work on Critical Web Services Standard
New Standards Confirmed for Voice-driven Web Applications
Web Application Workshop to Address Performance Challenges Across Platforms
W3C and WSRI Workshop To Explore Transparency, Effectiveness in eGovernment
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Office in Southern Africa
W3C Track Announced for WWW2007 Conference
W3C Sets New Standard for Internationalized Web Content
W3C Relaunches HTML Activity
Tim Berners-Lee to Keynote Opening Day at 3GSM 2007
W3C and OASIS Jointly Issue New Web Standard for Industrial Graphics
W3C XQuery 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 Become Standards: Tools to Query, Transform, and Access XML and Relational Data
W3C Announces Symposium on Role of Web Standards in eGovernment
W3C Expands Support for Speech Synthesis of World Languages


World Wide Web Consortium Celebrates Ten Years with Style
W3C Workshop Report: Keeping Privacy Promises
W3C Updates XML Formatting Standard to Incorporate Popular Extensions
World Wide Web Consortium Celebrates Ten Years Leading the Web in Asia
World Wide Web Consortium Releases First Version of GRDDL Specification
W3C to organize a Mobile Web Seminar in Paris on 16 November 2006 (Media Advisory)
W3C Launches Secure Browsing Initiative
W3C Announces Roadmap for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)
W3C to Pursue Improved Web Access in Developing Countries
W3C Holds Workshop for XSL Formatting Language
W3C Publishes New Editions of Core XML Standards
World Wide Web Consortium Releases SVG Tiny 1.2 as a W3C Candidate Recommendation
W3C to Expand Internationalization in Speech Synthesis Markup Language
W3C Issues Mobile Web Best Practices as Candidate Recommendation
W3C Work Featured at WWW2006 in Edinburgh
W3C Holds Workshop for Mobile Device Description Repository
W3C Introduces Device Independent Authoring Language (DIAL)
Web Services Addressing 1.0 is now a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Office in Mainland China
W3C Renews Web Services Activity, Expanding Work
W3C Holds Web Services Seminar
W3C Launches Incubator Activity
Mobile Industry Leaders Agree on Best Practices for Mobile Web Content
World Wide Web Consortium To Hold Ubiquitous Web Workshop


World Wide Web Consortium To Hold Workshop on Transparency and Usability of Web Authentication
World Wide Web Consortium Releases SMIL 2.1 as a W3C Recommendation
W3C Moves Forward on New Extensions for Voice Technologies and the Web
W3C Launches Group Linking Medical Industry with Semantic Web
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Rule Interchange Format Working Group
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XSLT 2.0, XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Candidate Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Indian Office
W3C Mobile Web Initiative Sponsors to Reveal Vision in London on 15 November 2005 (Media Advisory)
World Wide Web Consortium Marks Completion of Quality Assurance Working Group with New Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Key Management System (XKMS) 2.0 as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Holds Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services
W3C Celebrates Ten Years Leading the Web in Europe (Media Advisory)
W3C Launches "Mobile Web Initiative"
World Wide Web Consortium Holds Rule Languages Workshop
W3C Lowers Membership Fee for Organizations in Developing Countries
W3C Presents at WWW2005 in Japan
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Critical Internationalization Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium to Host Booth at 3GSM 2005
World Wide Web Consortium Supports the URI Standard and IRI Proposed Standard
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Three Web Services Recommendations


World Wide Web Consortium Issues "XInclude 1.0" as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues "Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One" as a W3C Recommendation
W3C Celebrates Tenth Anniversary
W3C Brings Leaders Together in "Mobile Web Initiative" Workshop
W3C Spanish Office’s Standards Tour 2004 to Visit Ten Cities Throughout Spain
W3C Workshop on Semantic Web for Life Sciences Draws Broad International Support
World Wide Web Consortium to Celebrate Ten Year Anniversary with Special Event in December (Media Advisory)
W3C Workshop on Constraints and Capabilities to Explore Next Web Services Layer
World Wide Web Consortium Issues SSML 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Establish Formal Relationship
W3C Workshop on Life Sciences (Media Advisory)
Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web, Knighted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
World Wide Web Consortium Publishes First Public Working Draft of Web Services Choreography Description Language 1.0
World Wide Web Consortium Issues DOM Level 3 As a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues VoiceXML 2.0 and Speech Recognition Grammar as W3C Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Presents Mobile Web at 3GSM 2004
W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative Holds Best Practices Training in Spain
World Wide Web Consortium Issues RDF and OWL Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Issues VoiceXML 2.0 as a W3C Proposed Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Publishes CC/PP 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation


W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee to be Knighted by Queen Elizabeth
W3C Technical Architecture Group Produces "Architecture of the World Wide Web"
World Wide Web Consortium Presents US Patent Office with Evidence Invalidating Eolas Patent
World Wide Web Consortium Announces W3C Day Japan 2003
World Wide Web Consortium to Hold its First Outreach Event in Mainland China
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Spanish Office
World Wide Web Consortium Publishes XForms 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Web Ontology Language Candidate Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Issues SOAP Version 1.2 as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Launches W3C European Semantic Tour
World Wide Web Consortium Approves Patent Policy
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Proposed Recommendation of SOAP Version 1.2
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Pointer Language (XPointer) as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Patent Policy Draft
World Wide Web Consortium Issues VoiceXML 2.0 as a W3C Candidate Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 and Mobile SVG as W3C Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Issues DOM Level 2 HTML as a W3C Recommendation


World Wide Web Consortium Issues User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Encryption and Decryption Transform as W3C Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium to Move European Host to ERCIM
World Wide Web Consortium Releases Last Call Working Draft of Patent Policy
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XForms 1.0 as a W3C Candidate Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Finnish Office
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Hungarian Office
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Exclusive XML Canonicalization as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Publishes First Public Working Draft of Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.2
World Wide Web Consortium Publishes Speech Recognition Grammar Specification
World Wide Web Consortium Releases XML Conformance Test Suite
World Wide Web Consortium Launches W3C European Interop Tour
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 and Mobile SVG as Candidate Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Korean Office
World Wide Web Consortium Issues P3P 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Releases New Draft of Patent Policy
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Signature as a W3C Recommendation


World Wide Web Consortium Forms Technical Architecture Group
World Wide Web Consortium to Hold W3C Day in Japan
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Information Set as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues VoiceXML 2.0 as a first public Working Draft
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Extensible Stylesheet Language 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 1.0 as a Candidate Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 and SMIL Animation as W3C Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Issues SMIL 2.0 as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues First Public Working Draft of SOAP Version 1.2
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Base and XML Linking Language as W3C Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XHTML 1.1 and Ruby Annotation as W3C Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Schema as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Australian Office to Host W3C Day
World Wide Web Consortium Grows to Over 500 Members
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Modularization of XHTML as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Canonical XML as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium to Present at CeBIT 2001
World Wide Web Consortium Issues MathML 2.0 as a W3C Recommendation


World Wide Web Consortium Issues XHTML Basic as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Document Object Model Level 2 as a W3C Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Holds Second P3P Interoperability Session
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Schema as a Candidate Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Works to Bridge "Digital Divide" - WAI Director Speaks at White House Event
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Scalable Vector Graphics as a Candidate Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Demonstrates P3P Implementations
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Australian Office
World Wide Web Consortium Issues First Public Working Draft of XForms Data Model
World Wide Web Consortium Announces First Demonstration of Web Privacy Framework
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines as a Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XHTML 1.0 as a Recommendation


World Wide Web Consortium and Wireless Application Protocol Forum Establish Formal Liaison Relationship
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XSL Transformations (XSLT) and XML Path Language (XPath) as Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Clears Patent Hurdle for Web Privacy
World Wide Web Consortium Issues First Working Draft of SMIL Boston
World Wide Web Consortium Joins ICANN Protocol Support Organization
World Wide Web Consortium Supports HTTP/1.1 Reaching IETF Draft Standard
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Associating Style Sheets with XML as a Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Schemas First Working Draft
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Content Accessibility Guidelines as a Recommendation
World Wide Web Consortium to Investigate Patent Validity
W3C Issues RDF Model and Syntax Specification as a Recommendation
The World Wide Web Consortium Releases First Working Draft of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) specification
The World Wide Web Consortium Releases CSS Test Suite
W3C Releases Jigsaw 2.0 Web Server
The World Wide Web Consortium Issues WebCGM Profile as a W3C Recommendation
The World Wide Web Consortium Issues "Namespaces in XML" as a W3C Recommendation


W3C Advisory Board aims to help the Consortium design a powerful, interoperable Web
W3C Issues DOM Level 1 as a Recommendation
W3C Issues First Public Working Draft of XSL 1.0
W3C to Present on Web Accessibility
W3C Announces Appointment of New Technology & Society Domain Leader
W3C Issues First Public Draft of Browser Accessibility Guidelines
W3C Issues SMIL 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
W3C Publishes First Public Working Draft of P3P 1.0
W3C Issues CSS2 as a Recommendation
W3C Issues SMIL as a Proposed Recommendation
W3C Issues MathML as a Recommendation
W3C Issues CSS2 as a Proposed Recommendation
W3C Issues MathML as a Proposed Recommendation
The World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
W3C Issues Accessibility Guidelines to Extend Benefits of the Web to a Broader Community


The World Wide Web Consortium Issues HTML 4.0 as a W3C Recommendation
W3C Issues XML1.0 as a Proposed Recommendation
W3C Issues PICSRules and DSig1.0 Proposed Recommendations
World Wide Web Consortium Launches W3C-LA Initiative
W3C Issues HTML 4.0 as a Proposed Recommendation
W3C Issues First Public Draft of Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
World Wide Web Consortium Publishes Public Draft of CSS2
W3C Announces Completion of P3P Project Phase One
W3C Launches International Program Office for Web Accessibility Initiative
World Wide Web Consortium Issues First Public Draft of Document Object Model (DOM)
W3C Publishes Public Draft of Resource Description Framework (RDF)
W3C Exhibits Technology at European Ministerial Conference
W3C Publishes Public Draft of HTML 4.0
W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee Participates at White House Administration's Electronic Commerce Initiative
W3C Announces the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3) Project at FTC Workshop
W3C Launches the International Web Accessibility Initiative
W3C Issues Recommendation for HTML 3.2


W3C Issues Recommendation for CSS1
W3C Issues Recommendation for PICS
W3C and CommerceNet Announce Major Step Toward Resolving Industry-wide Internet Payment Challenge [JEPI]
W3C Issues First Recommendation for Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
Keio University joins MIT and INRIA in hosting the W3C
Jean-Francois Abramatic Appointed Chairman of W3C
The W3C Announces HTML 3.2
The W3C Announces Web Style Sheets
The W3C Takes Leadership Role in the Development of HTML


Consortium Announces Active Object Agreement
International World Wide Web Conference To Be Held In Boston December 11 - 14, 1995
15 Organizations From Around The World Pledge Support For PICS Platform
DEC, NewView Join PICS Development Team
Industry and Academia Discuss and Demonstrate Platform for Internet Content Selection at Internet World Press Conference
More Than 50 Papers Selected For Presentation At The Fourth International World Wide Web Conference, December 11 - 14, Boston, MA
Industry and Academia Join Forces to Develop Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS)
INRIA and MIT to jointly host the World Wide Web Consortium