RIF Working Group

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The mission of the Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group is to produce W3C Recommendations for rules interchange on the semantic web


ATTENTION: March Telecons will be one hour earlier than usual in Europe

  • F2F10 26-28 May, 2008, Galway
  • Telecon 1 April 2008
    • PROPOSED: Publish all documents as last call
  • Telecon 25 March 2008 Agenda Minutes (draft)
    • RESOLVED: Use fully-striped syntax for next WD (option 3 from here)
  • Telecon 18 March 2008 Agenda Minutes
    • RESOLVED: Open an issue on terminology around terms/functions/predicates and include an editorial comment in WD2 asking for feedback, but keep "atom" and "expr" for this draft.
    • RESOLVED: remove nested Foralls for BLD WD2. Maybe we'll get some use case some day for putting them back in.
  • Telecon 11 March 2008 Agenda Minutes
    • RESOLVED: BLD builtins are not sensitive to order of evaluation (closing issue-40).
    • RESOLVED: Approve Michael's alternative proposal on lists and update FLD+BLD syntax/semantics accordingly to reflect that and the previous resolution on lists


WG Contacts



Other Documents

Older Task Areas

  • Design Principles and Design Constraints
  • Rulesystem Arrangement Framework (aka RIF-RAF)
  • OWL Compatibility and RDF Compatibility
  • Extensible_Design

Related work

Group Membership and Joining

The group holds telecons weekly and has 2-4 face-to-face meetings each year. See Meetings.

If you want to be involved without joining the Working Group, you are encouraged to review and comment on the Working Drafts as they become available. Feedback from people actually implementing the specifications is especially valuable.

Charter, Meeting Records, and History

The RIF Working Group Charter shows what the W3C has asked this working group to do. Meeting minutes and agendas are recorded here.

W3C Working Group Resources


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