W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG)

Current Events/Documents/Issues · Deliverables and Schedule · Participation/policies · Charter, history

W3C has created the TAG to document and build consensus around principles of Web architecture and to interpret and clarify these principles when necessary, to resolve issues involving general Web architecture brought to the TAG, and to help coordinate cross-technology architecture developments inside and outside W3C. -- TAG charter

Nearby: issues list · tracker · TAG Findings · educational materials · www-tag@w3.org archives (tips) · public-tag-announce@w3.org archives (RSS) · tag@w3.org archives (Member-only)

Current Events/Documents

Earlier meetings are indexed below.

Schedule and Deliverables

See also: W3C Events Calendar · Holidays and Festivals·

Face-to-face meetings:

Previous meetings are listed in the History section.

The TAG is chartered for an indefinite duration. Work items include:

Participation and Policies

The TAG has 9 members; 5 elected, 3 appointed, and 1 chair:

  1. Tim Berners-Lee (W3C) (Chair)
  2. Ashok Malhotra (Oracle)2
  3. Noah Mendelsohn (IBM)2
  4. David Orchard (BEA)1
  5. T. V. Raman (Google)3
  6. Jonathan Rees (Science Commons)2
  7. Henry Thompson (U. of Edinburgh)2
  8. Norm Walsh (Sun)1
  9. Stuart Williams (HP)1


Mailing list policies for the TAG

www-tag (archive)
This is the TAG's public list where it conducts work and engages in discussions on its work with the community.
public-tag-announce (archive)
This list is used for announcements from the TAG of minutes, meeting summaries, findings, new issues, resolved issues, and drafts of architecture documents. Note: These announcements will also go to www-tag; public-tag-announce is intended for subscribers wishing to receive a subset of mail sent to www-tag.
public-webarch-comments (archive)
This list is used for last call (and possible future) review comments on the Architecture Document.

W3C will do its best to ensure that the archives of these mailing lists do not change. W3C will only remove a mail to this list in extreme circumstances; see W3C's archive editing policy.

More about W3C mailing lists.

Group policies

TAG internal page (Member only)

See also suggested tactics for addressing new issues

Charter, History

The TAG charter was added to W3C process July 2001. The events below chart our progress:

February 2008
teleconferences: 7 Feb, 14 Feb, 21 Feb
face-to-face meeting: 26th-28th February 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada (hosted by BEA).
January 2008
teleconferences: 10 Jan, 17 Jan, 31 Jan
December 2007
teleconferences: 6 Dec, 13 Dec
New Issue: webApplicationState-60
November 2007
teleconferences: 1 Nov, 15 Nov, 29 Nov
face-to-face meeting: TAG@TPAC 5th-10th November 2007, Cambridge, MA. Mon am, pm (with HCLSIG), Tue am, pm(with WSC - WSC minutes), Fri am
October 2007
teleconferences: 4 Oct, 11 Oct, 18 Oct, 25 Oct
September 2007
teleconferences: 6 Sep, 13 Sep, 27 Sep.
face-to-face meeting 17-19th September, University of Southampton, UK. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Updated Draft Finding: Versioning and Extensibility: Terminology, Strategies. "Associating Resources with Namespaces"
Misc writings: "Review of XHTML Modularization" relvant to XMLVersioning-41
August 2007
teleconferences: 30 Aug, 20 Aug, 13 Aug
New Issue scalabilityOfURIAccess-58. Updated Draft Finding: "Dereferencing HTTP URIs"
July 2007
teleconferences: 16 Jul, 9 Jul, 2 Jul
New Issue httpRedirections-57.
Updated Draft Finding: Versioning and Extensibility: Terminology, Strategies, Versioning XML.
June 2007
teleconferences: 25 Jun, 18 Jun, 11 Jun.
New Draft Finding: "Dereferencing HTTP URIs".
May 2007
teleconferences: 21 May, 14 May.
face-to-face meeting 30th May - 1 June, Mountain View, CA, USA. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday am.
Updated Draft Findings: "The Self-Describing Web"
April 2007
teleconferences: 30 Apr, 23 Apr, 16 Apr, 2 Apr,
March 2007
teleconferences: 26 Mar 19 Mar
face-to-face meeting 6-7 March, Cambridge, MA, USA. Tuesday, Wednedsay am and pm
Feb 2007
teleconferences: 5 Feb, 12 Feb, 26 Feb New Draft Findings: "The Importance of Self-Describing Documents"
Jan 2007
teleconferences: 2 Jan, 9 Jan, 23 Jan, 30 Jan
New issue utf7Encoding-55
Approved TAG finding The use of Metadata in URIs
Misc writings: "The elaborated infoset: A proposal" relevant to xmlFunctions-34.
Dec 2006
teleconference: 19 December
face-to-face meeting, 11-13 Dec., Cambridge, MA, USA
Issue metadataInURI-31 resolved
Nov 2006
teleconferences: 7 Nov, 14 Nov, 21 Nov
Approved TAG finding On Linking Alternative Representations To Enable Discovery And Publishing
Issue genericResources-53 resolved
Oct 2006
summary, teleconferences: 10 Oct, 17 Oct, 24 Oct, 31 Oct
face-to-face meeting, 4-5 Oct.,Vancouver, BC, Canada
New issue TagSoupIntegration-54
Sep 2006
teleconferences: 5 Sep, 19 Sep, 26 Sep.
Aug 2006
teleconferences: 8 Aug, 15 Aug, 29 Aug
Jul 2006
summary, teleconferences: 18 Jul, 25 Jul
Jun 2006
teleconferences: 6 Jun, 27 Jun
face-to-face meeting, 12-14 Jun., Amherst, MA, USA
May 2006
teleconferences: 2 May, 9 May, 16 May, 30 May
New issue genericResources-53, new draft finding: On Linking Alternative Formats To Enable Discovery And Publishing
Apr 2006
summary, teleconferences: 4 Apr, 11 Apr, 18 Apr, 25 Apr
New issue passwordsInTheClear-52
Approved TAG finding Authoritative Metadata
Issue putMediaType-38 resolved, issue namespaceState-48 resolved
Mar 2006
teleconferences: 21 Mar, 28 Mar
TAG finding The Disposition of Names in an XML Namespace published as a W3C Working Draft
27 Feb & 3 Mar 2006
face-to-face meeting, Mandelieu, France
Feb 2006
teleconferences: 7 Feb, 14 Feb, 21 Feb
Approved TAG finding: The Rule of Least Power
New draft finding: State in Web application design
Jan 2006
summary, teleconferences: 3 Jan, 10 Jan, 24 Jan, 31 Jan
Approved TAG finding: The Disposition of Names in an XML Namespace
Dec 2005
teleconferences: 13 Dec, 20 Dec
5-6 December 2005
face-to-face meeting, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
Nov 2005
teleconferences: 1 Nov, 8 Nov, 22 Nov
Oct 2005
summary, teleconferences: 4 Oct, 11 Oct, 18 Oct, 25 Oct
20-22 September 2005
face-to-face meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Sep 2005
teleconferences: 6 Sep, 13 Sep
Aug 2005
teleconferences: 23 Aug, 30 Aug
Jul 2005
teleconferences: 5 Jul, 12 Jul
Jun 2005
summary, teleconferences: 21 Jun, 28 Jun
Issue httpRange-14 resolved
14-16 June 2005
face-to-face meeting, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
May 2005
teleconferences: 3 May, 10 May, 31 May
Apr 2005
teleconferences: 5 Apr, 12 Apr, 19 Apr, 26 Apr
New issue standardizedFieldValues-51
Mar 2005
teleconferences: 8 Mar, 15 Mar, 22 Mar, 29 Mar
New issue URNsAndRegistries-50
28 February 2005
face-to-face meeting, during the Tech Plenary 2005 in Boston, MA, USA
Feb 2005
summary, teleconferences: 7 Feb, 14 Feb, 22 Feb
New issues nameSpaceState-48, schemeProtocols-49
Jan 2005
teleconferences: 10 Jan, 24 Jan, 31 Jan
New issue endPointRefs-47
Dec 2004
20 Dec, 13 Dec, 6 Dec

See also:

Tim Berners-Lee, Stuart Williams, co-chairs
Last modified: $Date: 2008/02/19 14:07:18 $ by $Author: swilliam $