W3C W3C Liaisons With Other Organizations

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the organization where core Web technologies are developed. There are many other organizations developing standards for the Internet or the Web in general, and in some cases, their activities may overlap with W3C activities. To help coordinate the development of the Web, W3C engages in liaisons with numerous organizations after careful consideration of the costs and benefits.

Table of Liaisons/Partnerships

3GPP · AccessBoard · AILF · ATIA · Apache · BSI · CEN · DATSCG · DCMI · Daisy · EuroAccessibility · ETSI · FSTC · GFSI · I3A · ICANN · ICC · IEEE · IETF · IGF · IGF-DCOS · IMS · INCITS · IPTC · ISO · ITIC · ITU · IW3C2 · JIS · Liberty Alliance · MPIC· NIST · OASIS· OGF · OMA · OMG · OeBF · Open GIS Consortium · SMPTE · TOG · Unicode · UN/CEFACT · Unicode · VoiceXML · WAB-Cluster · WASP · Web3D · WS-I

Each entry in the following table of partnerships (active or not) includes:

For more information about a particular liaison, please refer to the contact page for the listed individual(s). For more information about W3C liaisons, or if you are interested in creating a new liaison, please contact the W3C Communications Team at w3t-comm@w3.org. See also the section of the W3C Process Document on liaisons.

Organization W3C Activities affected W3C contact Liaison contact
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project Device Independence, Multimodal, SMIL, SVG, Timed Text Device Independence: Stephane Boyera
Multimodal: Dave Raggett
SMIL: Thierry Michel
SVG: Chris Lilley
Timed Text: Thierry Michel
Device Independence: Friedhelm Rodermund
Multimodal: Paolo Usai
SMIL: Paolo Usai
SVG: Tolga Capin, Paolo Usai
Timed Text: Paolo Usai
U.S. Access Board WAI Judy Brewer David Capozzi
AILF Association des Informaticiens de Langue Française French Translation and I18N Karl Dubost  
ATIA Assistive Technology Industry Association WAI Judy Brewer David Dikter
Apache The Apache Software Foundation Open Source Eric Prud'Hommeaux Apache board
British Standards Institution Judy Brewer, Shadi Abou-Zhara
CEN European Committee for Standardization (Normalization) General interest in W3C/WAI Activities, Privacy, WAI


Rigo Wenning, Judy Brewer, Shadi Abou-Zhara Luc Van den Berghe
John Ketchell
Design For All and Assistive Technology Standardization Co-ordination Group" (DATSCG) Accessibility Shadi Abou-Zhara Luc Van den Berghe
DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, Accessibility Working Group Semantic Web, Accessibility Shadi Abou-Zhara Liddy Nevile
Daisy Consortium WAI Judy Brewer  
EuroAccessibility WAI Shadi Abou-Zhara Dominique Burger
European Commission *, funding

Judy Brewer

Philipp Hoschka

Rigo Wenning

DG Information Society: Jacques Bus, Ima Placencia, Roberto Cencioni, etc

DG Enterprise: Anne Lehouck, Norbert Anselman, Antonio Conte

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute QA, XML Signature, Multimodal


Daniel Dardailler,
Rigo Wenning,
Dave Raggett
Philippe Cousin

Jorgen Friis

Margot Dor

FSTC Financial Services Technology Consortium General interest in W3C Activities Steve Bratt Dan Schutzer, Executive Director (and AC Rep)
GFSI Groupe français sur les standards de l'Internet General interest in W3C Activities Karl Dubost  
I3A International Imaging Industry Association MMSem XG, DIG35 metadata standard, OWL conversion Raphaël Troncy,

Daniel Dardailler

James A. Peyton
ICANN The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

(through Technical Liaison Group)

URI, IDN, Official Std TF Daniel Dardailler Thomas Roessler  Vint Cerf
ICC International Color Consortium Graphics Chris Lilley  
ICTSB Generic Rigo Wenning Keith Dickerson (Chair)
IEEE Printer Working Group (PWG) CSS,HTML Bert Bos (CSS), Steven Pemberton (HTML)
IETF The Internet Engineering Task Force XML Signature, XML Protocol, I18N, URI Planning IG, Multimodal Dan Connolly,
Philippe Le Hégaret,
see also: public-ietf-w3c mailing list
Mark Nottingham

IGF The Internet Governance Forum Official Std TF, followup to WSIS, Web Technologies Daniel Dardailler Markus Kummer
IGF-DCOS Dynamic Coalition on Open Standards Generic Daniel Dardailler Susy Struble
IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. WAI Judy Brewer Jutta Treviranus
INCITS Study Group on Accessibility WAI Judy Brewer Connie Myers, SG Chair
IPTC International Press Telecommunications Council MMSem XG, NewsML G2 metadata standard, OWL conversion Raphaël Troncy,

Daniel Dardailler

Misha Wolf

(Class C Liaison)

XML and Dublin Core To be decided Jim Melton

(Class C Liaison)

Graphics Chris Lilley Jean Stride

(Class C Liaison)

I18N Richard Ishida Mike Ksar
ISOJTC 1 SWG-A N 125 WAI Judy Brewer Karen Higginbottom, Chair

Special Working Group on Accessibility


(Class C Liaison)

Audio/Video, Graphics, MMSem XG (MPEG-7 and MPEG-21) Thierry Michel (SMIL, Timed Text)
Chris Lilley (SVG)

Raphaël Troncy (MMSem XG chair)

Dr. Jane Hunter (University of Queensland,
Dr. Jean-Claude Dufourd (Streamezzo)

See the XG liaison statement

ISO TC 68/ WG 4

(through Category D Liaison)

Web Services Steve Ross-Talbot (WS-CDL) Matthew Rawlings
ITIC WAI Judy Brewer Ken Saelets,
Don Deutsch
ITU International Telecommunication Union Interest in W3C Recommendations, mutual participation Steve Bratt Houlin Zhao
IW3C2 International WWW Conference Committee Communications Ivan Herman Allan Ellis
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, X 8341-3 Working Group 2 WAI
Liberty Alliance Privacy, , XML Signature Danny Weitzner,
Rigo Wenning
JCP JSR 226 EG SVG Chris Lilley Suresh Chitturi (Nokia)
Mobile Imaging and Printing Consortium (MIPC) CSS, HTML, SVG, MWI. Chris Lilley
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology QA

Held a workshop together.

Karl Dubost Mark Skall
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards


Karl Dubost

Lynne Rosenthal(NIST)

OASIS HTML Steven Pemberton Daniel Greenwood (MIT), LegalXML eContracts Committee
OASIS XML Signature, Encryption, XKMS Thomas Roessler (through WG chairs) Eve Maler, SAML TC Chair
OGF Open Grid Forum Web Services, Semantic Web Web Services: Philippe Le Hégaret  David De Roure
OMA Open Mobile Alliance

(through MoU with OMA)

CDF, CSS, Device Independence(CC/PP), GraphicsHTML, Multimodal, Mobile Web Initiative Chris Lilley,Philipp Hoschka Bennett Marks (Nokia), Mobile Web Initiative: Jari Alvinen (Nokia)
OMG Object Management Group Web Services, DOM, Rules Web Services, DOM: Philippe Le Hégaret
Rules: Sandro Hawke
James Nemiah (nemiah@omg.org)
OeBF Open eBook Forum WAI Judy Brewer  
OGC Open GIS Consortium SVG Chris Lilley, Steve Bratt Carl Reed, Ron Lake
SMPTE SYMM Thierry Michel Mike Dolan

The Open Group



Karl Dubost

Daniel Dardailler

 Scott Hansen
Unicode I18N Felix Sasaki  Mark Davis
UN/CEFACT Official Std TF, Web Technologies Daniel Dardailler  Stuart Feder
UNESCO I18N, IGF Daniel Dardailler

Richard Ishida

Axel Plathe and Claudio Menezes
VoiceXML Forum

(through MoU with VoiceXML Forum)

Voice Browser, Multimodal Kazuyuki Ashimura Cindy Tiritilli
Web Accessibility Benchmarking (WAB) Cluster Accessibility Judy Brewer, Shadi Abou-Zhara Eric Velleman
WASP The Web Standards Project Communications Karl Dubost Jeffrey Zeldman
Web3D Web3D Consortium Graphics Chris Lilley Don Brutzman
WS-I Web Services Interoperability Organization Web Services Steve Bratt (management) Ed Cobb (management), Jeff Mischkinski (technical)

Considerations When Establishing a Liaison

Liaisons take a variety of forms, ranging from participation by an individual in a group, to membership agreements, to formal agreements through Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or other contracts. While W3C supports liaisons with other groups, the organization and development of these liaisons (formal or informal) requires time and resources. W3C's decision to pursue a liaison with a Partner is ultimately based on the perceived costs and benefits to W3C. Important considerations include:

W3C may choose not to pursue a liaison with an organization that has selective or arbitrary membership policies that serve only to benefit pre-existing or dominant members.

Per the W3C Process Document, all liaisons must be coordinated by the Team due to requirements for public communication; patent, copyright, and other IPR policies; confidentiality agreements; and mutual membership agreements.