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News :: Elections & Legislation : War

Daniel Ellsberg to Headline Impeachment Event in Concord

NH State Representative Betty Hall is hosting Dr. Daniel Ellsberg, Vietnam War critic, for a special event at the Capitol Center for the Arts Monday April 14 at 7pm. It was Ellsberg who released the Pentagon papers which helped end the Vietnam War. Ellsberg will be headlining a group of supporters for Betty Hall's HR24. If passed, HR24 will represent the first time that a state legislature would have invoked the special privilege to ask the US House for investigations to begin with a President and Vice-President.

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News :: Protest Activity

Four Activists Shut Down Bank of America for Fossil Fools Day Action

On Tuesday April 1, at about 8:40am, four activists took direct action against the Bank of America in Copley Square, Boston, by locking themselves to the front door to protest the banks funding of coal power in the US. The action was done with support from Rising Tide North America, the Rainforest Action Network, and the Energy Action Coalition.


Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Protest Activity : War

The Warmongers Fear US: PR and 5 Years Too Many in Iraq

We are not just a candle in the darkness, we are the majority that oppose this war, that have serious concerns that this war is self-defeating at least if not also completely unjustified, illegal and amoral. This majority is overwhelming globally, but also exists nationally and locally. There is a pattern of absurd PR efforts even just in the local area, illustrating that that warmongers are afraid that we, the populist peace movement, might derail their war of terrorism.

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News :: Elections & Legislation : Labor : Media

Final settlements in landline sale to FairPoint yield $362 million in new commitments from Verizon

The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission's decision to approve the sale of Verizon Communications operations to FairPoint Communications represents the last regulatory approval required for the transaction to occur. The transaction sparked a spirited debate about whether the sale was in the public's best interest and its future impact on economic development in the three northern New England states.


Announcement :: Peace

Protest in Concord against 5 years of war in Iraq


Saturday, March 15, beginning at 1:00 pm:

A large anti-war demonstration in Concord, "5 Years Too Many," sponsored by New Hampshire Peace Action and other groups on the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : War

Permanent Iraq Occupation to Control Oil

In the latest of his many "signing statements," George Bush has declared his intention to ignore the parts of the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act banning permanent military bases in Iraq and US control over Iraq's oil. Perhaps this didn't make it into most news outlets because it exposes only what was already known. After all, on August 31, 2005, the AP reported that George Bush said that we are still occupying Iraq for protection of the country's vast oil fields.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Media : Protest Activity

A new case of police abuse in the North Country

Nope, it ain't no Liko Kenney, it is a 44 year-old woman with no prior history with the law. And of course the Police Chief to whom she complained is a State Representative who co-sponsored the ill-advised Bruce McKay Highway bill.

In North Country anyone who dissents about the police will get a beat down.

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Commentary :: War

AFSC short video documenting cost of war

You may have seen the AFSC’s “Cost of War” display during the NH Primary season. The Primary is over; the war isn’t. We are still spending about half a million dollars every minute on the war/occupation.

AFSC has just released a new 2 min. video to help people understand the outrageous amount of money that is being spent daily on the Iraq war -- at the expense of meeting human needs.

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Regional News


The Lottery Commission, The Union Leader, Sen. D'Allessandro, and lobbyists are once again pushing for expanded gambling. So once again we ask, what do you want?
More machines at the tracks (the D'Allessandro plan)
A Foxwoods style resort in Berlin (the Gallus plan)
Free market in gambling (the Zombie Milton Friedman plan)
Less gambling
No poor tax/gambling
Status quo
More 'sports bars' and 'social clubs' in Manchester
A better way to fund K-12 education


There's a lot of games, smoke, mirrors, incomplete numbers, basically there's not much realism. They're playing the usual games.
-- In an election year turn-around, Sen. Gregg criticizes the Bush budget.
Source: Bloomberg

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