RALLY FOR PEACE in Lebanon and Gaza

Political actions
Jul 22 2006 - 12:00pm
Jul 22 2006 - 2:00pm

John Labatt Centre (outside, across from Covent Garden Market) (the corner of King and Talbot)

Everyone concerned about the mounting humanitarian crisis resulting from armed aggression against civilians in Lebanon and Gaza.

We are calling on the Canadian government to:
- oppose aggression in the Middle East presently, and condemn war crimes against civilians.
- take steps toward protecting Canadian citizens there.
- provide humanitarian aid to those affected by the fighting.

The rally has been called by the Association of London Muslims, with support from other groups. More information (including a leaflet, and other background materials) will be posted as it becomes available.

Time is rather short, and lots of people are out of town / otherwise occupied, so PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD as quickly and widely as you can.


The program will include a short march through downtown London. Please bring sun gear (hats, shade, sunglasses) and lots of water.Please note that this rally is intended to be peaceful. Participants are requested to refrain from denigrating any country or person in any manner, and from bringing other countries’ flags to the rally. Canadian flags are appropriate; as citizens our message is to our government and to the world. Groups and organizations are encouraged to bring their banners to demonstrate the diversity of this coalition. 

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flyer & petititon