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5/1 March and Rally for the respect, dignity and rights of all immigrants
5/9 HIMC Presents: At the Death House Door 7pm at Rice Cinema

Mon, Wed, Fri at 8pm, and Sun at 7pm: Food Not Bombs near Herman Square @ Smith and McKinney
Every Friday @ 7:30pm: Houston Indymedia Radio 90.1fm KPFT

About 9 enthusiastic media makers came to the TEJAS office last Saturday to learn more about radical radio. Among topics covered in the skills share were writing headlines, phone interviews (we interviewed HIMC veteran Rene Feltz about her new story the business of detention), some background on the history and ideas behing Indymedia, how we go about planning our radio program and basics of editing audio with the free software audacity.

The Houston Indymedia Radio Show airs every Friday at 7:30pm. Don't hate the media, be the media!..come by KPFT 90.1fm at 419 Lovett Blvd. and get involved. And of course please listen up! [listen up to the headlines we recorded at the workshop]

Riad Hamad died on April 14, 2008 in Austin, Texas, a victim of drowning in Lady Bird Lake. He was a tireless advocate for Palestinians, and especially women and children living in the occupied West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon. He created the Palestinian Children's Welfare Fund and raised millions of dollars through this organization for schools, charitable organizations, and hospitals.

On the morning of Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008, Riad, an award-winning schoolteacher in Texas and a Lebanese Muslim was in his bathroom getting ready for work when the doorbell rang at his modest apartment in Austin, Texas. About 18 FBI and IRS agents bearing guns and a search warrant from Judge Robert Pittman, [ well known for his hostility to Palestinians and Arabs and with whom Riad has had previous experience with] searched every nook and cranny of his apartment. They left with more than forty boxes of papers, files, computers, CDs and an ounce and a half of catnip. [read full story]
Remembering Riad Hamad from the April 25 Radio Show | A Friend Remembers Riad Hamad The complete unedited interview with Paul LaRudee

from the open publishing newswire: Faith and community leaders gather in front of the Houston federal building to denounce the workplace raid at Shipley Do-nuts that resulted in 20 workers' detention and likely removal from their homes and families.

There is conjecture by some activists that this raid may be related to the mid-March settlement of sexual harassment, racial threats and violations of labor law brought against Shipleys management by Shipleys workers. This lawsuit, which The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission looked into and gave the workers the right to sue, alleged that management called workers "wetbacks" threatened to deport them, did not pay workers for working overtime, and demanded payment from workers who wanted to leave work for vacation or to visit a doctor when hurt on the job. KHOU article on settlement | Chonicle article on settlement
From the Newswire: Rally at the Federal Building against the Shipley Donut raids | Immigration raid denounced | Cesar Espinoza with CRECEN denounces ICE Raids

from the open publishing newswire: In the second step of the Texas two-step process (actually three steps), delegates from precincts caucused to determine delegates to the state convention according to presidential preference. Contrary to what the mass media wants you to think, the number of delegates Obama or Clinton receive from Texas will not be known until after the state convention in June. In other words, we ain't done yet.

3000 delegates attended the convention. The usual attendance is around 300. A larger auditorium had to be reserved at the last moment due to the historically large attendance. This is a documentary of a Senate District Democratic Convention in Houston, Texas on March 29, 2008. The Senate District roughly comprises the northern half of Harris County.[watch the indy video coverage: Part 1 | Part 2]
Previous Coverage: Democratic Process Sweeps Harris County, will return in 4-8 years

from the open publishing newswire: On April 1st Michal Chertoff filled waivers to more than 30 federal laws including things like the endangered species act, the clean water act, historical preservation laws, tribal laws etc. as well as whatever state and local laws may apply, in order to start building a US Mexico Border wall in Texas.

The Real ID act that was passes in 2005 gives the department of homeland security the 'right' to waive these laws in the interest of building emergency fences and walls. The Secure Fence act of 2006 (Which Clinton and Obama both voted for) gives him the mandate to build the border wall, is very specific about where they have to build it, and when. The whackness of the Real ID Act also limits the legal recourse of people trying to sue to stop the fence. It can only be challenged on constitutional grounds, and people only have 60 days to file suit (by June it will be to late). Appeals are only allowed to be made to the supreme court.

370 MILES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE COMPLETED BY DEC 31 2008. DHS has already filed waivers to start construction in San Diego and Yuma AZ, and the legal challenges by environmental and constitutional lawyers have been unsuccessful. Lawyers may challenge the constitutionality of the whole process, but that will take a while, and there are less than 9 months till the deadline for 370 miles of fence to get built. [read the full article]

April 11 at Rice University, Rice For Peace and Justice hosted a teach-in on the border wall featuring Houston Environmental Lawyer Charles Irvine and Brownsville Teacher and Activist Elizabeth Stephens. [listen to audio and view photos]

April 11th Radio Show - No Border Wall Special Social Movements against the wall - April 18th Radio Show - looking at legal challenges to the wall | Previous Coverage: No Border Wall Walk Opposes Fear and the Secure Fence Act | Defenders of Wildlife Border Policy Page has maps of the Texas/Mexico border Wall | Texas Observer Dispatches from the Border Wall Web Feature

from the open publishing newswire: Tuesday, I drove down to Lake Jackson and met with folks from Ron Paul's office about the concerns that we have as members of Friends of Brad Will about The Merida Initiative, also known as Plan Mexico because of its similarities to Plan Colombia, another problematic anti-drug militarization package.

Ron Paul's Deputy Director Dianna Kile and District Scheduler Tracee L. Tollett seemed interested and engaged in the idea of stopping the Merida Initiative, aka Plan Mexico. Ron Paul can be counted on to oppose just about anything that entails the federal government spending money on something, especially something so unlikely to do any good. This is an issue appealing to both left and right politicians for many reasons, and therefore may be the kind of thing that a small but dedicated grassroots effort can help derail.

A Comment: We must stop this 'drug war' scheme, $ for military helicopters used against people in Oaxaca & Chiapas! No! - Another act to make: Global Exchange Petition
John Ross: From the Folks Who Brought You Plan Colombia - The Annexation of Mexico

from the open publishing newswire: Ten activists with Rainforest Action Network Houston showed up to take action on Dynegy's headquarters. While two activists delivered our Fossil Fool of the Year award to CEO of Dynegy, Bruce Williamson, eight others released a balloon banner in the Wells Fargo Plaza's main lobby. Everyone then proceeded to pass out literature about Dynegy, coal, and wind power in Texas to passers-by and people entering/exiting the building. The security though unaware reacted quickly however not timely enough to stop the two activists from delivering the award to Dynegy's secretary or stop the balloon banner from making it to the lobby's ceiling. No arrests were made. [full story with photos]

Additional coverage: Fossil Fools Day - Houston Banner Drops (with photo) | Fossil Fools Day Website | National Coverage from Indymedia.us | Global Coverage from Indymedia.org

from the open publishing newswire: Around a dozen protesters met in front of the library today (March 31st) and marched around the campus singing songs like "Swing Low Sweet Chariot", and "Glory Glory Halleluja" to mark the death of worker rights at the hands of the University President Renu Khator.

Khator has called for an apparel task force to look into the issue, but the task force has no labor experts or students. The University has also asked the Texas Attorney General for an opinion on whether they can withhold information from UHSAS in response to their public information request asking for documents related to the “apparel task force,” [full story with photos]

UH Students Against Sweatshops | Listen to an interview from the 3/28 HIMC Radio Show about the SAS campaign | Previous coverage: Valentines Day Anti-Sweatshop Rally at UH | UH anti-sweatshop activists raise awareness

from the open publishing newswire: The Environmental Justice Encuentro March 28-29 brought together community activists from around the state to share their experiences and to talk about ways to collaborate with scientific researchers. Attendees also got a chance to take a Toxic Tour of some of the most contaminated areas in Texas – East Houston’s 5th Ward, Magnolia and Manchester community.

On Friday, activists from several regions shared some of the environmental dangers facing their communities and the projects they’ve taken on to hold polluters accountable. Here are a few of those stories from Corpus Christi, Port Arthur, San Antonio and Houston.

Organizer John Sullivan hopes that this Encuentro will become a regular gathering. To find out more information about the environmental justice work being done in Houston, please visit the Texas Environmental Justice and Advocacy Services website at http://www.tejasbarrios.org/

Listen to an interview with Suzie Cannales of Corpus Christi about their use of scientific research to support their Environmental Justice work from the 3/28 HIMC Radio Show

from the open publishing newswire: A number of developments have taken place recently with the Angola 3 including national news coverage, a visit from Michigan congressman John Conyers and their release from solitary confinement after more than 35 years of cruel and unusual punishment. We hope the struggle to free the Angola 3 continues to escalate and is able to free Herman Wallace and Albert Woodfox. [read the full story]

Albert Woodfox, Herman Wallace and Robert Wilkerson were members of the Black Panther Party and framed for the murder of Louisiana prison guard Brent Miller, despite evidence that proves their innocence. They are belived to have been in solitary confinement for longer than anyone else in the united states.

Angola3.org | Past HIMC Coverage: Feb '08: Houstonians celebrate Political Prisoner Albert Woodfox's Birthday | Dec '05: A Slave Has a Moral Obligation to Escape: Day of solidarity with Political Prisoners

from the open publishing newswire: The third day of the No Border Wall Walk, March 10, it became very clear that we are in a struggle with fear. As people who have decided to sacrifice spring break to walk 120 miles, all of us have had to overcome the fear of being ridiculed, the fear of sacrificing and having no impact, the fear of being ignored. We have had to overcome the fear of sacrificing time, but we have all come to agree with Cesar Chavez that, “the rich may have money, but the poor have time.” We are fighting fear with our sacrifice of time.

Flyering the community of Los Ebanos trying to give them information about free legal aid, we saw the fear on their faces and in their eyes. So many people are afraid because they have no idea of their rights, no concept of their ability to nonviolently demonstrate and change reality. The fear could be seen from the dogs to the tired houses along el rio. We are fighting fear. [read the article with photos and video]

The Blog Smart Borders covered the No Border Wall Walk in Detail, from Roma to Brownsville: Day one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | St. Patricks Day Reflection | Legal Outlook on the Border Wall
NoTexasBorderWall.com | No Texas Border Wall Blog | The Wall: A documentary on the Secure Fence Act of 2006 | Photo from {illtown}

from the open publishing newswire: Houston Palestine film festival 2008 film lineup was announced at a fund raiser hosted at Mind Puddles on Dunlavy. A silent auction and Poems read aloud in Arabic highlighted the evening. [full article with photo and trailers]

The Festival will take Place from May 9th to May 18th. This is the second annual festival, last years program is visible here
Houston Palestine Film Festival Website | Pictured; poet Fady Jouda

Houston Indymedia has changed the wording of our Mission Statement, which sits on the about page and serves along with the Action Guidelines as the document new participants sign. The wording of the new statement is:

"The Houston Independent Media Center is an all volunteer collective committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice. We seek to provide alternatives to for-profit media not only in our coverage, but also within our collective by implementing consensus based non-hierarchical work-group models of decision making. While focusing on local social movements, we will explore connections to global systems. We believe that by reporting on dissent, by critiquing corporate, government and military domination, and by promoting art, culture and critical thinking through participatory events, we can contribute to the development of an equitable and sustainable society."

Some of the significant changes since the previous Mission Statement from early 2001 includes that we are all volunteers, that we are focusing on social movements, that we reporting on dissent, and that our events are intended to be participatory.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with us at Houston Indymedia, please send an email to: houston at indymedia dot org

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Last updated: Wed, 31 Dec 1969 16:00:00 -0800imc-houston (top)

Local News

Congressional Hearing on the Border Wall at Texas Southmost College in Brownsville A29 4:50PM


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Low Rider Band (War) at the I-Fest A26 4:52PM

cesarinterview A26 12:53PM

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