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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Media

WYPR Community Meeting on March 27 Charts a Course

Maryland residents continue to organize around changing the WYPR public radio station in Baltimore to be responsive to the community. Daily protests continue in advance of WYPR's April fund drive.


News :: Activism : Education : History

Brief Reportback on SDS: A graphic History @ 2640

Brief report back on Paul Buhle's Graphic history of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and discussion with current young generation of activists.


News :: Baltimore MD : War in Iraq

Via William Hughes: 5 Videos from the “Winter Soldier and Baltimore Speak Out" against the occupation 3/19


News :: War in Iraq

5 Years of War and Occupation Brings Resistance in the Streets of DC, March 19

On March 19, antiwar protesters hammered War profiteer's Row in the K st area in DC along with blockades at the IRS and paint bombs at a military recruiter. The morning started off a little slow, with 30+ arrested from traditional non-violent CD. Activists said there wasn't enough people at first, but as the day went on, way more people showed and succeeded in a couple serious blockades, roving tours visiting warmongers, a demonstration of waterboarding in front of the White House, and several mini stoppages of the daily business of downtown DC.

Morning Picts from M19
Connecticut and K blockaded-been holding an hour
Images: Street Blockcade @ 17th and K
Paint bombs hammer Bechtel, Recruiter
WSQT coverage of March 19 protests
Photos from March of the Dead, arrests by US Capitol
Photos from M19 —- Afternoon —-
Photo From Caterpillar Die-In Today at About 1pm (Palestine Action)
This was the best protest I've ever been to.
street arrest, March 2008
Adam Kokesh Demands Impeachment


Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Health Care : Poverty : Protest Activity

Demonstrate outside City Hall on Tuesday in Favor of Housing for ALL

Baltimore's City Hall.jpg
Come join us on Tuesday outside of City Hall to demand that Baltimore City not close down the Code Blue Shelter and to demonstrate in favor of permanent, affordable housing FOR ALL!

UPDATE: The Rally is now starting at 2PM at City Hall.

UPDATE: Check out the Media Gallery for pictures from the rally.

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News :: Baltimore MD : Media : Miscellaneous

WYPR President Chats About Their New Host With a Protester

WYPR President Tony Brandon refuses to reverse his Feb. 1, 2008 decision to eliminate the important Maryland public-radio news program: The Marc Steiner Show. Today he spoke with a protester.

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Review :: Economy : History : U.S. Government

Oh, That Trillion Dollar Financial Bubble, It’s Leaking!

Author Charles R. Morris calls the current financial crisis, “The greatest credit bubble in history!” The roots of the coming financial crisis reach back through recent Republican history.

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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Labor : Protest Activity

February 27th UNITE-HERE! Picket and Demonstration reportback

A brief reportback on the February 27th City Center Sheraton UNITE-HERE! picket and demonstration for adequate rights, job security, decent wages, and affordable health care.



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